Return from the Temple of Heaven to the location of the spaceship.

Darens is in no hurry.

Anyway, when I went back, I was waiting for news from Bulma. Instead of wasting your own strength flying, you should ride the somersault cloud and experience the feeling you longed for when you were a child.

In his previous life, Darens longed to get a somersault cloud like Sun Wukong when he was a child.

With a shout, the muscles fell from the sky, the sky and the earth were big, and they could go anywhere.

Compared with Sun Wukong’s somersault cloud, Dales is really big.

He stood on top of the clouds and felt the warmth transmitted by the clouds, which was like a soft marshmallow and not sticky.

“It’s really surprising, this speed is far more than twice the speed of sound.” Saying indifferently, Dales calculated the level of the somersault cloud.

The original book has data that says that the flight speed of Sun Wukong’s somersault cloud is about Mach 1.5.

But after all, that is only basic data, and there is no specific value for how fast the cloud can be.

Moreover, Dales’ current somersault cloud is more than twenty or thirty times larger than Sun Wukong.

The current speed maintained is Mach 2 at the speed of sound, and even faintly exceeds Mach 2 to Mach 3.

Darens flies ridiculously faster, but he still thinks that Douyun is fast!

After all, the somersault cloud is just a means of transportation, and it is already terrifying to be able to fly at this speed.


Riding the somersault cloud for a big circle.

Dalles returned to the spacecraft two hours later.

Letting the clouds return to the sky, Dales looked at the busy Bulma, speechless for a while.

Her current research has shifted from the inside to the outside, and countless alloy plates have been disassembled around the perimeter of the gravity chamber, revealing the internal structure.

This woman is really not afraid of death.

Even in broad daylight, in this wilderness, wild animals are everywhere, and they may kill her at any time.

Of course, Dales is not good to say anything, because there are no accidents and there is no need to warn of anything.

Moreover, he has also returned, even if there will be fierce beasts to make trouble, even if there will be earthlings, Dales can solve those small troubles.

“You guy is finally back! Throw me, a weak woman, in such a place, but run away yourself, what is your An’s heart? Bulma saw Darens at a glance, immediately put down the work in hand, and trotted over angrily, looking like she wanted to settle accounts with Darenes.

Bulma when she is angry is also a special taste.

It’s not offensive, it’s cute.

Even though Boomer at this time was close to being an older leftover girl, she was not old at all.

It may be because of the good relationship of maintenance, or it may be that she belongs to the type of immature appearance.

In short, mature but not losing the temperament of a girl, there is no one.

“As I said, I left you here so that you could study this gravity chamber and teach me how to use it. Today is already the second day, and you have five days left, so don’t waste time. Darens was not swayed by Bulma’s anger.

Although, it did move his heart.

But the heart is moved, and the business is back to business.

“Okay!” Angered by Dales’ words, Bulma gritted her teeth and said, “Then I ask you, you said to give me time to study, but you have to give me research tools, right?” You don’t even give me a computer computer, let alone other equipment, how do you let me study ?? Even if I can understand some doorways this day, but there is no exact data, how do you let me know how to use this gravity chamber and how many functions it has?! ”

After some reproach, Dalles really did not expect it to be so complicated.

“Then you say, what do you need? Or, how do you want to? Respect Bulma, Darres asked.

“Send me back to Xidu! Or take this gravity chamber with me back to the Western Capital. It is true that there are many technologies in the next twenty years that I cannot understand, but as long as I return to Xidu, I will have more equipment and enough funds to do research. No matter how smart scientists are, they have to rely on some external forces to study out of thin air, who can do it?! ”

“And! My dad can also help me in some ways, after all, I am not proficient in all areas and need my dad’s help. It can also be studied faster to produce results. ”

“In addition, you come back to Xidu with me, and there is still a 300-fold gravity chamber I made at home. Before I study it thoroughly, you can also use the gravity chamber I made to cultivate. I think you have no reason to refuse. ”

Bulma speaks righteously.

Dalles was not stupid, but understood the main purpose.

She wants to go home, back to the Western Capital!

“It sounds like I can use 300 times the gravity chamber, which is a win-win for you and me.” But do you think I’ll accept it? Darens clasped his hands to his chest and laughed.

Bulma’s home had a gravity room, which Darles didn’t expect at first.

He also thought that the new spaceship made by Bulma had gravity chambers, but it had always been used by Vegeta.

Moreover, not long ago, Dalles sensed that Vegeta had left Earth on a spaceship.

Like a madman, he went to the universe to cultivate in order to pursue more powerful power.

Even though he returned to Earth from time to time to replenish supplies, he spent almost all of the next three years on aliens.

In the end, he also successfully cultivated into a Super Saiyan.

“You have no reason to refuse either, do you? Don’t think I can’t see it, you, like Goku and Vegeta, are people who can’t care about anything but cultivate. Go to my house, there is not only a gravity room, but also someone to serve, is it bad ?? Bulma asked rhetorically.

After speaking, he found the problem in his words, and hurriedly said: “Don’t misunderstand, I took the initiative to let you go to my house!” I just think it’s more convenient this way!! ”

Dales laughed and said nothing.

After hesitating for more than ten seconds, Bulma’s cheeks turned red.

“Okay, I agree to your request. But have you figured out what to do with these two spaceships? If you park here, it is better to say that the time is short, and after a long time, it will inevitably be discovered by humans. Dales turned his face sideways and looked at the two huge spaceships.

Dalles changed the subject and agreed to her request, and Bulma secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, and her face returned to normal.

At that moment just now, she really almost pocketed herself.

Because according to the future daughter, Dales is indeed with her…

And she asked Darenes to go to the house of the Western Capital, not to lead wolves into the house ??

“This is simple, when I return to the Western Capital, I will arrange for someone to come and guard it.” No matter how bad it is, your strength is so powerful, you can’t just carry it to the west ?? Bulma snorted softly, as if she was teasing Dales.

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