In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 46: Unusual Situations

"How did you determine that the deceased must have been strangled to death? Rather than being smashed to death directly?"

Mouri Kogoro was very confused when he heard Sera Masumi's firm tone.

"First of all, whether it is the strangulation marks on the deceased's neck or the bruises on the top of the deceased's head, they are very obvious signs of life."

"This shows that the deceased was attacked in two ways while still alive."

Sera Masumi showed the deceased's neck and the wounds on the top of the deceased's head to Mouri Kogoro.

"The two attacks must have a certain order."

"By observing the wounds, it can be found that the degree of bruises on the deceased's head is much lighter than the degree of injury to his neck."

"Isn't this nonsense? A person's neck must be more fragile than the head."

Mouri Kogoro was obviously not convinced by Sera Masumi.

"Hey~ This brother's throat seems to be broken~"

Conan's voice rang out on the side.

Mouri Kogoro looked back and saw Conan reaching out to touch the throat of the deceased.

He quickly slapped Conan's hand away and also touched the neck of the deceased.

Then Maori Kogoro's eyes widened a little.

"If I guess correctly, the deceased's larynx should be broken, right?"


Maori Kogoro listened to Sera Masumi's question and nodded slightly unwillingly.

Obviously, the tomboy detective in front of him had never touched the deceased, but he knew more about the deceased's situation than himself.

"Just by looking at the depth and traces of the strangulation marks, we can see that the murderer was determined to strangle the victim to death."

"In addition, observing the contusion on the victim's head, we can find that there is only one wound."

"If the victim was killed by a blow to the head, the degree of head injury should be much greater than it is now."

"In addition, according to common sense, it is much easier to knock someone unconscious and then strangle them than to strangle them unconscious and then knock them to death."

"In addition, there is a third point, which can also prove my guess."

"That is Akikawa over there. There are also contusions on his forehead caused by being hit by a hard object "multiple times", but there are no strangulation marks."

"This is consistent with the order in which the victim was attacked that I inferred."

"It's a pity that the murderer was obviously panicked at the time and did not have enough time to strangle Akikawa, so he fled the scene."

"Wait wait wait wait!!!"

Mouri Kogoro felt his brain was a little confused after listening to Sera Masumi's overly jumpy explanation.

"First of all, how do you know that the one who is not dead is called 'Akikawa'?"

"Also, if you think normally, isn't the one who is not dead the most suspicious in this crime scene?"

"Finally, how did you know that the murderer fled the scene in a hurry?"

Mouri Kogoro asked three questions in a row, and Conan, who was standing beside him, was a little embarrassed and couldn't help but complain in his heart:

"Uncle, you are a detective after all. Why can't you see such obvious things?"

After complaining, Conan raised his head and looked at Maori Kogoro.

"Uncle, I wonder if you still remember the serial murder case half a year ago?"

"At that time, after Miss Sera solved the serial murder case, a car accident occurred on the national highway not far from the crime scene."

"And this brother Akikawa was the victim of that car accident."

"Huh? So this Akikawa encountered this kind of thing twice in a row? Too unlucky, right?"

Mouri Kogoro sighed.

"I don't know if it's really bad luck, but at least the murderer this time doesn't look like Akikawa."

Sera Masumi said.

"Why is that?"

"Because there was no hard object that could cause bruises at the scene, nor was there a murder weapon that was used as a rope to strangle people."

"It is possible that Akikawa hid the murder weapon after killing someone, and then returned to the scene to pretend to be the victim?"

Mouri Kogoro speculated, touching his chin.

"This does not conform to criminal psychology."

"Although many murderers will return to the crime scene."

"But this is usually the murderer confirming the deceased and the police's investigation of the case as a passerby."

"If he can deal with the murder weapon, there is no need to go back to play the victim. This is simply a case of trying to cover up the truth."

"Because as the primary suspect, he will inevitably be investigated for his interpersonal relationship with the deceased."

"Common sense, he has no motive to do so."

"What if it is not common sense?"

At this time, a deep voice sounded.

Everyone looked in the direction where the voice came from.

They saw a fat man wearing a hat and a windbreaker,

walking in with Chiba Kazunobu and several policemen in suits.

"Inspector Megure!"

After seeing the newcomer, Masumi Sera and the others greeted him.

That's right.

He is the inspector of the third division of the investigation of violent criminals in the Metropolitan Police Department's first investigation division, and the former boss of Kogoro Mori - Jusan Megure.

Jusan Megure walked in with the detectives from the forensic department, and then looked at Kogoro Mori.

"I heard that you were invited to watch a stage play, and then encountered a murder case, brother Mori?"

"Yes." Maori Kogoro nodded.

"You are really a plague god, why do you kill people wherever you go?"

Megure Jusan's blunt words made Maori Kogoro very embarrassed.

And Conan on the side also nodded in agreement, feeling that this uncle did have a bit of the aura of a plague god.

Megure Jusan did not wait for Maori Kogoro to answer him, but looked at Sera Masumi again.

"What is the situation beyond common sense that Miss Sera just mentioned?"

"That is--"

Sera Masumi glanced at Akikawa Sosuke, who should still be unconscious, and lowered his voice.

In a voice that only they could hear, she whispered:

"The murderer has a serious antisocial personality and a desire to perform."

"He has absolute confidence in what he has done, and he is not afraid of being exposed and the police discovering evidence."

"He is willing to become the prime suspect and play the victim because he enjoys controlling the police and the crime."

"For such a person, crime is never a goal, but only a means to achieve his goal."

Sera Masumi's words instantly cooled the air around him.

Not only Maori Kogoro.

Even Chiba Kazunobu and several detectives around him felt a chill in their spines because of Sera Masumi's words, and they couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

This kind of person.

Even in Japan, where cases happen frequently, they are definitely a minority.

Sera Masumi looked at the shocked and serious expressions of the people around him, and a warm smile instantly appeared on his handsome and delicate face.

"Of course, all this is inconsistent with the evidence at the scene, so you don't have to care about what I said just now."

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