In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3812: Eye of Heaven (2)

The billions of universes and heavenly avatars control everything, exist in everything, transcend and surpass everything, all infinity and infinity, all self-existence, and all eternity have no meaning to billions of heavenly avatars. Hundreds of millions of universes and avatars of heaven are forever transcending metaphysical, spiritual, and material existences. Creating the world, obliterating everything, ignoring everything in time, space, matter, spirit, cause and effect, rules, laws, etc., these are just trivial illusions in front of billions of universes and heavenly avatars.

The billions of universes and avatars of the heavenly master are the billions of supreme gods in the infinite multiverse. They are the supreme, the creator of all things, the controller, the ruler and the manipulator of everything. They are their own beings, they are their own beings, not dependent on anything else, but as their own beings, they must be self-sufficient, and therefore fully sufficient, the inexhaustible source of all existence and blessing. They are eternal and unchanging. They are the same in the past, today, and forever. The billions of universes and heavenly avatars are the source of all existence and perfection. All things exist by them, and live, move, and exist in them. is the true source of all existence and power.

Hundreds of millions of cosmic avatars represent the balance of all things and their relatives, like life and death, cold and heat, good and bad, cause and effect, good and evil, existence and non-existence, stronger than weak, beginning with End, Destruction and Rebirth, etc. They are already the greatest freedom and are not restricted by any object or condition, but present an absolute state of the annihilation of subject and object (all things beyond cause and effect, logic, and definition are meaningless to others), and are truly omnipotent. . For example; they can easily manipulate all atoms, logic, concepts, causality in the whole dimension, and can turn all quarks into an endless, infinite world, and in each quark there are countless ultimate consciousnesses beyond logic (the so-called One universe per quark, or countless universes per quark).

Hundreds of millions of universes and Heavenly Dao clones have rights that even the author does not have. Whether it is a pure text novel or any settings, concepts, and characters in comics, they have no meaning to them. They can, just like the author, freely comment on any plot development, realm, all indefinable things, words, narration, strength, concept, logic, division, transcendence, world view, all things, characters, title, story background, The strengths and weaknesses play around at will (for example, they think that everything in the work is higher than Brahma, or that all the indefinable and all beyond the causal logic disappear, then it will be established. Because analysis has no meaning to them, only what they think they are. how will it work).

Hundreds of millions of avatars of the universe can trigger a chain reaction that all spirits in the universe can never understand, destroying all things in the universe, including all cause and effect, world, logic, time, thinking, dimension, material, immaterial, and space, plus they can be created at will.

The Lord of Heaven can summon, order, drive, manipulate, dominate, modify, abolish, ignore, create, and destroy all the universes of infinite omnipotence through the nominative character of heaven. The avatar of the avatar must unconditionally and absolutely obey the great master of the heavenly way. The supreme master, all the universes of heaven are clones of the master of heaven, called the clones of billions of universes and heavens.

The universe must have its rules, which is the way of heaven.

The Dao of Heaven is a huge and mysterious force that controls the fate of everything, controls the words and deeds of all things, and fulfills karma. The Tao of Heaven is the Tao, and it is everything. All infinity and infinity, all self-existence, all eternity have no meaning to the realm of heaven. The Tao of Heaven is the supreme existence that transcends metaphysical, spiritual and material things forever. Creating the world, obliterating everything, ignoring everything in time, space, matter, spirit, energy, cause and effect, laws, etc., these are just trivial illusions in front of the Tao of Heaven.

The Tao of Heaven is in charge of all time and space, all existence, and all All cause and effect, all laws, all fates, all the inconceivable, unpredictable, unpredictable, and unmeasurable existences of the world. Tiandao is in charge of everything and monitors everything. There is no secret to Tiandao whether everything exists or does not exist. Even the mountains, rivers and trees, ants change, and even the tiniest particles can't escape the supervision of Heaven.

The way of heaven runs, analyzes the fate and cause and effect of all sentient beings. The fate and cause and effect of all sentient beings are involved, like a mess, but the way of heaven can analyze each other one by one. The way of heaven is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent.

The destiny of all time, space, heaven, earth and world is that the Tao of Heaven controls everything, and everything is determined according to the order established by the Tao of Heaven. The Tao of Heaven sees through the fate of all beings, changes the fate of all living beings, creates the fate of all living beings, distorts the fate of all living beings at will, and smashes the fate of all living beings.

The Dao of Heaven is illusory and invincible. No matter how powerful the existence is, it cannot control the Dao of Heaven. No matter how powerful you are, you cannot easily destroy what Heavenly Dao gives to someone. If you insist on going against the sky, you will be devoured by Heavenly Dao, or even destroyed by Heavenly Dao.

Everything is in the way of heaven, the way of heaven exists in everything, and the way of heaven is everything.

Infinite almighty universes have infinite different levels of heaven, and the heavens in the dark maintain the order and balance of infinite almighty universes, reward and punish everything in infinite almighty universes. The infinite almighty universe has an infinite number of different universes and worlds, and there are countless universes of different levels or worlds of heaven.

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