In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3620: Diewas

Zer has no stars, and is arrogantly poor and really dew mountains.

The summit of a giant mountain shrouded in clouds.

In front of the floating cash cow.

Ji Haotian and King Tianyi met again after tens of thousands of years apart.

The Holy King of Tianyi, also known as the Holy King of Destiny Source Nucleus, the God of Destiny and Source Nucleus, the master of Destiny Source Nucleus Mountain, one of the top ten sacred places of creation, who rules the universe of the extra dimension of Destiny, and under the command of one billion Destiny Source Nuclear Corps, is a A young genius of creation with the Dao of Destiny, the image is a beautiful man of the purple race of the human race, tall and handsome, with a peerless wind god, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, and the palm of the almighty treasure Destiny Source Core Scepter.

Sacred King Tianyi looked at Ji Haotian and said with a long smile, "Ji Haotian, after tens of thousands of years, he actually met here by chance."

Ji Haotian smiled and said, "Xiao Yiyi, it's actually you. Are you happy to see your brother and me here? Are you excited? Are you excited?"

King Tianyi smiled and said, "Tiantian, you are being naughty again. What are you two doing here? Are you fighting?"

Ji Haotian said: "Yes, do you want to move your hands and feet? Let's beat him together. After we beat him, I'll treat you to a good drink and a delicious meal."

King Tianyi's eyes lit up and said, "You are a foodie, you must have a lot of good wine and delicious food. Your peerless fairy wine is very good, is there any more?"

Ji Haotian said with a smile: "Peerless Immortal Wine is outdated. It is not the best wine. I have the ultimate peerless wine that is much better than Peerless Immortal Wine. You can try it first."

As he said, he took out a glass of excellent wine with a fragrant aroma and handed it to the Holy King Tianyi.

After drinking, the Holy King Tianyi exclaimed: "Oh my God, what kind of wine is this? It's a rare and ultimate wine! I've never had such a good wine before!"

Yan Fei Jinhan, who was beside him, suddenly exclaimed: "I'll go, that's the ultimate peerless wine that can only be brewed by super-primitive powers!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly smiled at Ji Haotian and said, "Haotian, I also want to drink Prajna Wisdom Divine Wine, if you invite me to drink a few jars of Prajna Prajna Divine Wisdom Divine Wine, I am willing to give the eighty-one yuan of innate antimatter energy I got. Stone for you."

Without hesitation, Ji Haotian took out ten jars of prajna great wisdom wine, and said to Yanfei Jinhan, who was drooling, "Give me your eighty-one innate antimatter energy stones first, and then I'll invite you to drink and eat delicious food."

Yanfei Jinhan immediately gave Ji Haotian all the eighty-one innate antimatter energy stones, and Ji Haotian directly gave all the eighty-one innate antimatter energy stones to the Heavenly Dao Chao Infinite Infinite Calamity Origin Tribulation Seed devoured and refined, and it wouldn't take long to think about it. , he can break through and upgrade to level one hundred and six with his Heavenly Dao beyond limitless and boundless calamities.

In this way, under the swaying cash cow, Ji Haotian brought out many good wines and delicacies, and invited Yanfei Jinhan and Tianyi Sage King to drink good wine and eat delicious food together.

The three of them were sitting together and eating, drinking and chatting to their heart's content. The tangy aroma of wine and tempting delicacies attracted the mysterious Dievas tribe in the most holy realm.

The Diewas tribe: also known as the sky tribe, the mysterious ancient race of alien creatures in the universe, they wander in the vast universe, looking like a white void shrouded in white clouds, vast, mysterious and unpredictable, when they come to a certain A pair of mysterious and terrifying silver eyes will appear on the planet, just like a pair of eyes that judge the heavens.

The Dievas are extremely large in number, spread over infinite almighty universes, and possess the innate avenue of supernatural powers—big sky art.

After the Dievas sages appeared in the void, they were drooling over the good wine and food of the three, and began to shout wildly, threatening to drink good wine and eat food!

As a result, Ji Haotian's thoughts moved, and he instantly activated one of the thirty-six profound meanings of the Heavenly Dao, the Superstrings of Heavenly Dao!

The inexhaustible power of the super-strings of heaven and superstrings instantly launched a terrifying super-space strike against the Dievas sage in the void!

Heavenly Dao Superstring Profound Truth: Also known as Heavenly Dao Superstring Super-Almighty Magic, it has the origin of Tiandao Superstring Profound Truth and Tiandao Superstring Profound Innate Skill, which contains the power of Tiandao Superstring Profound Meaning. The basic unit of the universe is not a particle, it is because The movement of strings in space produces various particles. The various particles are just different vibrational modes of the string. All interactions that take place in the universe, all matter and energy, can be split and combined using strings. A superstring is a supersymmetric supercosmic string in which the cornerstone of matter is a string in high-dimensional spacetime.

Heavenly Dao Chaoxian Profound Righteousness Gong is a transcendent innate super almighty divine art (a divine art is a combination of supernatural powers and exercises), it is both a transcendent innate super all-around power technique, and a transcendent innate super almighty great supernatural power. The ultimate combination of the innate supernatural powers, only the existence of the heavenly body and the understanding of the heavenly way can be successfully cultivated. That is to say, only the heavenly master who is in charge of the heavenly way can control the heavenly way superstring profound righteousness, and its power is worthy of More than the omnipotent, omnipotent and self-existing almighty treasure.

The Heavenly Dao Superstring Mystery Gong is the source of all superstrings in the infinite multiverse. It absolutely controls the cosmic superstring. Its power lies in that it can not only use the cosmic string at one end of the universe to carry out super-space strikes on the other end, but also use the cosmic string. Strings split infinite multiverses so that infinite multiverses are instantly transformed from a unified whole into relatively independent countless regions, even fragmented and disintegrated.

The Heavenly Dao Superstring Profound Truth can also use its infinite cosmic strings to manipulate the order, fate, cause and effect, reincarnation, laws, etc. of all things in the universe. law. It can destroy all targets in an infinite multiverse, it can destroy reality, it can restart history, pinch the entire timeline and all cause and effect, bend, tear and even completely destroy the entire space; it can even arbitrarily remove the timeline from the timeline. Completely erase any existence, including the multiverse...even destroy the entire timeline and any dimension within the infinite dimension, including the entire infinite universe itself can be erased, and the infinite multiverse can be easily restarted.

The Heavenly Dao Superstring Profound Truth represents the concretization of the sum of the entire universe, and is the master of all the Heavenly Dao Superstring Profound Truth. It exists in the abstract innate super-almighty divine power that was born when infinite almighty universes were created. The source, creator and manipulator of superstring mysteries.

Can arbitrarily manipulate the infinite omnipotent universes (infinite dimensions) of Tiandao Superstring Mystery Line and create new branches on the Tiandao Superstring Mystery Line. Any trivial point in its infinite avatars of super-strings of heaven and superstring is equivalent to restarting and destroying infinite times in absolutely infinite dimensions.

The Heavenly Dao Superstring Profound Truth is a power that transcends the almighty universe. It is at the super-almighty universe level. It possesses an extremely huge, indescribable and inestimable power of the Heavenly Dao Superstring Profound Truth. One thought produces and destroys countless almighty universes, and absolutely restarts countless almighty universes (restart the universe). > Create the universe > Destroy the universe), is the ultimate truth of the superstring mysteries of the Tao of Heaven, and the transcendent super-all-powerful energy behind all things in the universe.

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