In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 1926: extradimensional universe

There was a series of shrill screams amid the loud bang!

Ji Haotian's Heavenly Dao Master Art instantly annihilated the five great creators!

The Dao bodies of the five major creators were destroyed, and their battered superhuman souls were about to escape, but they were instantly shrouded and annihilated by Ji Haotian's supernatural meaning!

At this point, the five great creators have followed in the footsteps of the five great creators and the five great saviours. Both body and spirit have perished, and they have returned to nothingness and ceased to exist!

So far, the fifteen incomparably powerful super-primitives were all killed by the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian in an instant!

"Mummy!" The Three Saints of Cloud and Mist were suddenly frightened and screamed, turning their heads and running away, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye!

The only remaining eight supreme beings were also very frightened. They did not dare to stay here any longer, and they left quickly, disappearing in an instant.

At this point, only the fifteenth avenue is left outside the innate super-dimensional cave...

one year later.

The ultra-dimensional crystals were mature, and the Supreme Five Emperors equally divided 500 ultra-dimensional crystals, and then left.

Time flies, time flies like a shuttle.

Five hundred years later.

The five ultimate forbidden places disappeared from the ultra-infinite universe one after another, and all flew up to the higher-level ultra-dimensional universe.

Another three hundred years have passed.

The five supreme kingdoms also disappeared from the super-infinite universe one after another, and they all soared across the country.

So far, the legend of the Heavenly Emperor Ji Haotian, the Supreme Five Emperors, the Master of the Fifteen Dao and the Supreme Five Kingdoms has become a super-infinite universe...

The ultra-dimensional universe, also known as the ultra-dimensional core universe, contains countless super-universes, countless multiverses and countless other universes. The practitioners of the ultra-dimensional universe are collectively referred to as the ultra-dimensional ones. Force, Dao Domain and Internal Universe (Super-dimensional person's internal universe is equivalent to a single universe, located in the internal Dantian space).

The realm of the super-dimensional person from low to high is:

Planetary Realm, Star Realm, Nebula Realm, Galaxy Realm, Star Realm Realm, Single Universe Realm, Parallel Universe Realm, Multiverse Realm, Super Universe Realm, Core Universe Realm realm)

The super-dimensional devices used by super-dimensional users are of nine grades, from low to high:

Low-level super-dimensional device, primary super-dimensional device, intermediate super-dimensional device, advanced super-dimensional device, top-level super-dimensional device, super-dimensional super-device, super super-dimensional device, ultimate super-dimensional device, and ultimate super-dimensional device.

The super-dimensional skills, super-dimensional skills, super-dimensional supernatural powers, super-dimensional spells, and super-dimensional forbidden techniques practiced by super-maintainers are divided into seven levels. Creation level, transcendence level.

Ultra-dimensional people generally use ultra-dimensional crystals to practice or trade. Ultra-dimensional crystals are also known as ultra-dimensional source crystals. The grades from low to high are: low-grade ultra-dimensional crystals, middle-grade ultra-dimensional crystals, top-grade ultra-dimensional crystals, and super-high-quality ultra-dimensional crystals. Wei Jing.

Ultra-dimensional crystal contains rich ultra-dimensional source energy and cosmic source energy, which is produced from ultra-dimensional crystal tree and ultra-dimensional crystal ore. Under normal circumstances, the ultra-dimensional crystal produced by ultra-dimensional crystal tree is more pure and more abundant. Therefore, most of the super-dimensional people will plant a large number of super-dimensional crystal trees.

Time Crystal: It is condensed by the creation-level genius who controls the time avenue using the time element. It is an extremely precious and rare auxiliary treasure. The time crystal used by super-dimensional users contains the power of time element dimension, which is called super-dimensional. The main function of the dimension-level time crystal is to arrange the time array, reverse the flow of time, save time, and achieve the purpose of quickly practicing and improving strength.

The crystal of time is divided into four grades, from low to high grade: low-grade time crystal, middle-grade time crystal, high-grade time crystal, and top-grade time crystal.

The life planets of the extra-dimensional universe are divided into nine levels, from low to high:

Low-level life planet, primary life planet, intermediate life planet, high-level life planet, top-level life planet, super life planet, super life planet, ultimate life planet, ultimate life planet.

The forces of the extra-dimensional universe are divided into nine levels, from low to high:

Low-level forces, primary forces, middle-level forces, high-level forces, top-level forces, super-level forces, super-powers, ultimate powers, and ultimate powers (only in legends).

The genius level of the super-dimensional person is divided into five levels, from low to high: general-level genius, king-level genius, emperor-level genius, creation genius, and transcendence genius.

Among them, there will be one general-level genius among hundreds of millions of creatures, one king-level genius among billions of creatures, one emperor-level genius in a super world, one creation genius in a single universe, and one beyond Geniuses only exist in legends, and there may not be one in a multiverse.

Those with high-level Taoist bodies and high-level Taoist souls are called general-level geniuses.

Those with a king-level Taoist body and a king-level Taoist soul are called king-level geniuses.

Those who possess an emperor-level Taoist body and an emperor-level Taoist soul are called emperor-level geniuses.

Those who have a creation-level Tao body and a creation-level Tao soul are called creation geniuses.

Those who possess a transcendent Dao body and a transcendent Dao soul are called transcendental geniuses.

Those with a transcendent Dao body and 3,000 life Dao souls are called almighty transcendental geniuses (which only exist in legends).

The grades of the three thousand avenues are divided from low to high: low-level avenues, intermediate-level avenues, high-level avenues, king-level avenues, emperor-level avenues, creation-level avenues, and transcendence-level avenues.

The five great avenues of transcendence, the ten great avenues of creation, one hundred and twenty emperor-level avenues, and five hundred kinds of king-level The rest are high-level, intermediate-level, and low-level avenues.

There are three thousand kinds of Dao fields unique to super-dimensional people, also known as the three thousand Dao fields, that is, the Dao enchantment that super-dimensional people will comprehend when they reach a certain height, it can also be called the Dao field. When you obtain the Dao, you comprehend the Dao field like the enchantment. In this Dao field, you are the master, controlling everything and ignoring everything, but if both sides have the Dao field, then you can only collide, just like the collision of the enchantment, come A fight. The avenue field is equivalent to condensing a huge spherical avenue area around you. This avenue area has its own rules, and this is the biggest one. But in battle, if others also have the Dao Domain, it will be stone to stone to see who is tougher, that is, whoever has the stronger Dao Domain ability, whoever is the victor.

The avenues are divided into seven levels, from low to high: low-level avenues, intermediate-level avenues, high-level avenues, king-level avenues, emperor-level avenues, genesis-level avenues, and transcendental-level avenues, among which beyond The super-level avenue field is the strongest and largest, some super-level avenue fields can cover a galaxy, some super-level avenue fields can cover a universe, some super-level avenue fields can cover a multiverse, the legendary five absolute supreme avenue fields It can even cover countless multiverses.

The most powerful of the three thousand avenues are the legendary five absolute supreme avenues, which are controlled by the legendary five transcendence masters, namely: the great domain of heaven, the great domain of nothingness, the great domain of Hongmeng, He is in charge of the Chaos Realm and the Space-Time Realm.

The strength of the Dao Domain depends on the level of the owner's own cultivation realm.

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