Wudang Zhang Sanfeng: “Joining this Yuan Alliance union has made the poor road unbelievable. Unexpectedly, in other worlds, there are also poor roads. It is really embarrassing to the poor road, and it is difficult to express the feelings in the heart. ”

Relying on the world of dragon slayer.

Zhang Sanfeng sat on the Taishi chair.

Facing what a group of members of the chat interface said, he felt strange and extremely curious.

Being in this world, he could hardly imagine what other heavens and earth were like.

I thought that on the way to cultivation, I grasped the opportunity to break through the void and ascend.

But I didn’t expect to enter this hub that connects thousands of heavens and earth.

Of course, this is also an opportunity for him to soar.

Soaring and ascending, is it inconvenient to fly from that heaven and earth to a higher heaven and earth?

“This time with Poor Dao, there is another immortal? Is this immortal a real immortal, or is it just a name for immortals? Zhang Sanfeng said expectantly.


The most handsome and rich Tony: “Haha! This time, the newcomer was quite proactive, and the president came out to speak by himself before he appeared. ”

Lord Demon King: “@武当张三丰, you are much better at communicating than the other two.” People who have just joined the union are generally not afraid of the sky, thinking that they are great, and they have to pretend to be cold. In fact, in the end, it will be hit worthless. ”

My sons are all over the world: “Kura la la la ~~~!” Your Excellency, Ainz your-Gong, I seriously doubt that you are talking about His Excellency the original Grim Reaper. ”

The strongest man on the surface: “Daddy, this is the platform of the Lord of the Demon King.” However, I like to watch this kind of thing. (/treacherous)”

Death: “Anyway, what does this matter to me?” I’m not cold, I just don’t like to talk. Compared to me, isn’t His Excellency Uchiha really cold?!” ”

Lurker in the dark: “Cut!! Don’t call me out as a shield. According to your meaning, isn’t His Excellency Dalles the real high cold?? ”

Grim Reaper: “… Madara is worthy of being Banye. Aren’t you afraid to call Your Excellency Dales so directly? ”

Lurker in the dark: “With a clear conscience and no mockery, why be afraid?!” ”

Grim Reaper: “That’s what I said.” However, the strongest combat power of our union, no matter what it does, is not a problem. ”

Thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi: “The dialogue of the big guys, somehow, made me unable to interject…”

Please call me the Dark Queen: “@三十年河东三十年河西, not only can you not plug in, you don’t need to be embarrassed, no matter what, you will be the emperor of one world in the future, right?!” @地表最强的男人, if you don’t die, you won’t die, it’s better for you to keep a low profile. In any case, the newcomers who come are not ordinary people. ”

The strongest man on the surface: “Talk as if I’m like an ordinary person.” (/laughs)”

There is only one truth: “Pretend to be struck by lightning.” King-kun, your world is not peaceful, be careful that a sudden thunder will split you into a dry corpse. ”

The strongest man on the surface: “… Little Conan Rose, even you came to hit me. ”

Peach Blossom Island Lord: “Speaking of which, this Wudang, could it be Wudang Mountain??! @武当张三丰, Your Excellency is from Wudang Mountain, is it also a person who practices martial arts? ”

Zombie Daoist: “The island owner’s question is also the question of the poor road, in fact, the poor road is also guessing, what is the difference between this Wudang Zhang Sanfeng and the Wudang Zhang Sanfeng in my world?!” ”

I changed my light: “It seems that Zhang Sanfeng’s legendary story is not the only one in my world. The Ninth Uncle World also has it. ”

Zhang Dafoye: “Uh~~~!” Although I may be a little late to speak now, there was also a Zhang Sanfeng in my world in the past. ”

The most handsome and rich Tony: “…”

Lord Demon King: “…”

The strongest man on the surface: “…”

Please call me the Dark Queen: “…”

There is only one truth: “…”


The third ancestor: “How suddenly I feel that this Sanfeng is a little rotten.” ”

Lurker in the dark: “No! Kruru, maybe you can think differently. Since this person exists in so many worlds, there are identical individuals similar to doppelgangers. So…… I’m afraid this person is also extraordinary, right? ”

I changed the light: “In my world, that Wudang Zhang Sanfeng in Huaxia is the head of the Wudang sect, and according to legend, Xiu Wei has reached a very high and profound realm, and he is suspected of becoming an immortal.” ”

Zombie Daoist: “… In the world of poor roads, Zhang Sanfeng is also the head of the Wudang Sect. ”

Zhang Dafoye: “My world is also…”

Wudang Zhang Sanfeng: “…??? ”


Relying on the world of dragon slayer.

Zhang Sanfeng was already stunned.

Nearly a hundred years old, he never thought that there would be his existence in other heavens and earth.

If this were the case, it would be different from the ascension he imagined ascending to heaven and earth.

And listening to the tone, he found something strange, that is, their tone and tone, which seemed to be a rumor from a long, long time ago.

The heaven and earth where at least three people are located seems to be the future of the heaven and earth where he is…

“Huh? Who is this?? In his thoughts, Zhang Sanfeng saw a familiar name.

Peach Blossom Island Lord!!

His memories began to flood back to his mind.

Reminds him of the heroic deeds of decades ago, his early experiences.

Wudang Zhang Sanfeng: “@桃花岛主, I don’t know senior, is it the Eastern Evil Yellow Medicine Master?” ”

Peach Blossom Island Owner: “??? It seems that I exist in your world. It’s just that in my world, I haven’t heard of such a person as you. ”

After receiving the answer, Zhang Sanfeng was shocked and overjoyed.

I never thought that decades later, when I was nearly 100 years old, I could still talk to my deceased old-timers.

Wudang Zhang Sanfeng: “East evil and west poison, Southern Emperor Bei Qi, Zhongshen power!” When the poor road was young, the name of the five peerless was thunderous. Later, I was fortunate to get the guidance of my predecessors and the Condor heroes, cultivated a strong body, and founded the Wudang Sect after many years. It was a great blessing to be able to meet my seniors again. And the seniors do not know the younger generation, presumably, the time of the heaven and earth where the senior is, the younger generation has not yet been born, or the younger generation is on the way to seek the way, and has not met the senior. ”


The legend of the Condor Heroes.

Huang Yaoshi looked confused.

Seeing Wudang Zhang Sanfeng’s words, he was shocked.

He was able to single-handedly gather the leaders of a hundred schools to create a sect, and his deeds have been passed down in many worlds.

What a genius.

He Huang Yaoshi is not weaker than others in his life, but he is also extremely admired.

Even if this person claims to be his junior, he received his own guidance when he was young.

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