The roar of the machine poured into his head like a torrent, and Akikawa Sosuke slowly opened his eyes.

The picture he saw was like a constantly moving camera screen, dragging delays and overlapping images.

"Not dead?"

Akikawa Sosuke remembered that he was hit on the head with a chair.

He thought he would die because of this, but he was surprised to find that he didn't seem to be dead.

Akikawa Sosuke bit his tongue fiercely.

Relying on pain stimulation is not the best way to recover from a state of blurred consciousness.

But it is the most effective means in the short term.

Accompanied by the intense pain and the smell of rust gradually spreading in his mouth,

the delayed picture in front of Akikawa Sosuke finally froze, and the blurred picture became clear.

However, the picture he saw after waking up was completely different from before the memory was interrupted.

Akikawa Sosuke saw that there was a man lying under him.

The inexplicable fishy smell entered the nasal cavity, stimulating Akikawa Sosuke's olfactory nerves.

At the same time,

Akikawa Sosuke then realized that he was holding a two-strand hemp rope in his hand.

The middle part of the hemp rope was pressed under the neck of the man under him.

Akikawa Sosuke had a premonition in his heart, and he used the back of his hand and legs to turn the man under him over.

After seeing the front of the man, Akikawa Sosuke laughed out loud.

This was not because he felt funny.

But after Akikawa Sosuke understood the current situation, he laughed because of the extreme helplessness in his heart.

"There is no pulse, the man is dead."

"There are obvious strangulation marks on the neck, and the subcutaneous tissue near the strangulation marks also has very obvious bleeding and ecchymosis."

"There is also congestion on the face and neck, and there is also conjunctival hemorrhage, and the tongue is sticking out."

"Obviously, this man was strangled to death."

Akikawa Sosuke just glanced and determined the cause of death of the deceased.

The mere presence of strangulation marks on the neck is not enough to prove that the deceased died of strangulation.

But the state of the face, neck and conjunctiva of the deceased,

all showed the phenomenon of blood return obstruction.

Therefore, Akikawa Sosuke could be sure that the deceased died when his neck was strangled.

And the fishy smell filled in the laundry room at this moment must come from the incontinence of the deceased when he was strangled.

Identified this point.

Combined with the fact that he was attacked but not dead,

and the rope in his hand, which was still in a strangling posture.

Akikawa Sosuke was sure that he was framed.

This scene was very similar to the scene he saw when he woke up after crossing over half a year ago.


This time the situation was even more vulgar and absurd.

Akikawa Sosuke turned his head and looked at the dryer in the middle of the room, which showed the words [42 minutes and 14 seconds].

"When I came into the laundry room just now, there were 64 minutes left, which means I was only unconscious for 22 minutes."

"I was clearly attacked on the head but woke up in such a short time, which means that the person who attacked me was deliberately controlling the strength and only wanted to frame me from the beginning."

"And in such a short time, the other party was able to forge a crime scene, which means that the other party was well prepared."

"He prepared the dead body and the murder weapon in advance, chose the location and called me over."

As for who the real murderer is, this is also very obvious.

"Since the other party is so familiar with the structure of the Imperial Theater, it means that he must have stayed in the Imperial Theater for a long time."

Akikawa Sosuke recalled the outfit of the person who attacked him.

"He deliberately wore protective clothing that can cover his whole body features, and also wore a motorcycle helmet and gloves, which means that his identity can be confirmed as long as he is seen wearing it."

"If he is a theater staff, they can prepare a set of clothes in advance."

"The reason why he didn't do this can only be that he can't change clothes at will."

"At this time, there is only one type of people in the Imperial Theater who can't change clothes-"

Akikawa Sosuke thought to himself and looked down at his clothes.

"That is the actor who has put on makeup in advance and is ready to perform on stage."

"In addition, when I was attacked by that person just now, I said that I could meet all the other party's requirements, but he didn't even reply."

"He deliberately covered up even the characteristics of his voice, so it is likely that he is a character with lines."

"Wearing a motorcycle helmet instead of a mask and headgear means that the other party has to protect the makeup on his face."

"Then it can only be an actor who appears in the third act and later scenes."

At this point, the identity of the murderer is self-evident.

