In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 49 Corpses Don’t Lie

Akikawa Sousuke's words were like a bolt from the blue.

Conan was stunned on the spot.

Masumi Sera and Kazunobu Chiba beside him also showed more complicated expressions when they heard what Akikawa Sousuke said.

"Sorry, children are a bit outspoken, I'm really sorry."

Jusan Megure apologized to Akikawa Sousuke on behalf of Conan.

"We are not doubting Akikawa-kun, but we just want to learn about the situation at that time from Akikawa-kun, which may be of great help to the progress of the case."

Akikawa Sousuke nodded, as if he accepted what Jusan Megure said, and then explained:

"When he attacked me, he said something like 'Go to hell'. So I judged from the sound that he should be a man."

Conan and Masumi Sera felt very incredible when listening to Akikawa Sousuke's speech.

In the eyes of the two detectives.

The things that Akikawa Sousuke described in his words did not match the cautious image of the murderer that they had analyzed before.

"The murderer is so cautious that he wipes his fingerprints before entering the door, and he also wears a full-body protective suit and motorcycle helmet when committing the crime. Would he really expose his voice so easily?!"

"This Akikawa is an actor in this stage play. He has been in the Imperial Theater for at least more than a month."

"Isn't that person afraid of exposing his voice and being recognized by Akikawa?"

"Since the murderer can find such a place without cameras and where it is not easy to make sounds as the location of the crime, he must be someone who is very familiar with the Imperial Theater and definitely cannot be an outsider."

"That means the other party is sure that even if Akikawa Sosuke hears his voice, he will not recognize him."

"In other words, he is not an actor or director, right?"

Conan began to ponder again.

"Or, all this is Akikawa lying."

"Or, the other party is actually a person who has enough hatred for Akikawa and lost his mind after seeing Akikawa?"

Conan thought in his heart.

Then, looking at Akikawa Sosuke's left eye, which was red due to subconjunctival hemorrhage, and his left face covered with blood, he made a rough judgment in his mind.

He could feel it from Akikawa Sosuke's injuries.

The murderer must have a great hatred for Akikawa Sosuke.

Just as Conan was thinking silently, Sera Masumi also asked Akikawa Sosuke:

"I want to ask, Mr. Akikawa, why did you come to the laundry room? This should be far away from the artists' lounge, right?"

"Because, when I was in the dressing room, I heard someone pass a message to me."

"It said that Director Takemura asked me to come to the laundry room to change a hat before going on stage."


When Conan and Sera Masumi heard what Akikawa Sosuke said, their eyes widened immediately.

Even Megure Jusan and Maori Kogoro and others at the scene noticed that something was wrong.

"This Akikawa was called over?! If this is true, then the most likely explanation is that Akikawa was the murderer's target from the beginning!"

"But if this is the case, it doesn't match the reasoning just now, that the murderer acted hastily after seeing Akikawa and then fled the scene in a hurry."

The more Conan heard Akikawa Sosuke's explanation, the more strange this case seemed to him.

"Since the murderer was ready to kill Akikawa from the beginning, then the murderer didn't become flustered because of Akikawa's appearance, but because of other reasons."

Conan felt that as long as he could figure out the reason why the murderer hurriedly left the crime scene,

he would be able to identify the murderer.

After thinking for a while, Conan suddenly felt a flash of inspiration in his mind.

He asked hurriedly:

"Brother Akikawa, when were you told to get your hat?"

"I was watching the second act."

"Did you leave immediately after you were told to get your hat?"

"No. I didn't want to miss the show, so I waited until the second act was over before I got up and went to the laundry room."

"After all, my performance is in the fifth act, so there's no rush."

"That's it!!"

Conan's eyes lit up and he said hurriedly.

"Eh? What do you understand, you little brat?"

Mouri Kogoro looked at Conan with disdain, as if he didn't believe that this little guy could reason out anything.

Just when Maori Kogoro was about to ask further questions,

the emergency personnel from the Fire Department finally arrived at the Imperial Theater.

