In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3584: Supreme 5 Kingdoms (11)

The Ten Heavenly Innate Holy Waters:

Chaos Ancestral Water, One Yuan Heavy Water, Three Lights True Water, Three Thousand Weak Waters, Heavenly Holy Water, Undetermined Black Water, Forgetting River Water, Eight Merits and Virtues Water, Life Water, Xuanming True Water.

The Ten Heavenly Innate Holy Lands:

Hongmeng Creation Land, Unsurpassed Daluo Heavenly Land, Eternal Bliss Pure Land, Jade Purity Sacred Land, Yu Yu Yu Sacred Land of Supreme Purity, Taiqing Great Red Sacred Land, Supreme Mira Real Land, One True Unobstructed Dharma Land, The Great Sun Glazed Pure Land, and the Nine Heavens Resting Soil Spiritual Soil.

The Ten Great Gardens of the Great Desolation of the Kingdom of Heaven: These are ten super-large gardens composed of the Ten Great Desolate Flowers of the Great Desolation. The Ten Great Desolate Flowers of Great Desolation are all magical and each has its own magical effect. They are:

Prehistoric Purple Emperor Lotus - Longevity

Honghuangdong Minghua - see through the false

The flood of immortal lotus - immortal and immortal

Prehistoric Yunzhi - Escape from the sky

Wild Ambrosia - Boundless Mana

Nine Sui Wo in the Wilderness - Withered Trees Meet Spring

Prehistoric Drunken Chrysanthemum - Drunk for a thousand years

The Great Desolate Emperor Hughes Flowers - Relieving Sorrows and Forgetting Sorrows

Dreamland in the Wilderness - A Dream for a Thousand Years

Honghuang Huitianzhi - Resurrection of the Dead

The top ten gardens in the prehistoric kingdom of heaven are: Prehistoric Purple Emperor Lotus Garden, Honghuang Cave Minghua Garden, Prehistoric Immortal Lotus Garden, Prehistoric Tengyunzhi Garden, Prehistoric Ambergris Garden, Prehistoric Emperor Xiuhua Garden, Prehistoric Huaimenglan Garden, Prehistoric Garden Back to Tianzhi Garden.

Heaven's One Billion Cave Heaven: There are countless rare treasures and panacea in it.

Heaven's Billion Blessed Land: There are countless magical powers and peerless treasures in it.

Heaven's Billion Paradise: There are countless heaven and earth spiritual roots and heaven and earth treasures.

The most famous paradise in the kingdom of heaven is the Garden of Eden. The Garden of Eden is the largest and most beautiful paradise among the countless paradises in the kingdom of heaven. The beautiful Garden of Eden is sprinkled with gold, pearls, onyx and countless rare treasures. Various trees grow from the ground. Full of all kinds of exotic flowers, it is very beautiful; the fruit on the tree is beautiful, and it can also be used for food and other purposes. In the garden there are also trees of life and trees of knowledge of good and evil. There is also river water flowing in the garden, moisturizing the earth. The river is divided into four rivers that surround the beautiful Garden of Eden: the first river is called the Tianhe Pison; the second is the Tianhe Gihon; the third is the Tianhe Hidekiel; and the fourth is the Tianhe River. In the Garden of Eden, there are spirit beasts on the ground, different birds in the sky, trees in the garden, flowers in the fields, countless treasures of heaven and earth, spiritual roots of heaven and earth, as well as a lot of palaces and pavilions, Qionglou and Yuyu, and the garden is quiet. It is beautiful, the scenery is pleasant, and it is beautiful, just like a paradise, the supreme holy land.

The only inland sea in the Kingdom of Heaven is the Sea of ​​Eternal Life. It is a vast and beautiful ocean within the Heavenly Kingdom Continent. The sea of ​​eternal life is a beautiful sea of ​​life, the sea water is the water of life containing the power of endless life, the sea is the mother body of life, and the sea water is the baptism of life.

