In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3677: Tonati Uzuzun

Tonatiwu Zuzun is the ancestor of the sun giant, with a golden unicorn on his head, blond golden pupils, golden skin, a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, exuding golden radiance all over his body, and possessing twin talents and supernatural powers. Big Sky and Big Sun.

He came to Ji Haotian and said with a loud laugh: "Your Majesty the great and noble Emperor of Heaven, I didn't expect to meet you here, I'm glad to see you here."

Ji Haotian's impression of the twenty-eight star giant ancestors was not bad, he smiled and said: "Tonatiwu ancestors, I am also very happy to see you here. Your twenty-eight star giant ancestors are nearly soaring to the supreme universe. Hundred thousand years? What state has the cultivation base recovered to now?"

Tonati Wu Zuzun smiled and said: "It has been nearly 100,000 years, and we haven't seen you, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, for hundreds of thousands of years! Now our cultivation base has returned to the supreme **** realm, and you are the supreme five kingdoms. Most of the super-primitive powers of yours have also recovered to the supreme **** realm, and I have seen some of your super-primitive powers in the supreme five kingdoms."

Ji Haotian nodded and asked, "Tonati Wu Zuzun, why did you come to this great forest of silence?"

Tonati Wuzu said: "I was chased and killed, and I hid in this silent and great forest!"

Ji Haotian said in surprise, "Are you being hunted down? Are you a super-primitive power?"

Tonati Wu Zuzun nodded and said: "It's a super-primitive power of the Zhou clan who is chasing me. I think it won't take long, he should find it here! But now I see you, His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, I'm not afraid anymore. , I think, Your Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, you will definitely not die!"

Ji Haotian said with a smile: "Old guy, you actually counted on me! My cultivation is only in the supreme realm, two realms lower than yours, how could I save you, you should run away, I feel Your crisis is coming!"

Tonati Wu Zuzun smiled and said: "Didn't you kill an ancient protoss super-primitive power not long ago? I also hope that your majesty will rescue me, help me, and also kill my enemy, the super-primitive power of the universe. Kill? That way I can relax, and I will always remember your grace of rescue, Your Majesty."

Ji Haotian said: "I use the supernatural soul of the heavenly Dao to release the ultimate mana of Chaos Yanji, and I have to pay a price. The last time I killed the super-primitive power of the ancient protoss, my soul was injured and I was in a deep coma for three thousand years. I don't want to be in a coma for another three thousand years, you better run away!"

Tonati Wu Zuzun smiled bitterly: "He is here, he has locked me, and I can't escape even if I want to run! His cultivation is the supreme **** realm at the highest peak in the supreme universe, and my cultivation is only restored to In the supreme **** realm, I can't fight him at all, please help your majesty!"

Ji Haotian said helplessly: "It's a big loss now, that's all, for the sake of the ancestor of the 28 star giants in the kingdom of heaven, I'll save you once!"

The ancestors of the twenty-eight star giants in the kingdom of heaven are the twenty-eight supreme superlatives of the Tianguo Tianlaohui, and they are the absolute most loyal supporters of the emperor Ji Haotian. They are all super-primitive powers and belong to the oldest twenty-eighth The descendant of the ancestor of the eight star giants.

Although Kong Sang Yuning didn't interrupt, he was already extremely shocked at this time. He saw that Ji Haotian was a great person, but he never expected Ji Haotian to be so terrifying that he could kill the legendary existence at the top of the universe. Super original power!

At this moment, the time and space distorted for a while, and a dazzling golden light appeared, turning into a super-primitive and powerful old man of the Eternal Clan who was as huge as a mountain, coercing the world!

Zhou Clan: Also known as the Thousand-Eyed Zhou Clan, golden giants with a height of more than 3,000 meters, with huge golden double horns on their heads, and a thousand golden giant eyes on their abnormally huge skulls. They have super golden giant-like appearances. They have a long golden tail with countless golden scales behind them; their golden thousand eyes can see through all falsehoods, distinguish all truths from falsehoods, and can see anything hundreds of millions of miles away.

After seeing Ji Haotian, the super-primitive power of the Zhou Clan, who was as huge as a mountain and overwhelmed the world, suddenly exclaimed: "Oh my god, you are the legendary master of the heavens, who dominates everything!"

Ji Haotian said coldly, "How many times are you a super-primitive almighty who has lived through the ages?"

The super-primitive power of the Zhou Clan suppressed the shock in his heart, and suddenly smiled strangely: "I am the super-primitive power who has spent eight chaotic generations, but if you devour and refine you, the reincarnation of the master of the heavenly way, I can go to the sky in one step, replace you, and become the new master of the heavenly way! It’s God’s will, I get excited when I think about it, I didn’t expect to meet the larvae of the master of the heavenly way, this is the greatest chance fortune in my life!”

Ji Haotian was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, he suddenly and frantically burned twelve chaotic origin stones as huge as planets and one trillion high-grade supreme crystals as the force, and instantly activated the ultimate trump card - the ultimate gamma-ray burst of the heavens!

Tiandao Ultimate Gamma-ray Burst: also known as Tiandao Gamma-ray Burst, the transcendent super-all-powerful energy, the ancestor of all energies and light sources, contains the ultimate energy of the heavens and the ultimate light source of the heavens, and is the most powerful in the infinite multiverse The ultimate energy and the most powerful ultimate light source can instantly illuminate infinite can instantly release infinite ultimate cosmic energy. If compared with the ultimate sun (one ultimate sun is equivalent to 100 million ultimate suns), the energy that Tiandao's ultimate gamma-ray burst can generate instantaneously is probably hundreds of millions of extreme suns in billions of years. The sum of the power of , and the infinite energy of its explosion can instantly create or destroy infinite multiverses. It can be seen that the power of the ultimate gamma-ray burst from the heavens is infinite. The Ultimate Gamma-ray Burst of Heaven's Path is the ultimate super-almighty power, and it is the ultimate cause of the Chaos Destruction and the generation, maintenance and destruction of all kinds of phenomena.

The Tiandao Ultimate Gamma-ray Burst has an infinite source light seed, which is called the Tiandao Ultimate Gamma-ray Burst Source Light Seed. The image is an infinite nine-colored extreme sun. All narratives, reality, universe, time and space, dimensions, planes, etc., all cosmology and everything, are the absolute infinite "sun" that transcends all language descriptions and ignores all logic.

The source light seed of the ultimate gamma-ray burst of the Tao of Heaven is psychic, and its only eternal and unchanging master is the legendary Lord of Heaven who is in charge of the Tao of Heaven and dominates everything. Only the Lord of Heaven can absolutely control and activate it. it. Once the Great Master of the Heavenly Dao launches the ultimate gamma-ray burst of the Heavenly Dao, his body will instantly become like the ultimate color sun with thousands of colors, instantly emitting countless infinite color cosmic rays that illuminate the infinite multiverse. When the infinite power is released, countless infinite colored cosmic rays will instantly illuminate infinite multiverses like an explosion, and infinite countless mysterious and terrifying colored cosmic rays will instantly engulf infinite multiverses and everything. , it can be to annihilate all things, or it can be to create new life.

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