In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3588: The great master of Hongmeng is too 1 Hongmeng

Titus Star, Spring Breeze Ruyi Courtyard.

In the gorgeous and elegant pavilion, the great master of Hongmeng, Taiyi Hongmeng, and three beautiful women of the Wu tribe were enjoying tea and chatting leisurely.

Taiyi Hongmeng: The great master of Hongmeng, alias Hongmeng Chao Brahma, Hongdi, one of the fifteen great masters, has the nominal character of Hongmeng, is in charge of Hongmeng, represents the embodiment of the sum of Hongmeng in the entire universe, is the master of all Hongmeng, and exists in the superhero. An abstract **** born from time to time, the source, creator and manipulator of all primordial universes in an infinite multiverse.

The name Taiyi Hongmeng means the origin of Taiyi, the Hongmeng of heaven and earth. He is essentially above and above all, above any definition and above any meaning, and no definition, any thing, any substance means nothing to him, he is beyond total existence and total non-existence, to reach The realm of non-non-existence and non-non-existence (neither existence nor nonexistence, neither nonexistence nor nonexistence).

The residence of the great master of Hongmeng Taiyi Hongmeng is the Hongguo Hongmeng Chao Brahma Palace. The strongest and ultimate power is the Hongmeng Chao Brahma soul. The personified image is a beautiful man of the Wu clan with purple hair and purple eyes, with purple Hongmeng eight wings on his back, and there are The nine-colored halo of wisdom and all kinds of visions, sometimes sitting or lying in the purple lotus, the almighty and supreme treasure, shining with purple light.

At this moment, Ji Haotian, the great master of the heavenly way, strode in leisurely.

Seeing the old friend coming, Taiyi Hongmeng immediately sent the three beautiful women from the Wu clan away, and invited Ji Haotian to sit down for a cup of tea and chat.

He looked at Ji Haotian, who was sitting down, and said with a long smile, "Ji Tiangou, a foodie who loves listening to music, you are so amazing, you actually found this place!"

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "Taiyi, a prostitute, is a prostitute. You are also very good. You are an invincible prostitute in the universe. I admire you!"

Taiyi Hongmeng said: "I am not a prostitute, a prostitute, I am a lover, Taiyi, who is affectionate. I am affectionate in the universe, spreading emotions, spreading love, and making the universe full of affection and love."

Ji Haotian asked, "How many lovers and illegitimate children do you have? How many good sisters do you have?"

Taiyi Hongmeng said, "I have nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine roses."

Ji Haotian said, "I see, you have 9,999 lovers, amazing!"

Taiyi Hongmeng: ...

Ji Haotian asked, "Are you recuperating in this brothel?"

Tai Yi Hongmeng nodded and said, "Not bad."

Ji Haotian asked, "How did your soul get hurt?"

He has sensed that Taiyi Hongmeng's soul has been traumatized.

Taiyi Hongmeng said helplessly: "I was attacked by three ancient gods, and my soul was injured. When my injuries recover, I will destroy them."

Ji Haotian said, "Do you need me to help you heal?"

Tai Yi Hongmeng said: "Of course I need it, your heavenly life light can heal my soul wounds in a short time."

Ji Haotian said, "Come on, I'll take you into the Heavenly Dao Pagoda Heavenly Dao Realm and heal you."

In this way, Ji Haotian brought Taiyi Hongmeng directly into the Tiandao Pagoda Tiandao Realm, and the Tiandao Pagoda automatically made a speck of dust falling to the corner of the pavilion.

Tiandao Pagoda, Tiandao Realm.

Tiandao Mountain, Tiandao Palace.

In the magnificent and magnificent hall, the two of them sat on a huge nine-colored futon, and Ji Haotian used the life light of heaven to start healing and repairing Taiyi Hongmeng's soul wound.

Heavenly Life Light: Also known as Innate Life Light, the image is an endless piece of innate colored light without beginning and end. This endless colored light can instantly illuminate countless multiverses. Its core is the original light seed of Heavenly Life Light, possessing wisdom. The light spirit is the infinite innate light with life and wisdom, and the ancestor of all light.

