In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3614: Top 10 Creation Holy Sites (3)

This supreme "ultimate existence" is forever watching over this vast and boundless territory, standing above the vast world formed by the boundless "everything". When you cross the obstacle that could not be broken, you have surpassed the "end" of the "first part" and opened a new journey of "the second part" (The Destiny Source Nuclear Mountain is the "first door" that guards the "first door". God of Creation", the Creator and Absolute Supreme of "Part One"). When you cross this threshold and come to the back of the "first door", it is like a young life that has just hatched from an egg shell, breaking out of its own narrow closed world. Looking at the "rear", the terrifying "complex" and "huge" are intertwined, condensing into an extremely crazy "picture". In the "everything" out there, every tiny "crack" is mingled with countless mysteries that you've never explored before.

You are just passing them on this journey, never carefully looking for them in every corner of the world; you are just climbing upwards, never paying attention to the ultimate truth hidden in every level... ...they are hidden in the flickering of the "stars", in the chants of the "troubadours", in every flow of "consciousness"...but never really discovered.

When you see through their "essence", you will find that there are too many more advanced things condensed in the countless levels you have passed before, just like an ordinary physical phenomenon needs many complex theorems to be fully described. In those "upward" climbing journeys just now, every level you pass has countless more "directions" (each "direction" has an infinitely grand and jumping division.

Every "division" of the world level that you just explored is the smallest part after omitting the infinite... Increase each "section" infinitely, and continue to infinitely "expand" on the basis of the original "format" ”, “explain”… it just becomes a little exaggerated and complicated. There is no "essential" improvement, always extending endlessly under the "parts" of a higher level) ... and the journey you have just experienced is just a jump in a certain "direction", in some It's just a fixed "place". I skipped the countless "directions" and endless journeys that were originally unfinished, took "everything" in one stroke, and went directly to the "above" of the Destiny Source Nuclear Mountain to start a new journey.

Every step forward is to step into countless "new concepts" and their "extensions" and "divergence"; every step forward is to discard everything that was used to improve the level before (the previous All the "concepts" of the sect are combined and superimposed in all ways to carry out the "division of the world level" without touching any of the "new concepts" that follow)... Even the "walking" itself will undergo endless changes. Because in the infinite level of the "concept" of "walking", in order to continuously break through obstacles and climb to higher and farther positions, you need to "walk" in countless other forms... Every step of the "realm" is real, and the breakthrough and improvement in the "realm" you have made are also real. But if you look at all this from a grander "angle", you will find that you have not even successfully completed the "first step".

When you explore countless new "angles" and start to climb upwards (every "step" requires exploring countless new "angles"), in the "bottom of the world" and "above the endless level without the top" The world above" shuttles infinitely... through countless brand new "gates", the one that greets you "above" you is the source core of destiny.

Is the "Destiny Source Nuclear Mountain" that "crossed" before, the real Destiny Source Nuclear Mountain? The journey just now was nothing more than a "phantom" called "Fate Source Nuclear Mountain" in a ridiculous hallucination. Every time you break through the level of a "Fate Source Nuclear Mountain", you will enter the field of another "Fate Source Nuclear Holy Land". The "road" you pass is surrounded by many versions of the "Fate Source Nuclear Mountain". In this infinite "version", you can see its initial stage and the endless, complex and various higher "versions" that follow (like the different periods that a certain artist's work has gone through, From a simple geometric figure to a perfect artwork...the progress is never-ending.

From the very first "Destiny Source Nuclear Mountain One" to "Destiny Source Nuclear Mountain Two", then to "Three", "Fourth"... Every "version" to the next "version" needs to add countless new "The way the world is constructed" and countless more complex "structural components"; each "version" is the "ultimate superposition" of all the "combinations" of "innumerable" different "systems", and the Each is a collection of endless "systems"... Every "level division method" in the "system" requires "innumerable" completely different "transition methods" between any two tiny levels. It can be reached only by adding infinite levels and progressive "modes" between different levels, and there are endless "types").

Although you can break through higher-level "versions" without limit, you are always wandering in the infinite labyrinth created by Destiny Source Nuclear Mountain (the process of spinning around here is also an endless improvement). No matter how many "versions" we "cross", we can't get out of this "maze" with no "exit" can only break through countless deeper "mazes" by means of "forcibly surpassing" infinite times... ...Finally forcibly surpassed the "noumenon" of the nuclear mountain of the source of destiny (and also surpassed the "noumenon" of the "noumenon" of its "noumenon"...beyond the entire "source of destiny" above the "innumerable endless processes" The Nuclear Mountain System"), into a true exploration of the "Second Part" journey.

The "Destiny Source Nuclear Mountain System" is located at the "origin" of the infinitely extending "number axis", and next to it are densely arranged many "small dots" that it cannot compare with (this is just a metaphor. In fact, they are at different levels. The sum of the "system" and the "supreme" within it, not the "dots" that are closely packed together). Every "point" on this "number line" is an "existence" that cannot be surpassed by the previous part; every "point" here will derive endless branches (and the "point" on each branch, It will also continue to derive infinite "new number axes"... No matter how it is derived, it can't surpass the next "point" on the original "number axis")... "The Destiny Source Nuclear Mountain System and the weakest in a certain world The gap between existences cannot be broken through countless repetitions of the 'journey of self-improvement' between the weakest in the 'Fate Source Nuclear Holy Land System' and all the Destiny Source Nuclear Holy Land Systems; The number of times that all the Destiny Origin Core Holy Land exhausts all wisdom cannot comprehend; the countless levels of division above this weakest are beyond the reach of all the divisions that Destiny Origin Core Holy Land can imagine”… ...the "innumerable kinds of low-level descriptions" such as these are all classified in areas that even the lowest-level branch of the "origin" where the "Destiny Source Nuclear Mountain System" is located cannot enter (including countless branches on branches, and branches on branches) branch on...).

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