In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 146 Deliberate Concealment (22)

Conan returned to Akikawa Kyusuke's hospital room.

Then I found that there seemed to be one person missing in the ward.

"Where's Miss Yoko?" Conan asked.

"Miss Yoko just went out and said she wanted to buy some fruit for everyone."

Mao Lilan said to Conan.

"If we want to buy fruit, can we go there? If Miss Yoko goes there in person, won't she be recognized and cause a sensation?"

Conan was confused.

"I think so too, but Miss Yoko insists that we have already brought condolences to Mr. Akikawa, so we can't spend any more money."

Suzuki Sonoko spread her hands.

Fortunately, it seems that what Conan was worried about did not happen.

Soon, they heard the sound of the ward door being opened.

After Conan looked back, he suddenly realized.

It turns out that Okino Yoko covered herself tightly when she went out, not only wearing sunglasses and a mask.

Even her conspicuous long chestnut hair was hidden in the hat.

No wonder no one recognized him.

"I asked the fruit shop owner to help me cut it."

Okino Yoko said, taking out the cantaloupe from the crisper.

"Come, Conan-kun."

"Thank you~"

Okino Yoko took out a sliced ​​cantaloupe and handed it to Conan, and Conan thanked Okino Yoko in a childish voice.

Cantaloupe is quite an expensive fruit in Japan.

However, everyone also knew that Okino Yoko was not short of money, so after thanking Okino Yoko, they all readily accepted Okino Yoko's kindness.

After sharing it for everyone in the room, Okino Yoko took out a box of cantaloupe that had been peeled and cut into small pieces.

Then he sat down next to Akikawa Kyousuke's hospital bed again and fed Akikawa Kyousuke a cantaloupe with a toothpick stuck in it.

This scene instantly stunned Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan.

Both girls stopped chewing in their mouths and stared at the scene in front of them in stunned silence.

Then Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko turned to look at each other, and both of them saw the strong surprise in each other's eyes.

‘What’s going on? ! Is the relationship between Mr. Akikawa and Ms. Yoko really that close? ’

‘I don’t know either! ! ’

The two girls exchanged each other's inner thoughts with their eyes.


Conan, on the other hand, looked at the shocked expressions of Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, and couldn't help feeling speechless.

‘Although Ms. Yoko and Mr. Akikawa have different surnames, looking at their hair color and their somewhat similar facial features, you should have guessed that they are siblings, right? ’

Conan thought in his mind.

At the same time, another person could not help but appear in my mind,

She has short brown hair and looks like a girl who has transformed from an adult to a child just like herself.

‘Speaking of which, Haibara is Miss Yoko’s ultimate fan’

'I wonder what kind of expression she would show if she saw this scene? ’

Conan couldn't help but think to himself.


"Thank you, Miss Yoko, I won't eat."

Akikawa Kyousuke stopped after eating about three pieces of cantaloupe.

"Still can't eat too much?"

Okino Yoko frowned and asked with concern.

"Yeah, and my neck hurts when I chew it, so I'm really sorry."

Akikawa Kyusuke apologized to Okino Yoko.

"I was overthinking it. I thought Akikawa-kun would not burden you with chewing the cut fruit pulp."

Okino Yoko said.

"Well, Miss Yoko and Mr. Akikawa have a really good relationship."

Suzuki Sonoko on the side looked at Okino Yoko's expression that looked a little disappointed because Akikawa Kyusuke couldn't eat too much, and couldn't help but speak.

She was really a little too curious about the relationship between the two people.


Okino Yoko looked as if she was being praised and admitted happily.

"By the way, what is the relationship between Miss Yoko and Mr. Akikawa?"

"It shouldn't just be a simple relationship with the company's senior artists, right?"

Suzuki Sonoko couldn't bear it anymore and finally asked.

When Mao Lilan heard this, she couldn't help but pricked up her ears.

Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan thought they would get an answer like "lover\

,"Conan and Sera Masumi thought Okino Yoko would reveal her sibling relationship with Akikawa Kyusuke here.

Unexpectedly, Okino Yoko actually said without any hesitation:

"It's just a simple relationship between senior and junior artists."

Such an answer once again raised the level of gossip between Suzuki Sonoko and Mao Lilan.

In the eyes of the two girls, Okino Yoko was clearly deliberately covering up her relationship with Akikawa Kyusuke.

Doesn't this just show that the relationship between the two is probably what they guessed? !

However, these words had other meanings in the ears of Conan and Sera Masumi, who knew the true relationship between Okino Yoko and Akikawa Kyusuke.

‘Yoko Okino is deliberately hiding the sibling relationship between the two! ’

Conan and Sera Masumi noticed this almost at the same time.

Especially for Masumi Sera, who had just decided to investigate the truth of the car accident, Okino Yoko's words particularly aroused her suspicion.

‘Yoko Okino has several times behaved in front of outsiders with Kyusuke Akikawa that goes beyond the relationship between senior and senior members of the company. ’

'It stands to reason that for a big star like her, she should be quite worried about scandals and the like. ’

'But Okino Yoko would rather be misunderstood by Xiaolan and Sonoko than admit her sibling relationship with Akikawa Kyusuke in front of outsiders. ’

'Could it be said that for her, the negative impact of exposing her sibling relationship with Akikawa Kongsuke is greater than being misunderstood as a lover? ’

Just when Sera Masumi was thinking in her mind, she saw Okino Yoko suddenly take out her mobile phone and go to the corner of the ward to answer the call.

"Hey, Sister Sha Hui, what's wrong?"

"I'm in the hospital. Akikawa-kun is in good condition."

"Tomorrow's filming. Please refuse it for me. I probably won't be able to continue filming until Akikawa-kun is discharged from the hospital."

"It's not very frequent, right? This is the first time I've been absent from filming this year. The last time was half a year ago."

"Okay, okay, please, Sister Sha Hui."

Soon, Okino Yoko finished dealing with her agent Nakata Sae, returned to Akikawa Kyusuke, and started chatting with Suzuki Sonoko and others again.

Masumi Sera, who heard the contents of Okino Yoko's phone call, once again captured the key information.

‘The last time was half a year ago? Okino Yoko also missed filming half a year ago? ’

Sera Masumi calculated the time in her mind, and suddenly she had a premonition in her heart.

So she quickly took out her mobile phone and started searching the Internet for news about Okino Yoko's absence from the filming.

The result surprised Desai Liangzhenzhen.

The above shows that during the four days on August 23 last year, Okino Yoko was suddenly absent from filming.

There are rumors in the outside world that Okino Yoko is dating a secret boyfriend.

But Sera Masumi immediately linked Okino Yoko's absence from the filming to the car accident.

‘You happened to be absent from the filming during the car accident? ’

‘But Officer Takagi clearly said at the time that Okino Yoko said that she had not had contact with her mother and brother for many years. ’

‘Obviously Okino Yoko is lying and she is deliberately hiding the truth! ’

'She must know something! ’

Sera Masumi quickly made a judgment in her heart.

She realized that Okino Yoko might be her breakthrough point in identifying the real murderer.

Sorry, dear readers, the recovery situation today is not very good, so there are only two updates.

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