"Hello, please tell me your name."

"Koichi Nishihara."

"Hello Mr. Nishihara, do you know the lighting engineer named Uesugi?"

"I don't know him."

Backstage at the Imperial Theater, Koichi Nishihara was being questioned by a detective from the Metropolitan Police Department.

The police then took out a photo of the deceased and showed it to Nishihara Hiroshi.

"That's it."

"I have no impression."

Nishihara Koichi shook his head again, denying that he knew the deceased.

"It turns out his last name is Uesugi."

This is the first time Koichi Nishihara knows the name of the deceased.

He did not know the deceased and had no interaction with him.

But when I was choosing a target, I realized that the target was a lighting engineer who no one would care about even if he disappeared for a while.

The detective heard that Koichi Nishihara did not recognize the deceased, so he did not continue to ask Koichi Nishihara if he had ever seen anyone having an argument with the deceased.

Instead, he asked Nishihara Koichi the next question:

"Mr. Nishihara should know Mr. Akikawa."

"I know him. He's an artist from the same company as me. What happened to him?"

"Mr. Nishihara, does he know anyone who has ever had friction or conflict with Mr. Akikawa?"


When Ko Nishihara heard the detective's question, he felt a little confused.

"Why do the police want to ask who had a conflict with Akikawa? Normally, wouldn't it be enough to just ask who had a conflict with the deceased?"

"Is it possible that the police and detectives have begun to suspect that the murderer is someone else?"

Nishihara Koichi noticed that something seemed to be going wrong.

"I'm not sure. I've never seen Akikawa-kun get into trouble with anyone else."

Hiroshi Nishihara was confused, but he still responded to the police's inquiry with a friendly smile.

The detective didn't notice anything unusual and silently made a note in his notebook.

A few moments.

Megure Thirteen, Mouri Kogoro, two detectives, and several police officers all walked out of the laundry room.

When Nishihara Koichi saw their appearance, he also guessed that the police should have concluded the on-site investigation.

In other words, the police and detectives already have a basic conclusion about the murderer.

I saw Mumu Shisan walking quickly to the backstage, and then looked at the police officer in charge of questioning.

"How's it going? Have you found any clues?"

"As for the deceased Uesugi, everyone who knew him said that he was a very good person. Except for occasionally doing wrong things and being often scolded by director Takemura, I didn't hear that he had any friction with anyone."

The police officer in charge of the interview answered.

"Well, continue."

Mumu Shisan nodded.

"Then we investigated the director Mr. Takemura."

"Mr. Takemura said that he stayed in the stage control room from before the play started, and did not leave the stage control room until the play was stopped midway."

"We also asked the sound effects operator who was also in the stage control room, as well as the assistant director, and the lighting operator."

"It is confirmed that Director Takemura has an impeccable alibi, so the possibility of Director Takemura being the murderer is also ruled out."

The policeman looked at the notebook in his hand and continued:

"In addition, we also found the person who went to the dressing room to send a message to Mr. Akikawa, and that person confirmed that this was indeed the case."

"And he also determined that the time when the message was delivered happened to be at the beginning of the second act, which is consistent with Mr. Akikawa's description."

"Then have you asked him who asked him to send a message to Qiuchuan?"

Mumu Shisan said.

"The man said that he did not see the face of the man who asked him to deliver the message. He was working at the time, and the man left after leaving his instructions," the detective replied.

"Indeed, normal people would not doubt whether the content of such an ordinary message is true or false..." Mumu Shisan thought in his heart.

"In this case, Akikawa's motive for going to the laundry room will be clear."

Shiliang Zhenjun smiled when he heard this.

"The murderer is definitely not Akikawa."


Koichi Nishihara, who was eavesdropping on the conversation of the police here, felt his heart suddenly sinking after hearing Masumi Sera's words.

"What?! She concluded that Akikawa is not a suspect just because he was called to the laundry room before?!"

Nishihara Koichi was simply shocked when he heard this.

Not to mention that the time when he originally killed the deceased was after knocking Akikawa Kyusuke unconscious.

It was the rope that had only been touched by Akikawa Kyousuke alone, and the blood of the deceased stained on Akikawa Kyousuke's clothes.

Akikawa Kyousuke should not be allowed to escape suspicion so easily.

"What happened? How much time has passed in total? How did the detective figure out that Akikawa was not the murderer?"

At first, Hiroshi Nishihara felt vaguely that things seemed to be gradually getting out of his control and moving in the wrong direction.

"Now that the police have confirmed that Akikawa is not the murderer, that means they will now start looking for the real culprit."

"Fortunately, I never showed my face during the crime, and I didn't even make a sound."

"And the murder weapon and the deceased have no connection with me. I also have a perfect alibi, so there is no way that suspicion can be placed on me."

——Just when Nishihara Koichi comforted himself in his heart.

I heard the policeman who reported to Mumu Thirteen say:

"We also asked people at the scene if they had seen anyone get into a conflict with Akikawa."

"Most people's answer is that Mr. Akikawa is usually very kind. It's hard to imagine that anyone would hold a grudge against him."

However, midway through his words, the policeman was suddenly interrupted by an angry voice.

"No, the murderer is definitely him——!"

"He has always had a grudge against Akikawa-kun and has the motive to kill Akikawa-kun!"

This voice was familiar to everyone present.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound in surprise.

Then he saw Okino Yoko, who was kneeling on the ground, his face full of anger, and he was pointing at Nishihara Koichi beside him.

"Huh?! Miss Yoko, what are you talking about? How could I be the murderer?"

Nishihara Koichi felt that his heart seemed to have skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said.

However, the main reason for his violent mood swings was not that Yoko Okino guessed that he was the murderer.

It was because it was the first time he saw Okino Yoko with such an angry expression.

Okino Yoko's speech successfully attracted the attention of Megure Thirteen, Sera Masumi and others.

Just when Megure Thirteen was about to step forward to ask, he was suddenly pulled by detective Chiba Kazushi, and then he was whispered a few words.

Chiba Kazunobu was reminding Megure Thirteen that Okino Yoko’s words could not be completely believed.

Because all the criminal police officers who have participated in previous car accident investigations know that,

Akikawa Kyousuke also has a sister whose parents divorced and followed her father.

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