Hearing the scream, Haihara Ai suddenly had a bad premonition. She climbed out of the hot spring and quickly came to the side of the woman who was holding her cheek and still screaming continuously.

"What happened?"

Hui Yuan Ai asked.

The woman who was slumped on the ground slowly turned her head when she heard the sound.

She looked at the little girl in front of her with a pale face, who looked like she had just entered elementary school. Then she stretched out her hand and pointed tremblingly at the hot spring pool she had just soaked in. Her lips trembled and she spoke:

"Water...under the water...there are people..."



In his sleep, Conan dreamed that he was riding a roller coaster with his childhood sweetheart girlfriend Mao Lilan, and then the whole world became spinning.

He opened his eyes suddenly and saw the livid-faced Hui Yuan Ai grabbing his collar and shaking himself crazily.

"Haiyuan, what's wrong? Did you wet the bed again?"

"What do you mean wetting the bed 'again'?! I've never wet the bed before, okay!"

Hui Yuan Ai said with some annoyance.

"So, what's wrong?"

"The dead person is in the women's hot spring area."

When Conan heard Haiyuan Ai's words, his eyes suddenly widened and he woke up completely.

He hurriedly woke up Dr. Ali who was snoring like thunder, and then after changing clothes with Dr. Ali, the three of them hurriedly went downstairs.

At this time, Conan heard the siren sounding outside.

At this time, the area on the first floor of Guquan'an had turned into a mess. Many staff members looked very flustered. They were obviously caught off guard by this situation.


A group of detectives from the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Headquarters entered the hall and asked:

"Who called the police?"

"It's me!"

Hui Yuan Ai raised her little hands and said loudly.

The criminal police officers present had expressions of surprise on their faces when they saw that the person who called the police was such a young girl.

The leading police officer came to Hui Yuan Ai's side, squatted down, and asked Hai Yuan Ai:

"Can you tell uncle what happened?"

"I was just taking a bath in the hot spring, and suddenly I heard the sister scream suddenly."

As Hui Yuan Ai said, he pointed to another woman in the hall who was wearing a blanket and looking pale.

Conan also looked in the direction of Haiyuan Ai's finger.

I saw that the woman's hair was wet and hanging down, and she was still wearing the yukata assigned to tourists by Kosenan, and her body was shaking constantly.

‘Looking at what she was wearing, it was obvious that she had not gone back to the room. ’

'And if she was frightened, she probably wouldn't have time to take a shower. ’

'Then why is her hair wet? ’

Conan listened to Haihara Ai's description. When she first met the woman, she had her hair tied up.

Logically speaking, the other person's hair should not be exposed to water.

While Conan was thinking in his mind, the leading police department sent a female police officer to the trembling woman, and then asked the woman what happened.

The woman's name is Motoki Mayumi.

She had the same idea as Haihara Ai, and also wanted to take a bath in the hot spring in the morning when there was no one around and the hot spring water was relatively clean.

But this is different from Haihara Ai.

Mayumi Motoki first chose the "bubble bath" which is said to be good for the skin and has a whitening effect.

As the name of the bubble bath pool suggests, there are many hot springs with white bubbles on the water.

The principle of bubble formation is to install nozzles at the bottom or side of the hot spring pool. Carbon dioxide is injected into the water through these nozzles to form a large number of small bubbles.

However, due to the generation of a large number of bubbles, the bubble bath pool is not like other hot spring pools where you can directly see the bottom of the pool.

So Motoki Mayumi didn't have any doubts and directly soaked into the pool.

However, just as she submerged her body into the pool, her right foot stepped on something soft.

At first, Mayumi Motoki didn't have any doubts, and she even had the courage to submerge her entire head into the pool, wanting to see what she had stepped on.

It doesn't matter if you don't see the results.

Then Motoki Mayumi discovered with horror that there was a man's body at the bottom of the pool.

Motoki Mayumi, who was severely frightened, rushed out of the pool like crazy and has not recovered until now.

'No wonder her hair is wet...it turns out that she stepped on the body and buried her head in the water to check the situation. ’

Conan was stunned.

He sighed in his heart that Mayumi Motoki's courage was simply extraordinary.

At the same time, I also feel that this young lady may have left a shadow in her heart and will never go to hot springs in the future.

Conan and Haibara Ai hid behind Dr. Ali, who was also well-known among the police, and entered the women's hot spring area.

At this time, the bodies in the hot spring pool had been fished out.

Because the body had been soaked in water for a long time, the body had become soaked.

But Conan and Haibara Ai still recognized each other at a glance.

This is the actor who played the Masked Superman on the stage yesterday afternoon - Takeshi Furusawa.

After observing the corpse, Conan turned to look at Haihara Ai.

Then I saw Hui Yuan Ai nodding seriously.

Obviously, the two reached a consensus on the cause of death.

The police first conducted a preliminary inspection of Kenji Furusawa's body, but did not see any obvious external injuries on his body.

"Did he die from drowning?"

The deputy inspector of the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Headquarters looked at Kenji Furusawa's somewhat white and wrinkled body and said to himself.

"No, it's not drowning!"

At this time, Conan took his bow-tie voice changer and spoke in the voice of Dr. Agasa.

The police officers present all looked at Dr. Agasa when they heard the words.

Dr. Agasa was startled at first, then quickly adjusted his mood and said in conjunction with Conan's voice:

"Although the skin of the deceased showed immersion and hypoxia due to long-term immersion in water, a closer look showed that the lips, nails and earlobes of the deceased were cyanotic."

Everyone present looked at Kenji Furusawa's body when they heard the words.

Sure enough, it was found that the skin of the lips, nails and earlobes of the deceased were blue-purple.

"This is a typical feature of a person who died of hydrogen sulfide poisoning."

"Since hydrogen sulfide interferes with the use of oxygen, the skin of the deceased may become cyanotic."

"At the same time, the poisoned person often loses consciousness quickly due to nervous system inhibition, and may cause respiratory arrest, so the body will also show symptoms of hypoxia."

"In addition, Ms. Yuanmu also said that when she found the body, the body was sunk to the bottom of the hot spring pool."

"If the cause of death of the deceased was drowning, then due to the inflation of the lungs, the body should float to the surface of the water quickly."

"But the body sank to the bottom of the water, indicating that the cause of death of the deceased was not drowning, and the time of death was relatively short, and the body had not yet decayed."

"Therefore, the cause of death of the deceased should not be drowning, but hydrogen sulfide poisoning!"

Sorry, I haven't been in a good state since I became positive. Although I don't have a fever anymore, I always feel that my breathing is not smooth, as if I have aged twenty years in an instant. I haven't updated well during this period, please forgive me

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