While Akikawa Sousuke was undergoing treatment,

The Metropolitan Police Department also concluded its investigation.

Later, Wataru Takagi from the Criminal Investigation Section 1 of the Metropolitan Police Department took relevant information from the Metropolitan Police Department and came to the hospital.

"In the past, investigation of cases took a long time, but this time it was surprisingly simple."

"Because neither the victim nor the victim's interpersonal relationship is complicated."

Gao Mushe said to everyone in the room.

"Akikawa Ryoko was divorced a long time ago, and her ex-husband also died in an accident many years ago."

"In addition to Akikawa Kyusuke, Akikawa Ryoko also has a daughter who followed her father when her parents divorced."

"After the police contacted Akikawa Ryoko's daughter, her daughter was quite shocked by the death of her mother."

"However, since the daughter and her mother have had no contact since her parents' divorce, the daughter is not aware of her mother's interpersonal relationships."

"In addition, we also found Akikawa Ryoko's medical records at Akikawa Kongsuke's home, which showed that Akikawa Ryoko was diagnosed with schizophrenia."

Although Conan and others were slightly surprised when they heard the news, they were not too surprised.

Because a mother who is able to imprison her child is most likely to have a mental problem.

"Say, Officer Takagi."

Conan raised his head and looked at Takagi Wataru.

"Was the victim diagnosed with schizophrenia before the divorce? Or after the divorce?"

"Before the divorce."

Takagi Shibi looked at the information in his hand and gave a positive reply.

"Well, why can patients with schizophrenia still get custody of their children?"

"Being sick before the divorce, is it something like domestic violence?"

"No, there seems to be no point in worrying about this. My ex-husband is already dead, and the two of them have been divorced long ago."

Conan muttered a few words under his breath, and finally concluded that the victim's experience with her ex-husband was of little help to this case.

"Later, the Metropolitan Police visited the restaurant where the victim occasionally worked. After learning that the victim was dead, they all acted very shocked."

"Basically everyone who has worked with Ryoko Akikawa said that Ryoko Akikawa is usually taciturn and withdrawn, and almost doesn't talk to them at all."

"So even though Ryoko Akikawa worked in that restaurant for three years, she still didn't have many friends."

"After the police asked them whether they had ever noticed that Akikawa Ryoko had any mental problems, all of them gave a negative answer."

"In addition, Ryoko Akikawa doesn't go to work very frequently, about four times a week."

After listening to what Takagi Wataru said, Sera Masumi began to lower his head and analyze.

"Four times a week. Even if you work eight hours a day, based on Tokyo's minimum hourly wage, you can barely get a salary of about 130,000 yen a month."

"And in addition to rent, they also have a car that they need to pay for parking every month, plus three insurances."

"They are still renting apartments. Can this kind of income really afford the lives of mothers and children?"

Sera is confused.

"Although his income is not high, he can still survive. After all, Akikawa Kyusuke doesn't need a lot of money for food."

Miwako Sato said.

"Huh? How did Miss Sera know that they were renting an apartment?" Takagi Wataru was confused.

"Just think about it, how can someone who moves frequently buy an apartment?"

"So that's it."

Takagi Shita nodded.

"As for the suspect Akikawa Kongsuke, the police contacted the elementary school he once attended, and the result of the investigation is that no one has any contact with him."

"Combined with what was previously determined about Akikawa Kyousuke being placed under house arrest by his mother, he should have no interpersonal relationships at all."

"The above is the information related to the case that the Metropolitan Police Department has learned."

"That's all"

Everyone in the room frowned when they heard this.

"There are almost no human connections, which means there are unlikely to be enemies."

"Coupled with this poor and constrained life, it is hard to imagine that anyone would have such hatred for Akikawa Ryoko."

"Vendettas from outsiders can basically be ruled out."

"Then the only person who can satisfy his hatred for Akikawa Ryoko and benefit from Akikawa Ryoko's death is Akikawa Kyusuke?"

Conan analyzed in a low voice.

"But this statement is inconsistent with the suspect Akikawa Kousuke's own confession, because he said that his mother was killed by a motorcycle rider."

Miwako Sato added.

She had listened to Takuto Nakajima's report, and also learned that Akikawa Kousuke had said that the perpetrator was someone else.

"It seems that Kyusuke Akikawa is most likely to be lying."


After four hours of treatment, Akikawa Kyusuke was sent back to his ward again.

Although he has traveled through time for only one day.

But Akikawa Kyusuke always felt that this day might be more tiring than a week.

Maybe it's because so many things happened in this short period of time.

"Hepatic insufficiency, anemia, severe malnutrition, broken right hand, head trauma, and several bruises on the body."

"Am I going to live with this body in the future?"

Although Akikawa Sosuke knew that he could get a second chance at life after death, there was really nothing to complain about.

However, as he got to know himself better, Akikawa Sosuke couldn't help but feel tired.

"Speaking of which, as long as you complete the system options, you can directly get an upgrade. I saw items like [Recovery Card] before, which should be able to cure all my old illnesses."

"It's outrageous that a child can be raised like this by his mother."

Just as Akikawa Sosuke was staring at the ceiling and talking to himself in his heart, he suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Then he saw a tall woman in a suit, and Sera Masumi and Conan who he had seen before walked in.

"Another detective, he looks higher than that Nakajima."

"But this time Nakajima didn't come. It seems that he was forced to leave this case because of the forced confession."

"Speaking of which, the handsome detective next to the Death God Elementary School Student has too scary fighting power."

Akikawa Sosuke complained in his heart.

(Masumi Sera has always used the male self-proclaimed name "女", and the "Miss" in other people's address to Masumi Sera is actually "mulberry" in Japanese, so gender cannot be judged by the address)

"Hello, Mr. Akikawa, I am a detective in the third department of the investigation of the first division of the Metropolitan Police Department. My name is Sato Miwako."

Sato Miwako did not intend to hide her identity, but walked directly in front of Akikawa Sosuke and showed her police officer ID.

"First of all, I want to apologize for Officer Nakajima who did something excessive to Mr. Akikawa before."

"Although it may be difficult to get Mr. Akikawa's understanding, Officer Nakajima will also be punished accordingly when he returns to the Metropolitan Police Department."


Looking at the beautiful police officer in front of him who bowed sincerely to him, Akikawa Sosuke responded lightly.

As for the punishment mentioned by Sato Miwako, Akikawa Sosuke did not believe it.

After all, how to punish at that time is not their own internal affairs.

"Although I don't hate Nakajima, after all, I was able to get out of the case thanks to him."

"I should be taken to the Metropolitan Police Department for questioning next? As long as I'm not with the detectives, it won't be a big problem..."

Akikawa Sosuke thought in his heart.

Then he heard Sato Miwako stand up and continue to say to him:

"Although it's a bit rude to come and disturb Mr. Akikawa when he just finished the operation, I still want to ask Mr. Akikawa a few questions about this case."


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