In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 32 Another Possibility

"OK, send-"

Itakura Misaki raised her slender index finger in the air and lowered it, and the mouse in her hand made a "click" sound.

At the same time, the computer screen in front of her also displayed the words "Email sent successfully".


She exhaled a long breath, then turned to look at Akikawa Kyusuke and smiled:

"I always feel more nervous than when I was handing in papers for college entrance exams."

Two hours ago.

Misaki Itakura and Kyusuke Akikawa have confirmed the works they will audition for.

So Misaki Itakura started making artist resumes and preparing registration materials for Akikawa Kyusuke.

Although registration materials and application forms are cumbersome, they are not complicated.

As for Itakura Misaki’s biggest challenge,

This is how to beautify Akikawa Kyusuke's extremely ugly resume without violating the facts.

For example, "My dancing skills are terrible" was replaced by "It has great potential for development in dance" by Misaki Itakura.

"Gloomy personality" was replaced by "quiet and reserved".

This kind of thing is easy for Itakura Misaki.

But in terms of academic qualifications, it gave Itakura Misaki a headache for a long time.

Although artists do not pay much attention to academic qualifications compared to other professions.

But the academic qualifications of someone like Akikawa Kousuke, who dropped out of elementary school, are really too ugly.

I believe that no matter how you beautify it, the first person who sees it will probably frown.

Immediately afterwards, you will have a preconceived idea that Akikawa Kyusuke's quality is very poor.

Finally, just now.

Misaki Itakura prepared all the materials and sent them via email to the official review mailbox of the stage play "The Voice of the Dead".

"Now all the registration materials have been sent via email. If you pass the preliminary review, you can participate in the audition."

"Since we at Wonderful are the official partner company of "The Lost Lady: Voice of the Dead" this time, if our company's artists can pass the preliminary review, they can skip the preliminary audition and directly enter the final comprehensive audition."

"If you pass the final audition, you can successfully get the role."

"I hope I won't be dismissed in the first trial." Akikawa Kūsuke replied.

He also knows that his resume as an artist is not pretty.

If you fail to pass the initial review, it is completely normal.

Akikawa Kyusuke didn't pay special attention to this matter.

On the other hand, his manager Miss Itakura Misaki seemed even more nervous than Akikawa Kyusuke himself.

"It seems that Ms. Itakura chose this stage play for a special reason."

Akikawa Kyusuke silently made a judgment in his heart.

"Mr. Akikawa, without further ado, let's set off!"

Itakura Misaki suddenly stood up.

"Where to go?"

"Of course I'm going to buy books!"

Misaki Itakura said.

"Because we registered too late, we didn't have much preparation time."

"If you pass the preliminary review, there will be an on-site audition next week!"

"So now, buy the novel "The Lost City Detective: Voice of the Dead" and thoroughly understand the role you are about to audition for, Mr. Akikawa!"

"Okay." Akikawa Kongsuke nodded.

Half an hour later.

Itakura Misaki and Akikawa Kosuke came out of the bookstore and walked back to the company.

At this time, the bag in Itakura Misaki's hand contained two Bunko books of "The Lost City Detective: Voice of the Dead".

"This book was already very popular, and recently it was adapted into a stage play, so it sold out again!"

"As expected of Mr. Yusaku, you are so awesome!"

Itakura Misaki couldn't help but sigh in her heart at the influence of Kudo Yusaku, the world-renowned mystery writer.

"But I finally understand why Ms. Itakura attaches so much importance to this audition. It turns out that Ms. Yoko is starring."

Akikawa Kosuke had just seen the promotional poster for the stage play in front of the cabinet where the novel "The Lost City Detective: Voice of the Dead" was placed in the bookstore.

Okino Yoko, who plays the heroine in the play, is also placed in the center of the poster.

Hearing Akikawa Kyusuke's words, Itakura Misaki's cheeks turned red and she nodded.

"After all, this is an opportunity to stand on the same work site as Ms. Yoko, so I want to fight for it."

"Speaking of which, what surprised me the most was that Mr. Akikawa knew that he might have the opportunity to perform on the same stage as Ms. Yoko, but he was not excited at all."

"I'm not like you, who chase stars so enthusiastically."

"But ordinary people are always excited when they see big stars, right? And Miss Yoko is so beautiful, I find it hard to believe that there are men who don't like Miss Yoko."

Hearing this, Akikawa Kongsuke also recalled the scene when he returned to the original owner's home for the first time four months ago after escaping from the "matricide case".

At that time, he discovered at the original owner's home that only Okino Yoko's box of idol discs were not rented.

From this, it can be concluded that the original owner and his mother regarded this box of discs as very precious, and even took it with them when they moved.

And this morning.

The agent lady next to him also said that Okino Yoko seemed to have a very shocked expression when she saw her.

"Could it be that Yoko Okino knows 'me'?"

"When I buried the ashes of the original owner's mother, there was also a tightly wrapped person secretly watching me... Could that person be Yoko Okino?"

"Wait... I seem to have overlooked something..."

"The person was wrapped tightly at the time, and was afraid that I would get close to her, so she ran away."

"I therefore concluded that it was because the other party was familiar with the original owner, and as long as he was exposed a little, his identity might be exposed."

"In fact, in addition to this situation, there is another possibility."

"That is, the other party is a big star who can be recognized by anyone at any time and anywhere."

"Now it seems that the person who secretly stared at me at the time is very likely to be Yoko Okino."

"In that case... I still have to continue to maintain the image of a child who has been under house arrest for many years and has little contact with society."

"If it is discovered that the personality changes too much before and after, although there is no evidence, it will inevitably cause unnecessary trouble."

"Fortunately, there should not be many people who know the original owner in reality."

Akikawa Sosuke sighed silently in his heart.

Although he was a little helpless, he had long been accustomed to such things.

Akikawa Sosuke looked at the agent in front of him.

I always felt that with the degree of obsession that Itakura Misaki had for Okino Yoko, if she asked, she would probably tell everything about herself.

And the observation skills that I showed in front of Itakura Misaki this morning were obviously somewhat inconsistent with the original image of "Akikawa Sosuke".

"It's still necessary to plant the seeds from the people around you."

Akikawa Sosuke thought in his heart, and nodded gently to Itakura Misaki.

"Indeed, I like Miss Yoko very much."

Itakura Misaki looked at Akikawa Sosuke with a look of "You see, I know!" Hearing this, she looked at Akikawa Sosuke a few times with a look of "You see, I know!" and felt very satisfied in her heart.

After the two returned to the company, Itakura Misaki took out the book she had just bought.

"Okay! Let's start reading now! You must fully understand the characters and the plot today!"

"Um, Ms. Itakura, I have a request..."

"Leave it to me! What is it?"

Itakura Misaki patted her chest and said very proudly.

"Um, can you help me mark the kana on the kanji in the book?"


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