Akikawa Kyusuke and this lawyer named Kuriyama Midori,

We took a taxi together and headed to the Metropolitan Police Headquarters in Chiyoda Ward.

Got back my personal belongings,

As well as some of the relics of the original owner’s mother, Ryoko Akikawa.

Since some of Ryoko Akikawa's belongings will be used as evidence for subsequent handling of the case,

Therefore, we can only wait until the case is completely concluded before we can return it to Akikawa Kongsuke.

But for Akikawa Kongsuke, who knew the truth, he understood that there was a high probability that he would not come back with the remaining things.

"It's said to be personal belongings, but it's just personal identification, keys, and pills...the money...is less than 4,000 yen in total..."

"And the original owner doesn't even have a mobile phone."

Akikawa Kyusuke looked at his childish satchel and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

"However, people who are ready to die don't seem to have to carry too many things with them."

After taking away his personal belongings, Kuriyama Midori turned to look at Akikawa Kyousuke.

"Mr. Akikawa, it's still early. If you don't mind, you can come to our law firm to discuss matters related to inheritance and insurance funds."

"Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't force yourself. Or you can choose a time that is convenient for Mr. Akikawa in the future."

Kuriyama Midori knew that Akikawa Kousuke's right hand was still in a plaster cast and that he was weak just after being discharged from the hospital.

So I suggested choosing a date.

"Just today."

Akikawa Kyousuke wanted to finish these troublesome things quickly, so he said.


Kuriyama Midori nodded lightly, and then prepared to hail a taxi on the side of the road.

"Hey, do you want to take a taxi again?"

Akikawa Kyusuke now only has more than 3,000 yen that he took back from the Metropolitan Police Department as a relic of the original owner's mother.

When I just took a taxi from the hospital, I spent more than 5,000 yen in fare.

I'm afraid the little money I have is not enough to take a taxi.

Kuriyama Midori also knew that Akikawa Kousuke's current financial situation could be said to be quite tight, so he smiled at Akikawa Kousuke again.

"It's okay. I'll pay for the fare. After all, it's an honor for me that Mr. Akikawa is willing to entrust me to do these things."

Listening to the extremely high-quality speech of the lawyer lady in front of him, Akikawa Kongsuke was convinced.

The commission fee for Kuriyama Green is definitely not cheap.

The two took a taxi again and came to the law firm where Midori Kuriyama worked.

Akikawa Kousuke originally thought that with Kuriyama Midori's extremely high professionalism, he should work for a fairly large law firm.

After arriving at the destination, I discovered that it was just a small private office.

After Akikawa Kyusuke and Kuriyama Midori entered the office,

I saw a woman with glasses and tied hair sitting behind the table in the middle of the living room. Her appearance and temperament were quite outstanding, and she was working with her head down.

"Teacher, I'm back. This is Mr. Akikawa."


After saying hello to Akikawa Kongsuke, the woman got back to work.

From Kuriyama Midori's title of "teacher" to the female, and the other party's self-confidence that was obviously accumulated through countless successful cases over the years, exuding from the inside out,

Akikawa Kongsuke could guess that the other party must be the owner of this law firm, and his level must be high.

Kuriyama Midori led Akikawa Kousuke to sit down in front of the sofa, and then walked to the refrigerator.

"What would you like to drink, Mr. Akikawa?"

"Just water."

After Kuriyama Midori poured a glass of water for Akikawa Kyusuke, he sat across from him.

"Then let's get to the point. Does Mr. Akikawa know exactly how much property Ms. Ryoko has?"

“I’m not sure about the deposit, but it shouldn’t be much.”

"In this case, I can go and help investigate. As long as I know which banks your mother has opened accounts in, I can go to the bank to help investigate your mother's specific deposit amount."

"I don't know much about this either."

"In this case, we can only ask Mr. Akikawa to go back and look for any passbooks or bank cards at home."


"Also, I understand that Mr. Akikawa lives with Ms. Ryoko in a rented apartment, so is it okay to think that your mother does not have any property such as real estate?"

"Yeah, that's right."

Kuriyama Midori would carefully record every time Akikawa Kongsuke answered in his notebook.

Even though Akikawa Kyousuke answers with "I don't know" most of the time,

Kuriyama Midori still had a faint smile on her face,

There was no expression of dissatisfaction or contempt at all.

"Okay, let's stop talking about the inheritance issue for now. Next, let's talk about the insurance compensation issue."

Kuriyama Midori said, taking out the three insurance contracts he took from the Metropolitan Police Department and placing them on the table.

"Ms. Ryoko has a total of three insurances, two life insurances and one auto liability insurance."

"The death benefit amount of the self-indemnity insurance is about 30 million yen, and the death benefit amount of the other two life insurances is 40 million yen and 45 million yen respectively."

"There should be no problem with the death benefit of self-liability insurance and the death benefit of life insurance with a claim amount of 40 million yen."

"But the final 45 million yen life insurance may take some time."

"Why is this?" Akikawa Kongsuke wondered.

“Because the last life insurance policy was taken out within two years.”

Kuriyama Midori's words made Akikawa Kyousuke, who had always lowered his eyes and looked at the insurance contract on the table, his eyelids twitch slightly.

at the same time.

After hearing this, the lawyer Fei Yingli, who was sitting at the table on the other side, stopped holding the pen and writing.

Kuriyama Midori did not notice anything unusual and continued to explain to Akikawa Kūsuke:

"The death of the insured during this period is an 'early accident', and the insurance company may intervene in the investigation."

“In the end, based on the results of the investigation, the claim may be rejected or the compensation amount may be adjusted.”

"But I think Mr. Akikawa doesn't need to worry. After all, the Metropolitan Police Department has confirmed Mr. Akikawa's innocence. In the end, the money should be fully compensated to Mr. Akikawa."

"If the other party finds a reason to refuse compensation or tries to reduce the amount of compensation, Mr. Akikawa only needs to contact me at that time, and I will help get the money back."

Kuriyama Midori put her hand on her chest and showed a confident smile to Akikawa Kyusuke.

"Then thank you Lawyer Kuriyama."

Akikawa Kosuke gently bowed and thanked Kuriyama Midori.

"It's okay, this is our job."

"Since Mr. Akikawa is willing to trust me and entrust me with this work, I will naturally not let Mr. Akikawa down."

I beg you to read it, vote for it, and collect it every day! !

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