The area of ​​Eternal Life Sea is 100 million square kilometers. There are 100,000 beautiful islands of different sizes in the vast Eternal Life Sea, and there are 3 billion islanders living there.

There are three masters in the sea of ​​eternal life, called the three queens of life. They are three young and beautiful female geniuses of creation with the body of life. They live on the island of life in the sea of ​​eternal life.

There are 100,000 islands in the Eternal Life Sea, and there are 100,000 island owners. The ten largest islands among the 100,000 islands are called the top ten super islands. Each super island has tens of millions of islanders, namely: Life Island, Shengyun Island , Shengguang Island, Shenghui Island, Shengling Island, Wansheng Island, Ansheng Island, Fansheng Island, Huasheng Island, Huaisheng Island.

The beautiful sea of ​​eternal life is calm, sparkling, smoke is vast, the sky is clear, and the scales are racing. The sound of the waves crashing against the rocks and the sand was endlessly loud, and the waves, almost like a white line, rushed from afar, slammed against the shore, made a rhythmic splash, and then burst into The foam disappeared between the sand and gravel, followed by a row of waves chasing it.

At the junction of the sea and the sky, blue slowly spreads towards the beach. The sea is as blue and clear as the sky, shining like a silver brilliance.

The eternal sea is so beautiful and so quiet, but it can always make people discover its different beauty, and let hundreds of millions of creatures feel the beauty of nature together! In the future, the sea will be bluer, the grass will be greener, and billions of creatures will live in a world of beauty.

The kingdom of heaven is a paradise of bliss and eternal life, a place that is with the source of all good and separated from all evil.

There are many beautiful places in heaven, which are immortal.

In the kingdom of heaven, there will be no disaster, no sorrow, no tears, no death, and no labor.

The kingdom of heaven is completely holy, without sin, without the use of sunlight, but it will always shine brightly.

The kingdom of heaven, that is, the supreme dojo of the great master of heaven, is the kingdom of absolute supremacy, the kingdom of immortality, the first holy land in the universe, containing the three thousand avenues and the ultimate truth, and it is also an all-encompassing view of the universe. It is everywhere, and everything is in the causal reincarnation that it has created. In reality, all works that have appeared, may appear, will appear and will not appear, all scripts, all movies, all films, all life. , all gods, all gods, all words, all languages, all thoughts, all imaginations, all fantasies, all fantasies, all whims, all hypotheses, all delusions, all fancies, all associations, all fantasies, all dreams, all memes, All Antimeme, All Thought, All Matter, All Ability, All Energy, All Force, All Power, All Idealism, All Materialism, All Universe, All Dimension, All Dimension, All Bit face, all world, all box, all collection, all void, all nothingness, all space, all time, all logic, all cause and effect, all destiny, all possibility, all impossibility, all omnipotence, all future, all existence, all realm , all levels, all worldviews, all non-existent, all existing, all anti-existing, all real, all illusion, all structure, all visible, all invisible, all known, all unknown, all intelligible, all incomprehensible, all All a priori, all a posteriori, all transcendental, all properties, all arithmetic, all operations, all infinity, all Aleph, all bass, all unreachable, all cardinal, all ordinal, all literature, all mathematics, all numbers Yu, all science, all physics, all chemistry, all astronomy, all geography, all philosophy, all metaphysics, all theology, all disciplines, all knowledge, all metaphysical, all metaphysical, all absolute, all truth, all truth, all jurisprudence, All Dao, all Heaven, all laws, all rules, all sentient beings, all ruthless, all ego, all external ego, all superego, all non-self, all non-self, all true self, all false self, all ultimate, all end , all beginnings, all destructions, all creations, all supreme, all greatness, all supreme, all transcendence, all presuppositions, all concepts, all qualities, all abstractions, all concreteness, all vagueness, all details, all transcendence, all detachment , all other shores, all Taoist causes, all Taoist effects, all eternal, all absolute, all authority, all omnipotent, all non-thinking, all non-non-thinking, all non-non-non-thinking, everything... everything.

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