They came in with a stretcher and carefully moved Akikawa Sosuke onto it.

Seeing that Akikawa Sosuke was about to be taken away, Conan hurried to Akikawa Sosuke and asked:

"Brother Akikawa, two last questions."

"In addition to the chair, did you see any other weapons used by the murderer?"

Conan was asking about the murderer's weapon to strangle the victim.

Akikawa Sosuke thought for a while, then slowly said:

"I didn't see it clearly, I just know it was black, like a thick rope."

"Also, does Brother Akikawa feel that there is anything different about the laundry room compared to other rooms?"

"Different places?" Akikawa Sosuke didn't seem to understand what Conan meant.

"Temperature and the like."

"It seems that the laundry room is indeed much colder than other rooms."

After that, Akikawa Kyusuke was taken away from the scene by the emergency personnel.

Megure Thirteen sent a criminal policeman to follow the first responders and then looked at Conan.

The look in his eyes was very clear, he wanted to know what Conan Caina knew through Akikawa Kongsuke's words.

"Let me explain it to you, kid."

Sera Masumi took over the conversation and began to say:

"Akikawa just said that someone suddenly asked him to go to the laundry room to get his hat."

"So I deduce that it was the murderer's plan to lure Akikawa into the laundry room."

"But if the murderer had listed Akichuan as the target of the crime from the beginning, it would be unreasonable for the murderer to leave in a panic after seeing Akichuan."

"So the murderer was not panicked because he saw Akikawa, but because Akikawa appeared later than the expected time of the murder. As a result, he did not have much time to confirm whether Akikawa was dead, and he left in a hurry without even having time to deal with the traces."

Chiba and Shin also suddenly understood after hearing this, nodded and said:

"That Akikawa just said that he did not leave the dressing room immediately after receiving the notice, but only left after watching the second act of the performance! So it was much later than the murderer expected!"

"That's right." Shiliang Zhenshun nodded.

"Then why did he leave in a hurry?" Mouri Kogoro was puzzled.

"This involves the identity of the murderer. He must be someone who must be in a specific place at a specific time."

"Actor!" Chiba Heshin's eyes lit up.

"Since Akikawa said that he left for the laundry room after watching the second act, the murderer can only be an actor who appeared in the fourth act and subsequent scenes."

"So it's very clear what we're going to do now."

Sera Masumi stretched out his fist towards everyone, and then said slowly:

"One, go find the person who sent the message to Akikawa as he said. Confirm whether someone really sent the message to Akikawa and asked him to go to the laundry room."

"Second, investigate whether there are any actors who appear in the fourth act and subsequent scenes who have murderous motives for Akikawa and the deceased."

"Three, confirm and find the murder weapon, as well as the protective clothing and motorcycle helmet described by Akikawa."

"Four, re-determine the time period we need to confirm the alibi."

Mouri Kogoro watched Sera Masumi stretch out his fingers one by one, listing the investigation directions to the police, and quickly interrupted:

"Wait a minute! Isn't the time period of the alibi already very clear? It's what Akikawa said, around the third act."

Since Akikawa Kyusuke said that he went to the laundry room after watching the second act of the performance.

Then the period of absence of the murderer that needs to be confirmed should be around the third act.

Mouri Kogoro didn't understand why he needed to investigate again.


Sera Masumi laughed softly.

"Because all our reasoning is based on the premise that Akikawa did not lie to us."

"The first thing I said, looking for the person who sent the message to Akikawa, is to confirm whether Akikawa's motivation for going to the laundry room is true."

"The fourth point mentioned, the time period for re-confirming the alibi, is to confirm whether the time Akikawa said he went to the laundry room is true."

"So that's it." Mouri Kogoro nodded, "Then how can we confirm this time period?"

"It's easy because corpses don't lie."

Sera Masumi said, also looking at the young male corpse in the room.

"As long as we confirm the condition of rigor mortis and cadaveric plaques, we can know the time of death of the deceased and whether Akikawa's words contain any lies."

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