In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3669: Kong Sang Yuning

The three most holy of grey clan, three holy of Nuukstukas and the group of beasts are confronting and quarreling.

Ji Haotian walked over together with a tall and handsome man of green robe.

The tall and handsome young man in green robe who was with Ji Haotian was called Kongsang Yuning, and his cultivation was in the most holy realm.

Three thousand years ago, Ji Haotian, because he activated the supernatural soul of the Heavenly Dao, released ten extreme mana of the supreme peak of Chaos Yanji. The soul of the supreme realm could not bear it, and suffered backlash. Under the trauma of his soul, he fell into a deep coma and was involved in a huge terror. The crack of the universe, fell into the vortex of time and space, and unexpectedly crossed into the Zhanran forest of Zhanran star.

Kong Sang Yuning, who was cultivating in the Zhan Ran Great Forest, happened to find Ji Haotian who was in a coma and fell from a height, so he rescued Ji Haotian.

Ji Haotian was in a deep coma at Kongsang Yuning's residence for three thousand years, and his soul gradually recovered automatically. Not long ago, he recovered completely after he fully recovered.

Although Ji Haotian is insidious and vicious, he is also a person who can distinguish right from wrong and will repay any kindness. He has given Kongsang Yuning a lot of resources and treasures to repay Kongsang Yuning for his kindness of rescue.

Under the warm invitation of Kongsang Yuning, Ji Haotian temporarily lived in a secret residence of Kongsang Yuning in the great forest of Zhanran. The silence of the Zhanran Great Forest, a year has passed in this flash.

After Ji Haotian came over, he looked at the different races facing each other, and greeted him with interest: "Ha Lou! Eruibo's buy Neimu Erzi... Aimu... Yi's son Ouer's favorite clothes Luomu."

All the aliens were stunned when they heard the words. No one understood what Ji Haotian said.

One of the Nuukstukas sages glared and scolded: "Bold human cub, what kind of pig talk are you talking about?"

Kongsang Yuning said proudly, "What he said was human, you are not human, so you don't understand!"

Another sage of the gray clan glared at Ji Haotian and said, "You don't speak the common language of the universe, you speak human words? Are you sick?"

On the opposite side, a Nuukstukas sage asked Ji Haotian, "Is what you said just now a good thing or a bad thing? Are you scolding us?"

Kong Sang Yuning said from the side: "He is scolding you, he calls you a bunch of stupid roe deer, you are all fools and idiots!"

When Ji Haotian heard the words, a black line appeared on his head.

When all the aliens heard the words, they were all angry, and they cursed and threatened.

A sage of the gray clan said coldly to Ji Haotian, "How dare you scold us, you human cub is really a newborn calf and is not afraid of tigers! Kneel down, kowtow and confess your guilt, and accept our severe punishment!"

On the opposite side, a Nuukstukas sage looked at Ji Haotian and said with a gloomy smile, "It's very tender, it must taste delicious!"

The three Nuukstukas sages suddenly opened their terrifying mouths and swallowed Ji Haotian fiercely and violently at the same time. They were going to swallow Ji Haotian alive!

With a thought of Ji Haotian, he instantly activated one of the Thirty-six Profound Righteous Skills of the Heavenly Dao to deprive the Profound Righteous Art, and instead "swallowed" the three Nukstukas to the Holy Spirit!

Heavenly Dao Deprivation of Profound Truth: Also known as Heavenly Dao Deprivation of Profound Truth, it has the origin of Heavenly Dao Deprivation of Profound Truth and the innate power of Heavenly Dao Deprivation of Profound Truth. It contains the power of Heavenly Dao to deprive profound meaning. There is no concept of existence, it wants to stand high, it is an indescribable, indescribable, impossible, non-existent force. It is the mystery of the unknown being, the God, the impossible god, the all-knowing and all-powerful deprivation that never existed.

The Heavenly Dao Deprivation Profound Truth is a transcendent innate super-almighty divine art (a divine art is a combination of supernatural powers and exercises). The ultimate combination of innate supernatural powers, only those who possess the heavenly body and comprehend the existence of the heavenly way can successfully cultivate. That is to say, only the master of the heavenly way can control the heavenly way and deprive the profound righteousness. Its power is comparable to the omnipotence and omnipotence. , The almighty treasure of its own forever.

It likes to stand tall and hates being forgotten, desecrated and disrespected. It exists in the bottomless void, hovering in the center and core of everything, it is the center of the vortex itself, and everything lingers in its deprivation. It is an indescribable power, the void of all emptiness, as dark and bottomless as an infinite abyss, as the desire of millions of souls...

Before the birth of everything, the Heavenly Dao deprivation of the Profound Righteousness already existed. It was born in the endless primordial primordial universe, and everything did not exist to it, and the abstract, fictional and real concepts were also insignificant and insignificant to it. Everything that the Heavenly Dao deprives of the Profound Truth is derived from. It is incomplete and incomplete. Its setting is like complementing itself with different objects. It is an ultimate deprivation of Profound Truth. Everything can make it Satisfied it will take away. Any existence that is stared at by it will let you know what everything is The power of heaven deprived of profound meaning is surrounded by all infinite multiple realities, multiple dimensions, multiple levels, spiral narratives, Narrative, hyperspace structure, plane quadrant, setting blank paper, final core, ultimate realm, so-called fantasy above the dome and cosmic singularity, time and space torrent, reality and virtual, inner narrative, outer narrative, superposition The box, the super, and everything else, and all this is just a pebble in front of it that you can play with at will. It only needs a single thought to deprive, destroy, compress, superimpose, modify, copy, bind, manipulate, assimilate, and integrate all cosmology series, all architectural systems, unlimited fields, authorship, embedded and interlocked infinite external and The inner narrative, everything that exists and doesn't exist, these things are just tiny bits and pieces of it.

The Heavenly Dao Deprivation Profound Truth Represents the Concretization of the Sum of the Heavenly Dao Deprivation Profound Truth in the entire universe. It is the master of all the Heavenly Dao Deprivation Profound Truths. It exists in the abstract innate super-almighty divine arts born when infinite almighty universes were created. Source, creator and manipulator.

You can arbitrarily manipulate the infinite universe (infinite dimensions) of the Heavenly Dao deprivation of the Mystery Line and create new branches on the Heavenly Dao deprivation of the Mysterious Line. Any insignificant point in its infinite Heavenly Dao deprivation of Profound Truth clones is equivalent to restarting and destroying an infinite number of absolutely infinite dimensions.

The Heavenly Dao Deprivation of Profound Truth is a power that surpasses the almighty universe. It is super-universal universe level. It possesses an extremely huge, indescribable and inestimable power of the Heavenly Dao to deprive the Profound Truth. One thought produces and destroys countless almighty universes, and absolutely restarts countless almighty universes (Restart the universe > Creation Universe > Destroy the Universe), is the ultimate truth of the deprivation of the heavenly truth, and the transcendent super-almighty power behind all things in the universe.

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