In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 683: Genesis 3 Religion

Law Enforcement Tianzai Xiao Zhantian nodded and said: "Yes, boss, you have been in retreat for ten years, and there have indeed been many major events in the kingdom of heaven and the outside world. In the fifth year of your retreat, the top ten ancient golden tribes in the kingdom of heaven changed, and now only The five ancient tribes, the Lower Gaia, Tartaros, Eros, Nyx, and Erebos, also officially changed their names to the five eternal ancient tribes five years ago, and the top ten golden ancient tribes in the kingdom of heaven. It has become history!"

Ji Haotian said in surprise: "What about the other five ancient golden races? What happened to them?"

State Minister Ning Zetian said: "Five years ago, an ancient secret treasure in an ancient ruin in Haotian Ocean was discovered, and many great forces in the kingdom of heaven were the first to discover and arrive first. With the ancient secret treasure, the five golden ancient clans and powerhouses united to kill more than 200 young talented students from the Heavenly Kingdom Transcendence Academy and Creation Academy, killing and injuring countless people from many forces in the Heavenly Kingdom. Get the Ancient Treasure."

Ji Weilong, the slayer of the military plane, said: "These five ancient golden races have caused public anger in the kingdom of heaven. When the Supreme Emperor Miluo found out, he was furious. In order to appease the public anger, he issued a decree to expel the five ancient golden races from the kingdom of heaven. The ancient clan also announced that it was renamed the five eternal ancient clans, and since then, the ten golden ancient clans in the kingdom of heaven no longer exist!"

Ji Haotian nodded and said, "My father is right. In order to achieve their goals, the five ancient golden clans used unscrupulous means to viciously murdered many people from the kingdom of heaven. They cannot be forgiven. They are not worthy of being from the kingdom of heaven and should be expelled!"

Law Enforcement Tianzai Xiao Zhantian said: "Boss, not long after you retreated, a major event happened in the universe. To be precise, three major events happened. The three sects of Chan, Jie, and Sheng were renamed at the same time, and they were renamed Chantian Sect respectively. It is said that this is the meaning of the three founders of the three sects: Yuanshi Chaozu, Tongtian Chaozu, and Ananke Mazu.”

Ji Haotian said with a smile: "The names of these three major sects all have the word '天' in them, which is interesting. It seems that the three great ancestors have deep intentions!"

State Minister Ning Zetian said: "Soon after the three major sects changed their names, they joined forces and sent a three billion army of the three major sects into the Demon Cloud World and began to besiege the Demon Sect. The world-shattering war! The war went on for three years, and finally the three major religions destroyed the demon religion, which shocked the entire saints universe! Since then, the four creation religions in the universe have become the three creation religions."

Ji Haotian said in surprise: "This is truly a world-shattering event. The ancient superpower demon sect has just been destroyed! Why did the three creation sects unite to destroy the demon sect?"

Ji Weilong said, "Because the Demon Sect and the Thirty-Six Evil Kings of the Universe were in a frenzy, killing countless disciples of the three major sects, the three major sects were completely angered, so they united to destroy the Demon Sect. It is rumored that the three major sects created The ancestors, Yuanshi Chaozu, Tongtian Chaozu, and Ananke's mother ancestor also shot, and many Yajue people of the Demon Sect were all powerfully killed by these three Chaozu!"

Ji Haotian nodded and said: "The three great ancestors are the third of the seventy-two Chaos Demon Gods. They have vast supernatural powers and are unfathomable. They are the most invincible beings in the entire Three Thousand Holy Universe. The Yajue is not an opponent! Among the seventy-two Chaos Demon Gods, some are friendly to our Heavenly Kingdom, while many are hostile to our Heavenly Kingdom. The evil king is the biggest enemy of our heaven, and we need to be on guard at all times!"

The three days of regents nodded in agreement.

Law Enforcement Tianzai Xiao Zhantian said: "Boss, there is one more thing. Two years ago, the five lords of the five cosmos countries personally led the five billion troops of the five cosmos countries to enter the Great World of Hongjun to attack the kingdom of heaven. The ancestor emperor and ancestor Fu Li Yuanshi Er Zu took action, Thunder attacked, unscrewed the heads of the five lords of the five cosmos countries, and hung them on the city wall of Juntian Holy City in the Central Continent. The powerhouses of the five cosmos countries were so frightened that they immediately led an army of 5 billion before they started. They returned to their respective worlds and dared not attack the kingdom of heaven again. The king of the five cosmos nations died tragically in the great world of Hongjun, and the coalition forces of the five cosmos nations attacked the kingdom of heaven without a fight. The first power in the universe, boss, you are called the first overlord of the universe."

Minister of State Ning Zetian smiled and said: "Now the power structure of the All Saints Universe has changed, the Demon Sect has been destroyed, and the Kingdom of Heaven has risen. Seventeen superpowers of the All Saints Universe: Three Sects, Three Religions, Five Courts, Six Nations, and Six Nations It is our heaven and the five cosmic kingdoms, our heaven is the first of the six kingdoms, and the most powerful country in the universe.”

Ji Haotian sighed, "I didn't expect that after only ten years of seclusion and cultivation, so many changes have occurred in the All Saints Universe! By the way, why did the five great cosmos nations attack our Heavenly Kingdom?"

Ji Weilong said: "According to several super ancestors, the five cosmic kingdoms have been controlled by the thirty-six evil kings of the universe, and they have become tools for the thirty-six evil kings of the universe to chaotic the universe! The five cosmic kingdoms were in Hongjun three years ago. After the world's fiasco, it didn't take long for it to start frantically attacking the Great Desolate Five Saint Courts. Today, the Five Great Universe Kingdoms and the Great Desolate Five Saint Courts are still in an endless cosmic war. The sects secretly dispatched strong men to help the Five Saint Courts of the Great Desolation, and jointly deal with the five cosmic kingdoms.

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