In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 82: Let’s stop here for now

"Mr. Taiga, you should also know Mr. Kousaka who just died, right?"

Sera Masumi's unexpected words made Takao Ohga startled.

Seeing Takao Ohga's surprised look, Sera Masumi immediately explained:

"After you heard the scream, you were too decisive in running here."

"Usually, after discovering that someone is unconscious unexpectedly, the first thing to do is to shout loudly to the patient to confirm whether the patient is still conscious, and then determine the cause of the patient's coma."

"And you skipped this step directly. After testing your pulse and breathing, you asked me to get an AED. This means that you should have known in advance that Mr. Kosaka would be unconscious, right?"

"Or is it possible that Mr. Kosaka, whom you know, may be in a coma?"

Ohga Takao was shocked by Sera Masumi's keenness.

Although Sera Masumi’s reason for knowing her and Kosaka Tsunekazu sounds a little far-fetched.

But look at Sera Masumi's determined tone after saying these words.

Apparently, this "handsome" detective revealed through the details he showed when giving first aid to Kosaka Tsunekazu.

I have already determined in my heart that I must know Kosaka Tsunekazu.

Ohga Takao wanted to deny it.

But I thought that if the police investigated, it would be easy to find out the relationship between him and Kosaka Tsunekazu.

So he wasn't going to keep hiding it anymore and nodded.

"Yes, I do know Mr. Kosaka."

"Mr. Kosaka is a guest of my hospital and came here to make some minor adjustments."

After hearing this, everyone looked at Tsunekazu Kosaka, who was lying on the ground in surprise, and was very fat.

No one expected it.

Tsunekazu Kosaka, who looks like this, actually goes to a plastic surgery hospital for adjustments.

Takao Ohga continued:

"I don't know why Mr. Kosaka fell into a coma, but I heard that Mr. Kosaka had problems with his respiratory system and even needed to use a ventilator while sleeping."

"So I'm guessing, did Mr. Kosaka suddenly develop symptoms such as apnea, leading to coma?"

"So that's it."

Sera Masumi nodded, then turned to look at Sato Miwako, and whispered to her:

"Officer Sato, please send a police officer to confirm whether Mr. Kosaka has any asthma inhaler medicine on him."

"Besides, since Kosaka needs to borrow a ventilator to sleep, he probably won't ask the Suzuki Foundation to help prepare the room."

"Just in case, let's confirm whether Mr. Kousaka has opened a room."

"This can also determine whether Mr. Dahe is lying."


Miwako Sato nodded.

Sera Masumi didn't doubt Takao Ohga's words too much.

Because the things he described can be found immediately with a little investigation.

Regardless of whether he was involved in Kosaka Tsunekazu's death, there was no need to lie and deceive himself.

Sato Miwako gave Sera Masumi's suggestion to her subordinate detective.

Sera Masumi came to Conan and asked in a low voice beside him:

"Boy, did you find any clues?"

"Although the place where Mr. Kosaka collapsed was messy, his food had basically been eaten."

"However, from the residue and soup left on the plate, we can still roughly determine what Mr. Kosaka ate before his death."

"But this time the banquet is a self-service mode. Except for the meat grilled on site or the sushi made on site, other food has been put on the plates in advance."

Conan said.

"In other words, if Mr. Kosaka really died because of poisoning, then it is unlikely that the murderer poisoned the food in advance."

"Because there is no guarantee which dish will be taken by Mr. Kosaka. If a large-scale poisoning is carried out, there may be a lot of dead people, which will only increase Mr. Kosaka's vigilance."

Sera Masumi also understood the meaning of Conan's words.

It also feels more and more like this case is beginning to move closer to an accident.

Let alone the suspect, after so long of investigation,

Even the cause of death of the deceased and the way the murderer committed the crime are unknown.

"No, there is another possibility, a method that can poison a large area without worrying about affecting people other than the target."

"That is something that is fine for ordinary people, but is 'extremely poisonous' to the target."

"For example, if Mr. Kosaka is allergic to peanuts, if peanuts are added to his food, it may be serious and life-threatening, but ordinary people will not have any unusual reactions after eating it."

Conan explained.

But after he said that, he fell into thinking again.

"However, this method is difficult to implement based on the existing clues."

"The first point is that according to Dr. Ohga just now, Mr. Kosaka needs to use a ventilator while sleeping, so he should be suffering from 'sleep apnea syndrome' that is common among obese people."

"In addition, even if conditions such as high blood pressure, fatty liver or cirrhosis, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia that often appear in obese people are taken into consideration, there is nothing serious enough to cause suffocation after eating. something.”

"So if there is a murderer, and the murderer's method of poisoning is a specific food that only works on Mr. Kosaka."

"Then Mr. Kosaka should have some problems that we don't know about, and the murderer must be very familiar with Mr. Kosaka."

"If we want to start locking in the suspect, we should investigate the people who are familiar with Mr. Kosaka at the banquet one by one to confirm whether they have a motive to kill Mr. Kosaka."

"Of course, there is a premise, that is, if this is really a murder case."

Sera Masumi nodded and agreed with Conan's point of view.

"If the cause of death is poisoning, then it should be murder."

"But judging from the situation after Mr. Kosaka's death, the possibility of suffocation is greater."

"In this case, it is very likely an accident."

Conan pointed to the plate that the Metropolitan Police Department needed to take away for testing the ingredients to Sera Masumi, and Sera Masumi handed it to the police in the forensic department.

Afterwards, Sera Masumi investigated the airway of the deceased Tsunekazu Kosaka again just in case.

After confirming that Tsunekazu Kosaka was not choked to death by something stuck in his throat, the possibility that the doctor, Takao Ohkawa, used first aid to cover up the traces of the crime was ruled out.

The investigation of the two detectives came to an end here.

The deceased did not show obvious enough signs to determine the cause of death this time.

So we must wait for the results of the forensic autopsy and determine the cause of death before we can continue to judge whether it was an accident or a homicide.

At the same time.

On the other side, the police who searched for the deceased's belongings and the police who went to the hotel front desk to investigate the deceased's stay also returned.

The result was that Tsunekazu Kosaka did not have asthma inhalers on him, and the hotel had no record of Tsunekazu Kosaka staying in the hotel.

So far.

The sudden death of Director Kosaka this time has come to an end for the time being.

After Sato Miwako sent people to register the people present one by one, she asked everyone to leave the banquet hall and protect the scene.

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