In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3831: Floating and quiet hurricane tube

Dharma Venerable Du Yao, who flew in, landed in front of Ji Haotian and Yanchuang Huangyu, and said with a light smile: "Ji Haotian, Yanchuang Huangyu, how can you two be together? Are you two already complicit in evil?"

Ji Haotian said with a smile, "Inspiration shines alone, why don't the two of us join forces and fight against each other?"

Dharma Venerable Lingguang Duyao shook his head and said, "Forget it, I'm a decent person, a kind person. I won't dance with wolves, let alone kill people and set fire to them."

Yanchuang Huang Yu said: "The spiritual light shines only on the Dharma Venerable, what do you mean, Ji Haotian and I are not serious people, not good people?"

Dharma Venerable Lingguang Duyao raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you two serious? Are you two kind?"

Ji Haotian said disdainfully, "We all have the same taste for each other, let's not talk about anyone else."

In the ruins of the ancient desert temple, three Beamon giants and five Minotaurs are still fighting fiercely.

Suddenly, five more Holy Realm Greys rushed up, eyeing both sides of the melee, eager to move!

Gray: It is a very small gray creature, about 1.3 meters tall. They have a big bald head without hair, and a small nose with only two holes. Some even have no nose at all, and their mouth is like a scar. The ground fissure has no ears and obvious reproductive organs, but has a pair of very special big eyes, like an upside-down pear, very thin. They have four slender and long fingers, their arms are longer than their knees, their bodies are small on the back of their hands and feet, and their necks are very thin. Many people are surprised that they can support their big heads, their eyes are big and full, or Much like big almond-shaped eyes.

The gray people are all wearing a tight gray uniform, and some people say they are naked. And whether it is clothing or nakedness, it is impossible to distinguish gender, and no external genitalia can be seen. The gray people cannot reproduce, they use their own abilities to transfer the consciousness of the dead gray people into new individuals. They also have no digestive system, but are immersed in various energies of the universe, and absorb energy through pores to enhance themselves. They communicate using telepathic abilities, and can even implant thoughts into the brains of other creatures through this ability. It is precisely because of this that their consciousness and knowledge can be shared in this way, and their thinking power is extremely powerful and can control the thinking of other creatures.

Seeing the five gray clans rushing up to stare at them, both sides of the melee suddenly stopped and retreated, becoming alert to the five gray clans that appeared.

A Minotaur tribe suddenly said to the five gray tribes that appeared: "The floating and quiet hurricane is in the hands of these three Beamon behemoths. Let's join forces and slaughter these three hateful Beamon together. Giant beast!"

The five gray clans focused their gazes on the three behemoth behemoth clan on the opposite side, their eyes were cold and eager to move.

One of the Greys said coldly: "Hand over the hurricane tube that floats and is quiet, that's not what you should have!"

A Beamon giant orc on the opposite side said coldly, "We don't deserve it, you five gray people deserve it? The floating and quiet hurricane tube is what we have worked hard to get in the ruins, and it will never be given to you!"

Another Gray Clan suddenly shouted: "Go ahead, let's go together, kill these three Behemoth beasts first!"

Immediately, the five Grays and the five Minotaurs attacked at the same time, and began to besiege the three Beamon behemoths fiercely and violently, and the world-shattering melee broke out again!

In the nearby ruins, Yanchuang Huangyu looked at the different races in the melee, and said to Ji Haotian and Lingguang Duyao Fa Zun beside him: "The floating and quiet hurricane is in the multiverse of one of the Beamon giant beasts, and it is floating in the air. There are 300 billion top-grade high-grade crystals in the quiet inner space of the hurricane tube, which is a huge sum of money!"

Dharma Venerable Lingguang Duyao smiled lightly: "Three hundred billion top-grade to Gaojing, the three of us are divided equally, exactly one hundred billion per person."

Ji Haotian nodded and said, "That's it, 100 billion per person."

Yanchuang Huangyu said: "The change will happen later, let's do it together!"

The three suddenly attacked with thunder at the same time, fiercely slaughtering the alien races who were fighting in the melee!

"Boom boom boom!"

"Bang bang bang!"


Not long after, the three ferocious three slaughtered all the aliens, grabbed the floating and quiet hurricane, and kicked all the aliens out of the Starks Desert.

The three took out the floating and quiet hurricane tube, and equally divided the 300 billion top-grade to Gaojing in its inner space.

They had just been divided into supreme crystals, and suddenly, six more Nuukstukas supreme saints rushed over at the same time, and smashed them fiercely and violently!

Nuukstukas: also known as the Land Clan, a mysterious and ancient race of alien creatures in the universe, similar in shape to a huge spindle-shaped super yellow vat, exuding a faint yellow brilliance throughout. There are starfish-shaped appendages at the bottom of the body, and the top of the five-pointed star has five giant yellow eyes, five siphons, and a set of cilia for sensing the outside world in a dark environment; the bottom of the five-pointed star appendages are similar to shellfish. Axe feet, used for walking and other forms of movement.

In addition, they have five pairs of leather-like wings and five sets of yellow tentacles sprouting from the body. They are as huge as mountains, and the ground shakes when they move. Once they are powerful, they can instantly cause extremely destructive and terrifying earthquakes.

The number of Nukstukas is extremely large, spread over infinite almighty universes, and possess the talent, the avenues, the supernatural powers, the great land technique.

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