In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 175 Differences in Judgment (12)

In order to better confirm the condition of the body, the Kanagawa Prefecture police set up a temporary investigation room in the men's locker room adjacent to the hot spring area.

Police laid a clean tarp on the locker room floor.

Then he cooperated with detective Sera Masumi to take out all the stumps in the bag and place them on it.

The deceased was cut into twelve pieces in total.

The limbs and head connected to the torso were severed.

The arm is divided into three parts, namely the upper arm, forearm and palm.

The legs are divided into thighs and calves connected to the feet.

Finally, the head was cut off directly from the neck.

The torn human body was placed on top of the tarpaulin, giving everyone who saw it a huge visual impact.

After seeing this scene, many detectives couldn't help but cover their mouths, and made retching sounds in their throats.

"Isn't this murderer too crazy?"

"He must have a deep hatred for the deceased! Otherwise, how could he do such a thing!"

"Oh my gosh, I'm afraid I won't be eating anything raw again for a long, long time."

"That detective is so awesome. I heard he's only a high school student. He didn't even frown when faced with this situation."

Akikawa Kosuke heard the low-pitched discussions of the surrounding detectives, and his eyes moved from the corpse to Sera Masumi.

Originally, Akikawa Kyusuke was still curious about how he would reason when he couldn't understand Conan's hint at all.

Unexpectedly, by such a coincidence, this "handsome" detective with amazing fighting ability happened to appear here.

'Looking at the reaction of the Shinigami primary school student just now, he obviously didn't know that this handsome detective would appear here, so this must be a coincidence. ’

‘Is this the protagonist’s luck? ’

'However, it seems that this handsome detective is not here for vacation. ’

Akikawa Kyousuke thought in his heart, and his eyes moved to the embarrassment-looking detectives on the side.

He also noticed a detail.

That is, whether it is the detectives, Conan or Sera Masumi around them, they all regard the person who dismembered the body as a murderer.

In other words, they believe that the person who dismembered the body is the murderer of the deceased.

This is slightly different from Akikawa Kongsuke's judgment.

‘Except for the neck, the parts that the dismemberer cut were all movable joints of the human body, so there should be no problem that he was trying to cover up the deceased’s posture when he died. ’

'But the problem is, now it seems that the murderer should be someone else, then there should be another reason for the dismemberer to cut up the body -'

Akikawa Kosuke turned his attention away from the detectives and turned to the head and torso that were placed on the tarp with the neck cut open.

‘Cover up the wounds which caused the death of the deceased. ’

Akikawa Kyousuke, who thought he had obtained enough information, pretended to be intolerable and quietly retreated from the door of the locker room.

He stayed in the lobby on the first floor under the surveillance of the criminal police.

‘If my guess is correct, the person who dismembered the body and the murderer should be different people. ’

'The dismemberment was carried out in order to conceal the real cause of death and the posture of the deceased at the time of death. ’

'But he threw the bag containing the body into the hot spring in order for the police to find the body earlier. ’

'It would be fine if the person who dismembered the body was the murderer. ’

‘What is the reason why the person who dismembered the corpse would rather be charged with the crime of mutilating the corpse and abandoning the corpse when he was not the murderer, even risking being regarded as the murderer, and covering up the posture of the deceased when he died? ’

Through the somewhat contradictory behavior of the dismemberer, Akikawa Kosuke realized that there might be other unknown reasons behind the dismemberment case.


The other side.

After carefully observing all the stumps, Conan and Sera Masumi fell into deep thought.

"If the deceased was standing or lying down when he was in rigor mortis, then the wounds the murderer made on his thighs and torso should also be perpendicular to the body."

"Since the incision in this part is slanted, it means that the deceased was in a sitting position when he fell into rigor mortis."

"In this case, the murderer cut the thighs and calves for the same reason. He didn't want people to see that the deceased was sitting in a sitting position when he died."

Conan analyzed.

When a person is standing, his calves, thighs, and torso are vertical to the ground.

But when sitting, the calves and thighs, and the thighs and trunk are perpendicular to each other.

Therefore, in order to conceal the sitting posture of the deceased, the murderer needed to cut from the femoral and tibial joints and hip joints.

"But if you are just sitting, there seems to be no need to cover up."

"The most important thing should be the posture of the arms and neck."

Sera Masaki thought about it for a long time, but couldn't figure out what kind of sitting posture it was. It had to be covered up by dismembering the body.

Indeed, there are some very special sitting postures, and one can determine the state of the deceased at the time of death just by looking at them.

For example, if a person is sitting in the driver's seat and dies and develops rigor mortis while driving.

So even if there is no car, as long as you see the posture of the deceased after rigor mortis, you can judge that the deceased was driving when he died.

But the problem is that Sera Masumi has already determined that the deceased died in the hot spring hotel.

Naturally, it is impossible to act like driving in a hot spring hotel.

Besides this, Sera Masumi could not think of any other sitting posture that would reveal the state of the deceased at the time of death.

"It seems that we still have to determine the place of death of the deceased first, and then judge the posture of the deceased at the time of death based on the state of the crime scene."

Conan said.

"Speaking of which, boy, have you noticed that the neck of the deceased was the only one that was not cut from the movable joint."

Sera Masumi stared at the hideous cut on the neck of the deceased and whispered.


Conan nodded slightly.

"I think that either the posture of the deceased's death has nothing to do with the neck, and the murderer cut the neck of the deceased in order to confuse the audience."

"Or there are some special reasons that caused the murderer to choose other positions to cut the neck."

After Conan finished speaking, he and Sera Masumi left the men's locker room area.

The information that the body can provide is enough, and the next step is to start the investigation of the crime scene.

The two went to ask Inspector Okamura about the progress of the surveillance confirmation.

This dismemberment case is the same as yesterday's poisoning case. The murderer could only dump the body between 0:30 and 5:00 in the morning when the cleaner finished cleaning.

If the occupant wants to go downstairs, he will definitely not be able to avoid the camera.

The police can therefore determine the floor where the body dumper lives.

However, this time the camera did not provide any useful information.

The criminal police checked the elevator surveillance and stairway surveillance from 0:30 to 5:00, and found no one carrying a bag or a suitcase large enough to hold a bag going downstairs.

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