"Excluding the actors who appeared in the first and second scenes, there is only one actor who I had a conflict with-"

"Nishihara Koichi."

Akikawa Sosuke narrowed his eyes and made a judgment.

Although he had identified the murderer, Akikawa Sosuke was still confused.

"But the conflict was just jealousy over Yoko Okino and the two disgusting words I said to him in front of him."

"Is there really someone who would decide to kill someone and frame someone just because of this kind of friction? Is he mentally ill?"

"Or is it that he originally had a grudge against the deceased person and wanted to put the blame on me because he saw me unhappy?"

Regarding this point, Akikawa Kongsuke prefers the former.

Because if you think about it from the perspective of a murderer, you will definitely consider the issue of suspicion after committing the murder.

If the deceased really had a deep grudge with Nishihara Koichi, then he would definitely be suspected even if the primary suspect was himself.

If Koichi Nishihara’s purpose is to frame the blame on himself.

The deceased had no connection with him, which actually lowered his suspicion.

This is very similar to a swap killing situation.

Doing so can conceal the motive and purpose of the crime.

Therefore Akikawa Kongsuke judged,

Koichi Nishihara probably killed an unlucky guy who had nothing to do with him just to put the blame on himself.

"The two of us didn't have any obvious dispute in the theater, so he couldn't have spared my life because he was worried about being suspected."

"You can only feel that simply killing me is not enough to relieve your anger. You must beat me as a murderer and ruin your reputation."

After thinking about this, Akikawa Kyousuke couldn't help but cursed "idiot" in his heart.

The reason why Nishihara Koichi committed the murder was very ridiculous, and the reason why he spared his own life was even more ridiculous.

But Akikawa Kyusuke is not a policeman.

He didn't care about Koichi Nishihara's purpose of killing or the reason for sparing his own life.

All Akikawa Kosuke was concerned about was that Koichi Nishihara attacked him and tried to blame him.


A clear mechanical sound that had not been heard for a long time sounded in Akikawa Kusuke's mind.

The translucent azure font appeared before my eyes again.

[The hanged deceased, the murder weapon in his hand, now that you have identified the real murderer, what choice will you make? 】

【1.Admit that you are the murderer】

[Reward: Characteristic Card x1]

[2. Tell the police all the facts and let the real culprit be punished]

[Reward: Skill Card x1]

"I heard before that the great detective Mouri Kogoro will come to watch the stage play today."

"That is to say, there is a high probability that the Shinigami primary school student is also here."

"Then as long as I tell the truth about my situation and play the role of an innocent victim, the Death God student will naturally find out the real culprit."

Akikawa Kyousuke looked down at the dead young man under him and thought to himself.

He reached out and moved the deceased's head through his clean sleeves to check the strangulation marks on the deceased.

It was noted that the strangulation marks on the deceased were located higher on the neck, and the angle of the strangulation marks was vertical.

In other words, the deceased was not lying on the ground and being strangled from above.

Instead, he was strangled from behind while standing or sitting.

This is inconsistent with the faked crime scene.

"It's really a crude way of framing the blame. It can obviously be done more perfectly."

Akikawa Kyousuke commented in a low voice.

Akikawa Kosuke believed that even with the ability of a Shinigami elementary school student, he could see the truth at a glance, and he was not the real culprit.

All he needs to do is tell the truth, and the real culprit will naturally be punished.

"But, I'm unhappy."

"That's how you get caught by the police."

Akikawa Sousuke knew it.

It is difficult to get the death penalty for killing someone in Japan.

What's more, he also judged that the deceased was probably someone unknown to Koichi Nishihara.

This will even affect the outcome of the judgment.

Once Koichi Nishihara is arrested, as long as he insists that he did it temporarily, Japanese law will protect him.

Even his behavior of blaming himself can be said to be a sign of remorse midway.

In order to break his asylum, the murder case must be "evil" enough.

"In order to thank Mr. Nishihara for his 'big gift', I will give Mr. Nishihara a gift in the same way."

"Reciprocity is the traditional virtue."

Akikawa Kyusuke thought to himself, looking at the third option that appeared in front of him, and at the same time, the corners of his mouth began to rise involuntarily——

[3. Forge clues, change the facts of the crime, and put the blame back on the real culprit]

[Reward: Physique +5, Recovery Card x1]

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