In Conan, people have a brain option system

Chapter 94 The possibility of a reasonable explanation for all this

Megure Jusan sent police officers to investigate the cameras in the film festival exhibition area.

At the same time, he sent other police officers to ask the organizers of the film festival for Takao Ohkawa's phone number.

In principle, in Japan, the police need a search warrant when conducting a search or requesting personal information.

But since the situation was urgent this time, the police can also conduct a certain degree of investigation without a search warrant in accordance with relevant laws.


After Megure Jusan called Takao Ohkawa several times, no one answered.

"Sure enough, this Takao Ohkawa is very suspicious."

Megure Jusan gave up calling and put the phone back in his pocket.

"By the way, sister Sera, what is the possibility that you just said that can reasonably explain all this? Why do you suspect Takao Ohkawa?"

Megure Jusan asked.

"First of all, the murderer attacked the victim's arm in order to cover something, there is no doubt about that."

"But as Officer Megure said, even if the murderer is close to the victim, it is difficult to hit the victim's arm at a specific position and then hit the victim's head without attracting other people's attention."

"My initial idea was that as long as the victim was not on guard against the murderer, the murderer could let the victim stretch out his arm first."

"Then at this time, suddenly pull out a gun to attack the victim's arm, and then attack the victim's forehead."

"But this method is too difficult to implement. If you are not professionally trained, it is probably difficult to do it."

Megure Jusan nodded when he heard this, indicating that he agreed with Sera Masumi's reasoning.

"And according to the kid's reminder, if the deceased was injected with a sedative or anesthesia, then there is basically no possibility of failure, and there is no need to worry about shouting to attract attention."

"At the same time, if we consider this situation, the murderer attacked Sogabe Ryo's arm and attacked Soma Miho's elbow pit to cover the needle hole."

"Then if they can be shot to death, why do they need to inject anesthetics for them? Isn't it redundant to do so?"

Megure Jusan was a little puzzled.

"It is possible that they injected more than once."

Sera Masumi said.

"More than once, what does that mean?!"

"For example, morphine made from pure alkaloids extracted from opium, or heroin refined from morphine, in addition to the sedative effect, is also highly addictive."

"Assume that Sogabe Ryo and Soma Miho have abused opioids before."

"When they become addicted to a certain degree, the ordinary way of taking them is too slow to produce effects for them, making it difficult to satisfy them. At this time, they will choose intravenous injection."

"Although the needle hole of ordinary intravenous injection will disappear quickly within 1-2 days at the fastest, depending on the metabolic rate, the relevant components can still be detected in the body within a week at the shortest."

"Yesterday, Tsunekazu Takasaka died unexpectedly and was taken away by the police from the Metropolitan Police Department for an autopsy."

"If Tsunekazu Takasaka has abused drugs, it will be discovered when the forensic autopsy reaches the blood test stage."

"In this way, everyone around Tsunekazu Takasaka will be suspected."

Megure Jusan was shocked by Sera Masumi's overly bold guess.

If this shooting case involves drugs, the severity of the situation will be even worse.

"What does Tsunekazu Kosaka's drug abuse have to do with Sogabe Ryo and Soma Miho?"

"The three of them are good friends. If Tsunekazu Kosaka abuses drugs, I guess the other two are the same."

"Because after Tsunekazu Kosaka was taken away by the Metropolitan Police Department for an autopsy, it is a foregone conclusion that drugs were found in his body."

"The murderer may have killed the other two people who also abused drugs in order to prevent them from exposing themselves!"

Megure Jusan: "!!!"

Megure Jusan, as well as several detectives in Soma Miho's personal lounge, all showed shocked expressions after hearing Sera Masumi's reasoning.

"Also, as I said, if this is the real situation, then all the doubts in this case can be explained."

"First, the reason for Tsunekazu Kosaka's sudden death."

"Because he has apnea, he must rely on a ventilator to sleep at night."

"And all opioids have an inhibitory effect on the central respiratory system."

"The superposition of these two situations will create huge risks."

"This also explains the reason for Tsunekazu Kosaka's sudden death."

"Second, why the deaths of the two deceased today are different from Tsunekazu Kosaka."

"Because the murderer who caused the deaths of Sogabe Ryo and Soma Miho is different from the murderer who caused Tsunekazu Kosaka's death yesterday."

"As for the reason..."

After hearing what Sera Masumi said, Juzo Megure and the police at the scene also focused their attention.

This is also the point they are most curious about.

However, they did not hear Sera Masumi continue to talk.

Instead, he saw Sera Masumi looking at Megure Jusan and asked:

"Excuse me, Officer Megure, I want to ask you something."

"Will the bodies of Sogabe Ryo and Soma Miho be tested for blood after they are brought back to the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Ordinary forensic autopsies will still be performed, but they all died of very clear gunshot wounds, so toxicology analysis will not be performed."

Mumu Shisan replied.

"What's wrong?"

However, as soon as his question came out, his eyes suddenly widened and he realized something.

"Could it be that...?!"

"It seems that Officer Megure has also figured it out."

Sera said with a pure smile.

"That's right, because if Ibu Ryo and Prime Minister Ma Miho died of gunshot wounds, the Metropolitan Police Department would not conduct blood tests on them."

"That is to say, the fact that they have abused drugs will not be exposed!"

Many police officers at the scene couldn't help but swallow their saliva after hearing this.

Even the detective who had participated in many cases couldn't help but feel a chill down his spine after hearing the murderer's motive from Masumi Sera.

Obviously that person was not the murderer in the first place.

He just realized that he might be exposed, so he didn't hesitate to kill everyone who might expose himself.

Such a vicious person is really scary.

"If my guess above is correct, then the murderer should be someone with access to opioids."

"And among the people I know so far, and who also know Tsunekazu Kosaka, the one who has this ability is Takao Ohga, who runs a plastic surgery hospital."

"Of course, the premise for all my reasoning is that Kosaka Tsunekazu is abusing drugs."

"So the results of the forensic autopsy are particularly important."

"But seeing that Mr. Dahe is currently unreachable, I also feel that his suspicion is getting bigger and bigger."

After hearing Shiliang Zhenchun's words, Megure Thirteen also looked solemn.

He took out his cell phone and dialed.

"I am Megure. I told Kesouyan to expedite the toxicology analysis on Kosaka Tsunekazu. I want to know the results of the blood test as soon as possible. The sooner the better!"

Megure Thirteen hung up the phone and was about to continue talking to Sera Masumi.

I saw Sera Masumi also answered the phone.

"Hello? Xiaolan, what's wrong?"

"Huh?! What did you say?!"

Sera Masumi's sudden raised voice and suddenly shocked expression attracted the attention of those around her.

Conan raised his head slightly and narrowed his eyes to look at Sera Masumi.

Then I heard Sera Masumi say:

"Xiaolan said that the artist Akikawa accepted Ohga Takao's invitation and went to Hotta Yoshitoki's personal exhibition hall alone!"

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