In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 106 I am Edogawa Conan, a detective (25)

Conan brought a chair and stepped on it.

Then he took a draft beer cup and took a cup of each type of beer.

Then he started to observe the beer in the cup.

Conan found out.

The amount and durability of the beer that comes out of the [non-alcoholic beer] button are no less than any other beer.

Then Conan began to smell the taste of the non-alcoholic beer.

The rich smell of malt and hops penetrated the nose, but the alcohol contained in it made Conan feel excited all over.

In Japan, those under the age of 20 are not allowed to drink alcohol.

So Conan "basically" never drank much.

But he still has beer-related knowledge.

‘The alcohol concentration of non-alcoholic beer is usually less than 0.5%, but the non-alcoholic beer prepared here by the Suzuki Foundation is a true 0% non-alcoholic beer. ’

‘Secondly, through so many years of technological iteration, non-alcoholic beer has become infinitely close to real beer in appearance, smell and taste. ’

‘Unless it’s a beer with a relatively high alcohol content, otherwise, you won’t even notice whether you’re drinking non-alcoholic beer or regular beer if you don’t distinguish carefully. ’

Previously, there was an experience where Maori Lan replaced the beer at home with non-alcoholic beer and gave it to Kogoro Maori to drink.

Mouri Kogoro didn't even notice that he was drinking non-alcoholic beer, except that it tasted slightly different.

'Normally, the number and duration of bubbles in non-alcoholic beer are not as good as those of normal beer, but the "non-alcoholic beer" in front of you is no different from normal beer. ’

‘Secondly, this “non-alcoholic beer” tastes like alcohol and is obviously alcoholic. ’

'Then it's actually just regular beer, just replaced by someone else. ’

Conan thought in his mind, and then looked at one of the glasses, which had significantly fewer bubbles than the beer in the other glasses.

He put the tip of his nose close again.

This time, the only smell that entered his nasal cavity was the smell of malt, not the smell of alcohol.


Conan returned to the leisure area on the second floor of the hotel.

At this time, Megure Thirteen and Sera Masumi had finished questioning Hota Yoshitoki.

Hota Yoshitoki's expression was obviously not good-looking.

It seemed as if he was deeply hurt by the betrayal of his friend.

After Sera Masumi saw Conan coming back, she exchanged glances with Conan.

Conan nodded, then turned to look at Oda Ema who got up and went to the bathroom.

After saying "Oh, I want to go to the toilet again", he followed her.


Oda Ema entered the bathroom,

She looked up at the mirror and saw that her face was obviously much paler than usual.

She smiled as hard as she could into the mirror.

However, his expression in the mirror looked extremely stiff, and his smile could be said to be extremely ugly.

Oda Ema noticed that the makeup on her cheeks had faded slightly due to sweating.

She quickly took out her makeup bag from her bag, and then faced the mirror in the bathroom to touch up her makeup.

Oda Ema took out a few pieces of oil-absorbing paper and gently pressed it on her face.

It absorbs more oil and sweat from the cheeks than usual.

She then took out the liquid foundation and squeezed it on the back of her hand.

Just when she dipped her fingertips into liquid foundation and tried to apply it on her face, she realized that her hands were shaking uncontrollably.

Takao Ohga is a jerk, there's no doubt about it.

He ruined the face of the actor Yoshitoki Hota whom he once longed for and longed for. This is absolutely unforgivable!

Occasionally, Oda Ema heard that Ohga Takao was providing morphine to familiar customers.

So Oda Ema decided to punish Takao Ohga so that he would never be allowed to remain at large.


Originally, Oda Ezhen just wanted to let Tsunekazu Kosaka, who also abused drugs and died without mercy, become a pawn to put Takao Ohga in prison.

But she never expected that Takao Ohga would be so vicious that he directly killed two other people in order to conceal the truth.

Oda Jiang really wanted to convince himself that Sogabe Ryo and Soma Miho were also abusing morphine, and they would die just like Kosaka Tsunekazu.

However, when she thought about the loss of three living lives because of herself,

She couldn't help but feel scared and panicked in her heart.

Because the mistakes made by the three of them were not enough to make atonement for their sins with their lives.

It took Oda Jiangzhen nearly 20 minutes to put on makeup again.

As soon as she came out of the bathroom, she was stopped by a voice.

"Ms. Oda."

Oda Jiang was really startled and turned around.

It turned out that a primary school student wearing a suit and a red bow tie was looking at him.

"Little... little brother, what can you do?"

Oda Ema thought that Conan was his fan, so he wanted to send Conan away.

As a result, in the next sentence, she heard Conan use his childish voice to say words that made her heart stop——

"Ms. Oda, you must be the murderer of Director Kosaka."


Oda Ezhen was startled again. She looked around in a panic and found that no one was paying attention to her side.

Then he bent down and whispered to Conan:

"What are you talking about, little brother, stop joking."

"I noticed it just now when Ms. Oda was being questioned by Officer Megure. Ms. Oda actually knew that Mr. Taiga was providing morphine to others, right?"

Oda Ema once again showed a shocked expression because of Conan's speech. Conan ignored it and continued:

"Ms. Oda has always been resentful towards Mr. Taiga, so she chose Mr. Kousaka as the target."

"You knew he had breathing problems and you knew he liked to drink beer, so you made this plan."

"You specifically chose the not-so-popular "Shiga Kogen" draft beer, replacing the non-alcoholic beer. "

"The taste of non-alcoholic beer is similar to ordinary beer, so even if it is substituted, it will not be easily noticed by others."

"After all, the average alcohol content of beer is only about 5%. For people who drink regularly, they may not even notice the alcohol taste in beer."

"Mr. Kosaka suffered severe respiratory depression and died due to the effects of alcohol and morphine."

"The police will also conduct blood tests on the body to find out the cause of Mr. Kosaka's death."

"In this case, Mr. Dahe will also expose the fact that he sells morphine. This is your plan!"

"But Ms. Oda, you didn't expect that because of your actions, Mr. Taiga killed the director of our department and director Soma."

"That's why you were so shocked when you heard the two of them were killed."

Conan looked at Oda Ema, who fell to the ground with a bloodless face because of his speech, and pushed his frame.

"While the Metropolitan Police Department has not yet issued an arrest warrant, Ms. Oda, you still have a chance to surrender."

"And if you drag it on any longer, I'm afraid the last bit of decent image you have in Mr. Hotta's mind will be completely destroyed."

Conan stared at the faint white mark on Oda Ema's ring finger caused by wearing a wedding ring all the time.

After saying that, he turned around and walked in the direction of Mao Lilan and others.

"You...who are you?"

Oda Ema's shaken voice came from behind.

"My name is Edogawa Conan, and I am a detective."

Conan turned back and said to Oda Ema.

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