The light of life in the Tao of Heaven comes from primordial chaos, born at the beginning of all things. It is an immortal, eternal but impermanent innate existence, the root of heaven and earth, and the mother of all things. It is the embodiment of the power of life and mind in primordial chaos, symbolizing life and emotion.

It is the connection point of all spiritual souls that exist in the countless multiverses or will exist in the future, and is the creator and source of spiritual power. It is the reservoir and ruler of the life and emotional energies of future generations throughout the countless multiverses.

Its endless light can instantly illuminate countless multiverses, and can create, nurture, dominate, nourish, heal, change, and resurrect everything, including creating or restarting countless multiverses, and healing or resurrecting all things. The owner of the Heavenly Dao's life light is immortal, and no matter how much damage, it cannot completely destroy him.

The Heavenly Dao life light can also create and manipulate the coordinates of the space dimension and any coordinates on the time line, so as to travel back and forth to any space-time point. It can also destroy and delete any space-time coordinates on the timeline and space dimension. One or some parallel universes in a dimension can be completely deleted.

As the incarnation of primordial chaotic life and emotions, the light of life of the Tao of Heaven has the highest level of cosmic perception and cosmic intuition, which allows it to perceive what has happened in the past, what is happening now, and what will happen in the future.

As the connection point of all the souls of life in countless multiverses, it has powerful spiritual power and can achieve all psychic powers. Such as multiverse-level telepathy and teleportation, etc.

It is also the container and ruler of the energy of future generations of countless multiverses, and can use the power reserved for future generations of life to deny their existence. It can use this ability to produce enormous destructive power. Therefore, the Heavenly Dao Life Light possesses infinite energy.

Manipulate matter to the subatomic level or stronger, can easily change their own elements (such as converting wood into gold, stone into crystal, etc.), reaching the level of matter reorganization, mass-energy conversion, and void creation , can do: as small as life, as large as the universe, can be decomposed, transformed, reorganized, created, cured, and resurrected at will.

Can manipulate time and space at will, such as space teleportation, space stillness, time teleportation, time stillness, manipulation of space dimension, manipulation of time axis, shuttle to and from any space-time point, etc. By folding the energy of space-time, a door similar to a black hole can be created, which can travel through space or time at will. It can easily destroy the space dimension/time axis (from one dimension to infinite can freely roam in any dimension, dimension, universe.

Has the power to control cause and effect, weave destiny, and manipulate all things. And arbitrarily modify history, ignoring the law of causality.

It has the ability to destroy, distort, modify, and restart reality at will, and its influence on reality can reach the cosmic level, parallel universe level and even multiverse level.

The Heavenly Dao Life Light can manipulate any form of energy in the multiverse (absorb/transform/release all energy).

It can directly absorb energy, such as devouring light energy, shock waves, optic nerve pulse waves, and devouring everything to recharge itself, such as devouring the entire sun, galaxy, and universe to replenish itself, and can also absorb energy and life energy from enemies, that is Deprive the enemy's vitality, strengthen their own vitality.

In the same way, the Light of Heavenly Dao life can be used to regenerate or destroy everything in the countless multiverses, and even the countless multiverses themselves.

As the incarnation of primitive chaotic life and emotion, the Heavenly Dao Life Light will only recognize those with the Heavenly Dao body as the host, and only those with the Heavenly Dao body can bear and control the Heavenly Dao Life Light. When linked with the host, the Heavenly Dao Life Light can enhance its abilities to immeasurable levels.

The ability of the Heavenly Dao Life Light depends on the strength of the host's cultivation. The higher the host's cultivation, the stronger the ability to destroy the Heavenly Dao Life Light. That is to say, the stronger the host, the stronger the Heavenly Dao Life Light will be. Strong, can be infinitely improved, infinitely powerful.

The host destroys the life of the heavens, and the light can create, dominate, manipulate, modify, decompose, transform, reorganize, heal, resurrect, extract, and deprive everything that is two big realms and twenty small realms higher than him at will, including Sun, galaxy, universe, time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, laws, everything.

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