"Is Mr. Ohkawa also a director?"

Akikawa Sosuke loosened his hand and looked at Ohkawa Takao with a curious and admiring look.

"No, no, I'm not like them."

Takao Ohkawa smiled and waved his hand.

"I just run a small clinic, not in your entertainment industry."

Yoko Okino smiled and added.

"It's not a small clinic, Mr. Ohkawa is the most famous plastic surgeon in the Japanese entertainment industry today."

"Even if you are a well-known artist or director in the industry, you need to wait in line for a long time to see Mr. Ohkawa for beauty treatment."

Yoko Okino said, showing a rather distressed expression.

"If I didn't have anything to improve, I would definitely go to Mr. Ohkawa to improve myself~"

If Yoko Okino said this to anyone, I'm afraid that the person who said it would feel that the person was bragging too much.

But when this was said to the lively Yoko Okino, it did not make people feel disgusted or out of place.

The people around, including Takao Ohkawa, laughed.

"Then I still hope that Miss Yoko can keep this way and don't let the goddess image in my heart collapse."

After listening to Yoko Okino joking with the group of people, Akikawa Sosuke was taken away by Yoko Okino.

"Xiaokong, you may feel that I didn't introduce you to them much."

"That's because you can't rush anything. If you recommend you to them too deliberately, it is very likely to cause their disgust."

"Just like today, as long as you can leave an impression in their hearts, it's enough."

When Yoko Okino took Akikawa Sosuke back to the back of the venue, she also explained in Akikawa Sosuke's ear.

"Well, I understand. Thank you, Miss Yoko."

"Pfft - it's so formal, and no one is paying attention to us now."

Yoko Okino chuckled, then patted Akikawa Sosuke on the shoulder, stepped back and distanced herself.

"Xiaokong, go back to Miss Itakura first, I still have to say hello to Mr. Jiroyoshi."

Yoko Okino said, waved to Akikawa Sosuke, and left with light steps.

Akikawa Sosuke stood there and watched Okino Yoko's back go away, and then whispered the name he heard for the first time:



On the other side.

After saying goodbye to Akikawa Sosuke, Okino Yoko walked back to the front of the banquet hall.

At the same time, she was also using the corner of her eyes to pay attention to the situation behind her.

Naturally, she also noticed that Akikawa Sosuke was still standing there and watching her after parting with her.


After Yoko Okino turned into the crowd and could no longer see Akikawa Sosuke, she let out a long breath.

'It's really tormenting. I have to let Sosuke feel my concern for him, but I have to stop at the right time and not let him really be noticed and famous.'

'Ms. Sonoko, you always do unnecessary things.'

Yoko Okino stared at Suzuki Sonoko who was pouring wine for Suzuki Jirokichi with her azure eyes, and whispered in her heart.


"Conan-kun, have you noticed that Miss Yoko seems to be particularly good to Mr. Akikawa?"

Ran Maori looked at Yoko Okino who had just parted with Akikawa Sosuke and came to them to greet Suzuki Jirokichi,

and suddenly came to Conan's side, and whispered in his ear with a little blush on her cheeks.

"Could it be that Miss Yoko and Mr. Akikawa are in a relationship?"


Conan also showed a look of shame when he heard this.

I thought it was because the siblings had different surnames.

Otherwise, with their similar looks, it would probably take less than two days for all of Japan to know that Yoko Okino had a younger brother.

‘Speaking of siblings who are obviously biological but have different surnames’

Conan thought to himself, and turned to look at Masumi Sera who was standing beside him.

Then he saw Masumi Sera’s eyes, which were fixed on Yoko Okino’s chest, which was outlined by the dress.

The girl’s pretty face was full of envy.

“This guy Sera”

Masumi Sera is always like this.

Every time she sees a woman with a good figure, she always shows an envious expression.

Although Conan has seen Masumi Sera like this countless times.

But it still feels a little funny to see it now.

‘What big breasts are they? What on earth did they eat to grow so big? ’ Masumi Sera stared at Yoko Okino with a blushing face, and couldn’t help thinking in her heart.



A female scream directly awakened Sera Masumi who was trapped in a shameful fantasy.

She and Conan stood up suddenly and looked in the direction of the sound.

Then they saw that all the guests at one table in front of the venue stood up,

and there was a fat man lying on the table in front of them.

"Xiaolan, stay here!"

Sera Masumi said, and ran over there quickly.

Conan ignored the shouts of Maoli Ran behind him and also ran towards the direction where the accident happened.

Sera Masumi quickly ran to the fat man.

at the same time.

Not far from the dead man's table, Takao Ohga, the plastic surgeon who had just greeted Akikawa Sousuke not long ago, also ran over.

"I am a doctor."

Ohga Takao said in a solemn tone, then he reached out and began to gently detect the man's breath.

After a while, after getting no results, Takao Ohga began to test the man's pulse again.

Then he looked at Sera Masumi and shouted:

"Go get the AED!"

Hearing this, Sera Masumi didn't waste any time and ran directly towards the outside of the venue.

The so-called AED is a portable automated external defibrillator.

Tokyo, Japan, has one of the best AED coverage rates in the world, basically covering schools, public places and corporate buildings.

For example, at the Harbor Royal Court Hotel where Sera Masumi and others are staying at this moment, AEDs are readily available.

"Come help me, I'm going to do CPR."

Ohga Takao shouted to the people around him.

However, no one around him understood what Ohga Takao meant.

"This uncle said he is going to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Go and help!"

Hearing Conan's voice, everyone around him realized what he was doing and quickly helped put the fainted man on the ground.

Conan quickly took out his mobile phone and called the ambulance.

Takao Ohga overlaps the palms of his hands and places them in the center of the patient's chest, on the lower part of the sternum.

Then start pressing down vertically at a frequency of 100-120 times per minute.

After approximately 30 chest compressions,

Ohga Takao asked someone to help the man up, and then began to confirm whether the man's respiratory tract was clear.

A strong smell of alcohol entered Takao Ohga's nasal cavity, making him frown.

Takao Ohga tilted the man's head back and raised his chin to ensure that the airway was open,

Then he pinched the man's nose and started artificial respiration.

Everyone present could clearly see that the man's fat chest had increased significantly due to the intake of air.

After two artificial respirations, Ohga Takao repeated chest compressions again.

By this time, Masumi Sera had already gotten the AED and rushed back.

She didn't talk too much. Under the stunned gaze of countless people,

Just like tearing up a newspaper, he tore the man's heavy clothes into pieces.

Then he directly took out the AED electrode pad and placed it on the man's chest, and then pressed the electric shock button according to the instructions of the AED.

After the electric shock, the person performing chest compressions was replaced by Masumi Sera.

On the side, Takao Ohga is mainly responsible for artificial respiration.

Under the nervous gaze of countless people, the first aid work that lasted for nearly 5 minutes finally came to an end——

The AED prompted: "Electric shock is not recommended."

In this case, there are only two possibilities.

One is that the heart rate returns to normal.

The other is the absence of electrical activity, which is called asystole.

Takao Ohga, who was sweating profusely, looked at the motionless man in front of him, and finally sat down on the ground with a pale face.

I hope all readers will read this book and vote a lot. This will really help me a lot, thank you all!

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