Dalles stood in the universe talking.

The lilac film barrier covers the expression of the body, and under the sunlight, it is unusually beautiful.

To be honest, for the earthlings of this world, Dales is a little disappointed.

In the end, the human heart is too ugly.

I knew what the ending would be, but in the end, I didn’t announce the real news.

Ridiculous, speechless!

Facing tens of thousands of meteorite swarms, Dales looked serious.

At this time, he didn’t know at all, because because of his appearance, the shelter under the earth was chaotic.

The satellite filmed the images of Darens in the universe one by one, and made video recordings to transmit them back to Earth.

The shock of high-level executives and researchers is indescribable.

Countless people feel incredible, accompanied by fear, fear of the unknown.

When they are cornered and about to enter the moment of extinction, it is incredible that such a human being with supernatural powers suddenly appear.

What does this prove? This proves that they have been kept in the dark in the past.

Even the leader of a country does not know that there is really an extraordinary power similar to superpower in this world.


That’s right!

For modern society, the posture displayed by Dales is directly listed as a superpower ability.

You say, why don’t you think that it is an existence such as an immortal god?

Of course there is a reason.

Ordinary people are ignorant because they cannot know much of the truth. But the truth is in the hands of those who have power.

They know that there are no gods, ghosts, and the like in this world, at most, there are some characters like those martial arts masters in martial arts novels.

Can a martial arts master step into the void and ignore the vacuum environment of the universe?

No kidding.

Therefore, they will definitely not think about the realm of immortal gods.

The refuges of all countries were disorganized by the appearance of Dallez.

If the person Dales appeared suddenly, does it mean that the arrival of meteorites has caused uncontrollable changes on the earth?

For example: the earthlings, as written in the novel, have changed???

Of course, if this person had already existed, then it would have been even more terrifying!

This also proves that the information they currently have is incorrect and flawed.

Huaxia, a thousand meters deep at the bottom of the Tiannan Sea.

The first fortress among the five shelters in China that dominates the operation of the underground world.

Leaders gather to discuss because of emergencies.

In addition to them, there are various researchers and people with a lot of knowledge.

These people, who haunt the city in the past, are enough to shake the whole country.

What’s more, they were announced dead to the outside world, but they were alive.

“Guys, tell me about it. What do you think?? The Great Elder spoke.

He clasped his hands against his chin. His expression was worried, his brows furrowed, and he was very uneasy.

Since the discovery of the meteorite heading towards Earth five years ago, various studies have been going on among countries.

The theme of the study is undoubtedly two points.

One is whether it is possible to disrupt the trajectory of meteorites and thus change the fate of the Earth.

Second, build underground shelters, if there is really no way, take the human elite and the genes of various animals to hide in.

As a result, five years later, the earth’s science and technology have continued to advance, but there is still no way to shake the meteorite that is fifty kilometers long.

Not to mention the meteorites of these fifty kilometers, let’s say that the meteorite group that came first is not something they can resist.

As for what to build a spaceship or the like, I dare not think about it.

With the technology of the earthlings alone, even if all the empires in the world work together, it is difficult to create a manned spaceship.

Not to mention, the countries of the earth seem to be good on the surface, but in fact, who is willing to share their own technology with others?

The Great Elder spoke, while the others remained silent.

No one spoke, and the quiet atmosphere made the sound of their breathing clearly audible.

“How? It’s already at this time, and there is no one who dares to speak? The Great Elder smiled and asked.

The world is facing such a major crisis, mankind is very likely to withdraw from the stage of history, what is not to be said now, when will it be?

“Since everyone is silent, then let me make a start, Great Elder.” The gray-haired old man stood up first and spoke.

His age is already eighty or ninety years old.

At such an age, he can still be eligible to be protected into underground shelters because he is the president of the Huaxia Academy of Sciences, and almost all of the weapons and equipment currently in use in Huaxia were first created by him.

“Hmm. Say it, Xu Lao. You are highly respected, and I want to hear your opinion more than anyone else’s. The Great Elder nodded.

“Although, we don’t know or be familiar with this character who suddenly appeared. But one point, since the other party is wearing our modern clothes and wearing a cap, then he must have stayed on the earth all the time, and deliberately concealed his identity, not wanting others to see who he is. ”

“Let’s not judge whether he is an alien pretending to be an earthling, just based on his appearance, it should be the appearance of our Orientals, right?” I don’t know if you have ever thought that the other party has actually been in the shadows, living the life of an ordinary person, until today, knowing that the meteorite is about to hit the earth, so he exposed his original ability. Old man, although I firmly believe in science, we all know that nowadays a saying is widely circulated, the end of science is metaphysics, and behind metaphysics, there is theology! There are many things that we have also confirmed, and indeed science cannot explain, but metaphysics can…” Recognized, Xu Lao began to speak.

His words can be said to speak to everyone’s hearts.

The big guy put it bluntly, the ideas are similar, but no one dares to say so, let alone make a big fuss at this time.

After all, at the juncture of human survival, if there are still people who spread theology, they must not be arrested and directly blasted out? Or they were shot on the spot.

“Elder Xu means that this person may be our earthlings, moreover, we Huaxia?!” It’s just that he is different from us ordinary people. An academician of the Academy of Sciences with outstanding contributions answered.

Someone started answering, and naturally began to discuss.

This head also opens beautifully.

Until the end, it was discussed that since it is an earth human being, where did this get the power to step on the starry sky?

This is outrageous.

“Okay, let’s take a look at a video. This is something that people who are still outside at the moment have filmed. Originally, I didn’t care about everything that happened on the ground, after all, at such a juncture, who cares a lot? Even we can’t care. However, this video deeply touched my original heart. The Great Elder waved his hand and let his subordinates play an latest video.

In the video, it was Xiao Ranran who made a move, shouted ‘Falling Ying Divine Sword Palm’, and then killed more than a dozen people in a short period of time.

This video also proves that the martial arts that were erratic and unconfirmed before.

Is it real!!!

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