In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 136 Sister Shiliang, what's wrong? (13)

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko thanked Kuriyama Midori and then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Suzuki Sonoko's cheeks, which were filled with dissatisfaction, reappeared with a happy expression.

She began to discuss with Mao Lilan what kind of gifts she should bring to visit Akikawa Kongsuke.

Conan walked behind the team.

His eyes were always fixed on Sera Masumi, who had been silent since Toda Kyouji was taken away.


Sera Masumi was thinking about Toda Kyouji's last words.


Perhaps sensing Conan's gaze, Sera Masumi spoke in a deep voice.

"Do you think Toda Kyouji's last words are credible?"

"The credibility is very low."

Conan replied.

"Self-mutilation and deliberate destruction of corpses in order to aggravate Koichi Nishihara's crimes."

"And injecting morphine and naloxone into Takao Ohga."

"Let's not talk about whether Qiuchuan can do those things with his thin appearance."

"Even if he can really do it, it's hard for me to understand the motivation behind his actions."

Conan said.

"As we discussed before, maybe Akikawa is punishing the prisoners in his own way."

Sera Masaki guessed.

"This is unreasonable."

"Because except for the car accident case, Akikawa is not suspected at all in the two subsequent cases."

"Then if he does these things, he will make himself a criminal."

"In this way, the benefits and risks are completely out of proportion."

Conan denies Sera Masumi's statement.

"What, Miss Sera, do you believe what that guy Toda called just now, the 'criminal's sense of smell'?"

"That's not true, but I think that in the situation where the crime was confirmed just now, Toda had no reason to lie."

"After all, in the end, he gave up on getting away with it and was simply reminding me."

After Sera Masumi finished speaking, he paused for a moment and then continued:

"Although I really, really, really hate that Toda."

"But I noticed something."

"That is, the people he will choose to induce, extract confessions, and lure to attack police officers are all people he 'identifies' as 'criminals.'"

"Could it be that he attacked Akikawa because he firmly believed that Akikawa was a criminal?"

Conan also had a speechless expression on his face as he listened to Sera Masumi's guess.

"Miss Sera, is it possible that only the criminal, Toda, can commit violent acts against the other party without any scruples?"

"If there is no legal restraint, I think this kind of person may also attack civilians."

"He is just a more pathological and violent maniac than the previous Koichi Nishihara."

Sera's pure thoughts made Conan feel very strange.

He continued:

"Assuming that Kyouji Toda is really what you said, Miss Sera, he is an 'extremely just' detective."

"In order to punish the prisoner, he did not hesitate to forge evidence, induce and extract confessions."

"His entire purpose is to send criminals to prison."

"Then do you think his behavior can be forgiven?"

"Of course not!"

Sera Masumi replied decisively.

"Not to mention that the actions he committed against criminals as a criminal police officer already violated the law."

"The fact that the criteria for his actions are all based on his own judgment is very unreliable."

"People are bound to make mistakes."

"If he mistakenly identifies the wrong person as the criminal, then with his set of forged evidence and his methods of inducing and coercing confessions, the innocent person will become a criminal."

"Isn't this the end? Miss Sera has the same idea as me."

Conan spread his hands and said with a smile.

"But that's not what I'm trying to say."

Sera Masumi raised her voice slightly.

"There is no doubt that Officer Toda committed an unforgivable crime."

"But I'm thinking that it's certainly not without reason that he identified Akikawa as the criminal..."

As Sera Masumi said, she also put her hand on her mouth and continued to think.

After a moment, Sera Masumi seemed to have made some decision, and took two quick steps to reach Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, I suddenly remembered that I have something else to do, so I'm leaving now!"

"After that, you decide when to visit Qiuchuan and then contact me!"

Sera Masumi shouted behind him while running in the direction where Megure Thirteen and others had just left.

"Huh?! Seriang, what are you going to do..."

Mao Lilan stretched out her hand, as if she wanted to catch Sera Zhenshun.

Unfortunately, before she could finish her words, she saw Sera Masumi disappearing from her sight.

"You little brat, you were sneaking around and saying something to Sera just now. Do you know what Sera did?"

Suzuki Sonoko turned around, bent down, stretched out her fingers and pressed Conan's forehead.

"I don't know, Sister Sera, maybe she suddenly remembered that a mystery novel she likes has been released!"

Conan said to Suzuki Sonoko in his innocent voice.

"You think everyone is like you little brat!"

"Sera wouldn't be addicted to such things."

"Then I don't know."

Suzuki Sonoko was unable to get any useful information from Conan, so she straightened up helplessly and walked side by side with Mao Lilan again.

After Conan dealt with Suzuki Sonoko, he showed a speechless expression.

How could he not know what Sera Masumi was thinking.

‘Why do I always feel that this tomboy has become suspicious since I heard about Akikawa Kyusuke’s possible other image? ’

'She doesn't really think that Akikawa is really a character comparable to an agent...'

Conan recalled the way Akikawa Kyusuke grabbed him before, crying and asking himself in a trembling voice whether he would die.

He shook his head.

'If that was Akikawa's performance, then his acting skills would be as good as my mother's. ’

Conan complained in his mind.


The other side.

Megure Thirteen, who had just sent someone to escort Toda Kyouji into the back seat of the police car, suddenly heard a rush of footsteps behind him.

He looked back.

As soon as he saw the tomboy detective he had met just a few minutes ago, Sera Shinsuma ran towards him quickly.

"Sister Sera, what's wrong?"

"Officer Megure, I have a request."

Megure Thirteen heard Sera Masaki say.

"Please let me, along with Officer Sato, confirm the evidence that Officer Nakajima forged in Akikawa's house!"

"No, this is against the rules!"

Megure Thirteen directly rejected Sera Masumi's proposal.

"Officer Megure, I think that Officer Nakajima is very likely to deceive Officer Sato."

"So I think I might be able to help Officer Sato and help identify which evidence was forged by Officer Toda."

"And I will definitely not tell anyone about this kind of thing. I didn't tell Xiaolan or the others either. I came alone to ask for Officer Megure's help."

As Sera Masumi spoke, she lowered her head and clasped her hands together as if to make a request.

Mumu Shisan looked at Shiliang Zhenchun, thought about it for a long time, and then nodded helplessly.

"Okay, I'll go tell Sato."

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