In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 103 Is it really possible for Qiuchuan to do it? (23)

‘Okawa Takao has been staying in Hotta Yoshitoki’s personal lounge since he killed Soma Miho. If it were an outsider, he would never open the door. ’

‘Because once he reveals that he has been to Hota Yoshitoki’s personal lounge, his plan to blame Hota Yoshitoki will naturally not go forward. ’

'So, according to the kid's reasoning, if there really is a person who disrupted Takao Ohga's plan, then he must not be alerted by Takao Ohga. ’

Sera's pure eyes were fixed on Akikawa Kyousuke in front of her, and she followed Conan's reasoning in her mind.

‘Akikawa is the target of Takao Okawa. If he had come to Takao Okawa in advance, Takao Okawa would definitely not be wary of Kyusuke Akikawa. ’

‘Speaking of which, did Akikawa have an alibi for the time when Takao Ohga’s accident happened? ’

'Xiaolan and Yuanzi were both with us at that time, and only Qiuchuan and his manager were in the screening room.'

‘But is it really possible for Akikawa to do it? ’

‘Facing Takao Ohga who had murderous intentions towards him, he subdued him with his bare hands. ’

Sera Masumi looked at Akikawa Kyusuke's thin figure and couldn't help but have doubts.

Akikawa Kyousuke's weakness is obvious to all.

No matter how you think about it, Akikawa Kyusuke cannot beat Takao Ohga.

Sera Masumi once again fell into the previous entanglement.

That is——

The characteristics displayed by Akikawa Kyusuke allowed her to rationally deny the possibility of Akikawa Kyusuke attacking Ohga Takao.

But Sera Masumi couldn't help but continue to think emotionally.

Because she always remembers that tiny possible image of Akikawa Kūsuke—

He is ruthless in his heart and will not show any pity to his body in order to achieve his goal.

His acting skills are so superb that even he and Conan can't see any flaws.

He has keen observation and extremely intelligent mind.

If it were Akikawa Kyusuke who looked like a trained agent.

Shiliang Zhenjun suddenly felt,

He was able to defeat Takao Ohga with his bare hands, and like himself, he was very familiar with injection methods such as morphine and naloxone.

‘This possibility is too low, and there are too many unexplainable places’

"Besides, I can't imagine Akikawa's motive for attacking Takao Ohga."

"I've tried it countless times before. No matter how I look at it, Akikawa is just an artist with limited acting skills but a very low mental age."

Countless evidences deny the possibility that Shiliang Zhenchun had in mind.

But maybe it's because the previous car accident case has not been concluded for a long time.

In her heart, there was still a trace of doubt about Akikawa Kongsuke.

‘Let’s first ask Akikawa if he left the screening room during that time. ’

Masumi Sera was thinking in her mind, and was just about to go ask Akikawa Kūsuke for his alibi at 12 noon.

Suddenly, he noticed Okino Yoko next to Akikawa Kyusuke, staring at him.

Then Sera Masumi saw Okino Yoko taking the initiative to slow down, waiting for him to come over.

"Excuse me, Miss Sera, is there anything you want to say?"

Sera Masumi smelled the faint and pleasant smell coming from Okino Yoko, and then Okino Yoko's light, melodious and gentle voice reached her ears.

"It's okay, Miss Yoko, what can you do?"

"It's nothing. I noticed that Miss Sera, you seemed to be staring at Akikawa-kun for a long time."

Okino Yoko looked at Sera Masumi with her beautiful sapphire eyes and said with a smile.

"Although it's a bit rude, I always feel that the way Miss Sera looked at Akikawa-kun just now was as if she was looking at a prisoner."

"I was just wondering if there was something about Akikawa-kun that made Miss De Sera suspicious?"

Okino Yoko said to Sera Masumi in a joking tone.

"No, no! Miss Yoko, you misunderstood! How is this possible!"

Sera Masumi said quickly.

At the same time, Kokoro truly deserves to be Japan’s number one idol.

Only the sight of others is much sharper than that of ordinary people.

"Oh, that's right. That's really rude."

Okino Yoko stopped and bowed slightly towards Sera Masumi.

This made Sera Masumi look panicked.

After Okino Yoko apologized to Sera Masumi, she continued to walk beside Sera Masumi.

"Speaking of which, Miss Sera is really amazing. I feel no worse than Mr. Mori."

"Last time at the Imperial Theater, and this time at the Film Festival, it was all thanks to Miss Sera that we were able to capture the real culprit."

"Haha, thank you. How dare I compete with the great Maori detective?"

"I'm just slightly interested in reasoning. I'm happy to be able to help others."

Sera Masumi echoed Okino Yoko's praise.

Since Okino Yoko came over to chat with her, she had no way to ask Akikawa Kyusuke for his alibi.

This makes De Serang Zhenzhen feel quite troubled.

But after taking into account the relationship between Okino Yoko and Akikawa Kyusuke.

Sera Masumi suddenly felt that he might be able to ask something from Okino Yoko.

"By the way, Miss Yoko, I would like to ask, what is the relationship between you and Mr. Akikawa?"

"This is a simple relationship between senior and junior artists!"

"Isn't that the real situation?"

Sera Masumi directly exposed Okino Yoko’s lies.

"Looking at the way you care about Mr. Akikawa, Ms. Yoko, and the same hair color and eye color between the two of you, it should be more than just a relationship between senior and junior, right?"

"You are Mr. Akikawa's biological sister, right?"

Sera Masumi stared at Okino Yoko and said softly.

Then she noticed that Okino Yoko's always smiling expression disappeared in an instant, and her clear and beautiful blue eyes suddenly widened.

The footsteps that had been walking side by side with him suddenly stopped.

Sera Masumi looked back and saw Okino Yoko looking at him in surprise, and then quickly denied:

"What are you talking about? Miss Shiseira, stop joking."

"Don't worry, Miss Yoko, I'm not going to go out and talk nonsense."

Sera Masumi looked at Okino Yoko's panic after being exposed by him.

I guessed that Okino Yoko wanted to hide this relationship to avoid suspicion and prevent Akikawa Kyusuke from being gossiped about.

"That's it."

Okino Yoko said with some embarrassment.

Then, after looking around, she quickly came closer and whispered to Sera Masumi:

"Miss Shiliang, I must never tell anyone! If Xiaokong is gossiped about, I will have a headache!"

"Don't worry, I promise."

Sera Masumi said "Sure enough" in her heart, and then assured Okino Yoko.

"Then thank you Miss Sera. If Miss Sera hadn't been a girl, I might have been really moved."

Okino Yoko smiled and teased, and then quickly returned to Akikawa Kyusuke and Itakura Misaki.

Only Sera Masumi, who was made blushing by Okino Yoko's words, was left.

she found.

In the end, neither Akikawa Kyusuke nor Okino Yoko asked anything.

And Okino Yoko, who returned to the front of the team, resumed her chat with Itakura Misaki and Suzuki Sonoko with a smile on her face.

‘Officer Takagi is not very reliable. He casually disclosed my and Xiaokong’s personal privacy to the detective. ’

Okino Yoko thought in her mind, and the figure of Takagi Wataru who called her after the car accident appeared in her mind.

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