In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3628: the Supremes

Chaos Origin Stone: Also known as the chaotic source energy gem, it was born in the primordial chaos, and it will take shape after endless years. It is extremely rare and precious. Its image is a gray-black energy gem with a large head, emitting a faint gray The black light is an extremely rare and rare innate energy gem, which contains extremely rich chaotic origin energy and cosmic origin energy.

The Chaos Originium is divided into nine levels. The higher the level, the stronger the energy it contains. From low to high, they are: low level, primary level, intermediate level, advanced level, top level, special level, super, ultimate, and ultimate (exist only in legends). ).

The chaotic source stone is extremely rare and extremely precious. It is a peerless energy gem that can be encountered and cannot be obtained. It has a huge effect on the cultivation of the creator and the Tao body. It can also heal the wounds of the creator's soul and Tao body. It is a real innate and peerless treasure. Even a low-level chaotic source stone can be worth hundreds of millions of top-grade creation crystals. Once the chaotic source stone appears, it will inevitably cause a huge sensation and competition.

There are nine levels of cosmic energy. The higher the level, the more powerful the energy. From low to high, they are: low, primary, intermediate, advanced, top, super, super, ultimate, and ultimate (only in legends).

The five most powerful energies in the universe are called the five innate energies of the universe, which are: innate gamma ray energy, innate high-energy ray energy, innate radiation energy, innate antimatter energy, and innate Muhammad energy.

Innate nine qi: nine kinds of innate qi, when heaven and earth are chaotic, it is innate, there are Xuan, Yuan, ShiXiantian three ancestral qi, and each of the innate ancestral qi is transformed into the innate three qi, and the synthesis of the innate nine qi is the source of all things. It is also the nine kinds of innate source energy of the universe.

Innate nine qi: the ancestor qi produces mixed qi blue, the mixed qi gives rise to hole qi red, and the hole qi gives rise to bright qi blue; the Yuan ancestral qi gives rise to min and min qi green, min qi gives rise to prosperity yellow, and the prosperity gives rise to elusive qi white; Xuanzu's qi is mellow and mellow, and the qi is purple, and the qi is flaming, and the qi is blue.

The nine congenital qi are: congenital mixed qi, congenital hole qi, congenital bright qi, congenital min qi, congenital prosperity qi, congenital escape qi, congenital melting qi, congenital flaming qi, congenital energizing qi.

Each of the nine innate qi is divided into nine grades. The higher the grade, the richer the innate energy it contains. exists only in legends).

The life planets of the supreme universe are divided into nine levels, from low to high:

Low-level life planet, primary life planet, intermediate life planet, high-level life planet, top-level life planet, super life planet, super life planet, ultimate life planet, and ultimate life planet (exist only in legends).

The power of the supreme universe is divided into nine levels, from low to high:

Low-level forces, primary forces, middle-level forces, high-level forces, top-level forces, super-level forces, super-powers, ultimate powers, and ultimate powers (only in legends).

Heaven and Earth Treasures, Heaven and Earth Spirit Roots, Panacea, etc. are all divided into nine levels, from low to high:

Low, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Top, Super, Super, Ultimate, Ultimate (only in legends).

The highest genius level is divided into five levels, from low to high: general genius, king genius, emperor genius, creation genius, and transcendence genius.

Among them, there may be one continent for general geniuses, one life planet for king level geniuses, one single universe for emperor level geniuses, one multiverse for creation geniuses, and one for transcendental geniuses. It only exists in legends, and an omnipotent universe may not necessarily appear.

Those with high-level Taoist bodies and high-level Taoist souls are called general-level geniuses.

Those with a king-level Taoist body and a king-level Taoist soul are called king-level geniuses.

Those who possess an emperor-level Taoist body and an emperor-level Taoist soul are called emperor-level geniuses.

Those who have a creation-level Tao body and a creation-level Tao soul are called creation geniuses.

Those who possess a transcendent Dao body and a transcendent Dao soul are called transcendental geniuses.

The grades of the three thousand avenues are divided from low to high: low-level avenues, intermediate-level avenues, high-level avenues, king-level avenues, emperor-level avenues, creation-level avenues, and transcendence-level avenues.

The five great avenues of transcendence, the ten great avenues of creation, one hundred and twenty emperor-level avenues, five hundred kinds of king-level avenues, and the rest are high-level, intermediate-level, and low-level avenues.

There are three thousand kinds of Dao fields owned by the Supreme Being, also known as the Three Thousand Dao Fields, that is, the Dao Enchantment that the Supreme People can comprehend when they reach a certain height, which can also be called Dao Realm. When attaining the Dao, oneself comprehends the Dao field like an enchantment. In this Dao field, oneself is the master and controls Ignore everything, but if both sides have the Dao field, then they can only collide, just Like the collision of the enchantment, come and compete. The avenue field is equivalent to condensing a huge spherical avenue area around you. This avenue area has its own rules, and this is the biggest one. But in battle, if others also have the Dao Domain, it will be stone to stone to see who is tougher, that is, whoever has the stronger Dao Domain ability, whoever is the victor.

The avenue field is divided into nine levels, from high to low, they are:

Absolute Supreme Realm - Five Realms Beyond the Control of the Master

Absolute Realm - The Realm Controlled by the Ten Masters of Creation

Beyond the realm - beyond the realm of genius

The field of creation - the field controlled by the genius of creation

Emperor-level domain - the domain controlled by emperor-level geniuses

King-level domain - the domain controlled by king-level geniuses

Advanced field - the field controlled by general-level geniuses

Intermediate Field - Intermediate Avenue Field

Low-level realm - low-level avenue realm

High-level Dao fields will always suppress low-level Dao fields, and the transcendence fields in them have reached infinity. Some transcendence fields can cover a galaxy, some transcendence fields can cover a universe, and some transcendence fields can cover a multiverse. , and the legendary five absolute supreme realms can even cover infinite multiverses.

There will be treasures of the town and the vision of heaven and earth in the Dao Domain. Because the Dao Domain and the Dao Soul are interconnected, the Heaven and Earth Vision in the Dao Domain is the Dao Soul. Therefore, once you are covered in the Dao Domain, you will face the triple attack of the Dao Domain Power, the Town's Treasure and the Dao Soul. Some superpowers will have many treasures of the town and many Taoist souls in their avenues, which increases the infinite power of the avenues.

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