In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 199 The Erased Traces (12)

After Conan made sure that Sera Masumi was safe, he hurried back to Kosenan.

Since the number of victims was quite large this time, the Kanagawa Prefectural Police Headquarters also sent a large number of criminal police officers to Kosenan.

After Conan returned here, he once again saw the Okamura police officer whom he had only met during the day yesterday.

He is directing his criminal police to investigate the outside of Kosen Temple and the entire first floor of Kosen Temple.

At this time he saw Conan, so he pointed at Chianti with a serious face and said:

"Conan-kun, did you witness how this man died?"

"Yes, her neck was broken by the sister who was wearing the work uniform of Kosenan."

Conan added to the Okamura Police Department.

"Then what was her condition before her neck was broken?"

"It seemed like he passed out."

"Then she passed out due to hydrogen sulfide poisoning just like Miss Sera?"

Conan noticed that the Okamura police officer began to talk to himself after hearing what he said.

And there was a slightly confused look on his cheek.

‘Is the cause of her death confusing the Okamura Police Department? ’

Conan was thinking in his mind while also observing Chianti's corpse.

She found that the dead Chianti and Masumi Sera had swollen eyes and pale complexion.

Logically speaking, this should be a symptom of hydrogen sulfide poisoning.

However, something strange is that

Chianti's eyes, lips, and ears are cyanotic.

This is slightly different from the symptoms of hydrogen sulfide poisoning.

Moreover, Conan also discovered.

Chianti's neck showed severe bruises.

Conan got a little closer and discovered that the skin in Chianti's carotid artery area had formed very obvious blue-purple ecchymosis.

‘Subcutaneous bleeding? ! ’

Conan instantly understood what was causing the cyanosis around Chianti's eyes, lips, and ears.

‘Sure enough, Okamura Police Department’s confusion was not wrong. ’

'Although she also had symptoms of hydrogen sulfide poisoning, she was not comatose because of hydrogen sulfide, but because of compression of the carotid artery. ’

'The bruises on her neck demonstrated severe compression of her carotid arteries. ’

'The cyanosis around her eyes, lips and ears was due to the compression of the carotid artery, which blocked the return of blood and caused suffocation. ’

‘This is definitely not what Miss Sera did. Someone really wanted to kill Chianti! ’

After Conan thought of this, he immediately connected the mysterious man who he had previously judged to have caused Belmode and Chianti to suffer serious consequences.

This made Conan even more confused about the identity of that person.

‘Used hydrogen sulfide, compressed the carotid artery, and scratched Belmode’s arm’

‘What a cruel method, who is that person? ’

Conan thought and hurriedly ran into Guquan Nunnery and rushed to the monitoring room.

‘Whether the mysterious man lived in Kosen An beforehand or came in from the outside midway, he will definitely be photographed by the surveillance camera of Kosen An. ’

‘As long as we investigate and monitor, we should be able to roughly determine the identity of the other party. ’

After Conan entered the surveillance room, he met the female detective who had just met yesterday morning and came to investigate the surveillance.

Beside the female detective, there were two other detectives standing.

The female detective frowned deeply as she operated the mouse and computer, while the two detectives beside her stared at the computer screen with equally confused faces.

"What? What's wrong? Didn't you see the bad guy in the surveillance video?"

Conan put on a childish voice and asked.

The three detectives were all shocked by Conan.

They looked towards Conan, who quickly explained:

"I saw the appearance of the murderer who killed the aunt outside. The Okamura Police Department asked me to come over and identify the murderer."

The female detective in charge of checking the surveillance video also recognized Conan as the child who stayed next to Detective Sera Masumi throughout yesterday morning.

So he didn't hide anything, frowned and said:

"All the videos after 11 o'clock last night have been deleted, whether they are outside or inside Kosen-an."

Conan: "!!!"

Conan was shocked when he heard this.

‘The surveillance video was deleted? ! ’

‘By whom? ! That mysterious man? Or Belmode? ’

‘It’s done so without leaving any trace! ’

With all kinds of doubts in his mind, Conan quickly moved the stool, jumped on it, and checked the surveillance video with the female detective.

"Sorry, officer, can you move the progress forward a little?"

"I want to see if the murderer is in the surveillance video."

Conan said to the female detective in a serious tone.

The female detective slowly dragged the progress bar according to Conan's instructions.

"I remember it was said on TV that if you want to modify or delete surveillance videos, you must have administrator rights."

Conan said.

"This computer does have administrator rights."

The female detective said and circled the location representing the administrator's account with her mouse.

After Conan learned the news, he fell into deep thought again.

‘That mysterious person should not know the administrator’s password, unless he is an insider of the hotel. ’

‘Or was it Vermouth who deleted the surveillance video? ’

Conan watched almost all the videos at the gate of Kosen-an, but he did not find the disguised Vermouth.

So far, Conan has determined the identity of the person who deleted and turned off the surveillance, and it is most likely Vermouth.

‘After Vermouth sneaked into Kosen-an, she knocked out and tied up all the front desk and backstage staff on night duty. ’

‘That is to say, at that time, she asked the administrator's password from the staff, turned off and deleted the surveillance video of the time she entered Kosen-an! ’

‘And in order to conceal her purpose, she deleted and turned off all the surveillance videos of other floors at the same time! ’

After making this judgment, Conan felt a headache again.

In this way, not only can Chianti and Vermouth not be found in the surveillance.

And even the identity of the mysterious person who caused Vermouth and Chianti to suffer heavy losses and drove them away is naturally unknown.

‘Since the traces have been wiped clean, the only hope left is Miss Sera.’

‘I don’t know if Miss Sera saw the appearance of the mysterious man, or if she determined the identity of the mysterious man?’

Conan thought to himself.

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