Union chat interface.

Because Dales was sneaked attacked, a sword cut his face and broke his face, and the atmosphere suddenly changed.

It turned out to be ridiculing Divine Kesha, and now, it is a frightening heart.

This is the strongest Saiyan in the Dragon Ball world, Dales!!

How ruthless and terrifying people’s methods are, they all know very well.

The most handsome and rich Tony: “This woman came out to die, right?” Although he is also very beautiful, in the eyes of His Excellency Dallez, he will not be kind because he is good-looking. ”

Lord Demon King: “Kesha, Kesha!” You are no match for His Excellency Dallez, and now you should condone the sneak attacks of your subordinates, and you are the same leader and king, and you cannot even do the most basic commander, which is really shameful. ”

My son is all over the world: “Your Excellency, you are going to be angry!” ”

Lurker in the darkness: “If it is me, since this person dares to appear in a sneak attack, then he must be prepared to die!” ”

The strongest man on the surface: “This immersive live broadcast effect is sometimes good, but at this time, it makes me creepy.” ”

Please call me the Dark Queen: “I want to quit the live room… But I don’t want to quit without seeing the end…”

Ice Queen: “This heavy and oppressive feeling, I have never felt before. Even when I watched His Excellency Dallés’ live broadcasts before, I never felt this way. ”

There is only one truth: “This woman, it’s going to be miserable!” Since you have the courage to sneak attack, it’s a pity that this good skin bag. ”

Peach Blossom Island Lord: “I can only mourn silently for that world, not only angering all of us, but now I am also carrying out a sneak attack on His Excellency Dallez.” ”

Death: “It’s unbelievable that angels can do this kind of thing.” ”

The Third Ancestor: “Therefore, the more glamorous the surface, it must be true justice!” Like someone from our union before. ”

I am justice: “…”

Chosen children: “Despicable! ”

The goal is to become a trainer of masters: “Despicable indeed!!” ”

I changed the light: “Elementary school students feel mean, I have nothing to say.” ”

Chosen child: “…”

The goal is to become a trainer of masters: “…”

Thirty years of Hedong Thirty years of Hexi: “Not only despicable, but also shameless!!” ”

Wine Sword Immortal: “Ridiculous angel! Just like that Upper Realm god and demon, it seems noble, but in fact it is not even as good as mortals. ”

Wudang Zhang Sanfeng: “The words of the senior of the Wine Sword Immortal are like thunder. For a while, Ling Poor Dao didn’t know if it was right to ask the immortal seeker…”

Chairman Xiao: “Do you still endure it?” Darens, you broke your face. ”


Supergod World.

City of Angels, Merlot Heavenly Court.

There was a tingling pain in his face, and Dales reached out and touched it, his fingers stained with some blood.

He, hurt!!

Although, it is only a shallow wound, and soon the body’s self-healing ability can be fully restored.

However, he was injured by the weapons of this world!!

His gaze focused on the sword in Hexi’s hand.

That is, the sword of kingly destiny!!!

“Hexi !!!” A coquettish cry came from Divine Kesha’s mouth.

This sudden change was also beyond her expectations.

Originally, it was an upright one-on-one contest, and it was a contest between the strongest in the two worlds.

Now, she has inexplicably become a villain.

“Kesha!! Who is this person?! Not only did you overcome the obstacles I laid down, but you also appeared in the palace to fight you. Hexi did not understand the situation, put on a correct posture, and said with a heroic face.

Darens was already seen by her as an enemy.

The sword just now, she showed her true ability.

However, the sword that must be in the middle was easily dodged by the other party, leaving only such a little wound.

This is the sword of kingly destiny, the most powerful weapon in the City of Angels.

Because of Hexi’s intervention, Keisha didn’t know how to explain it for a while.

Some things can be said, some things cannot be said.

Although she didn’t know how terrifying the existence of that dimensional alliance guild was, she couldn’t measure the power of being able to pull people from different worlds together.

Keisha was speechless, not knowing what to say for a while, making the atmosphere even more weird.

When she wanted to say something to Dales, Darles spoke first, making the situation worse again.

“Hmph~~~~!! Very good!! Interesting!!! It seems that this is not just a duel between you and me, but two of you against me. No!! This is all your angels to me alone!! ”

“You angel, you are also a king, right?! Your strength is the same as Kesha, the so-called king level. You should be thankful to be alive after hurting me, because very few people can continue to live after hurting me!! ”

Darenes’s words were so unruly and ruthless.

“What do you say?!!” Hexi’s face was ugly, because of Dales’ provocation, she was not angry.

As the king of Tianji, one of the kings of angels!! Unexpectedly taunted by a nameless man!!

“Believe it or not, if you move your finger again, you’ll fall?” With killing intent in his eyes, Darens would not pity Xiang Xiangyu.

As soon as these words came out, they immediately stimulated Hexi, causing his momentum to skyrocket.

“Don’t be impulsive! Hehee!! Keisha on the other end, after retracting the silver wing, raised her hand and shouted, but it was too late.

‘Boom!!!!!!!!!!!! ’

A shock.

The palace of the Merlot Heavenly Court trembled, and smoke splashed.

At the moment when Hexi was about to swing the sword of king’s life and jump into space to attack Dales again, Darles arrived in front of her, directly choked her throat with one hand, stopped her space jump, and smashed her on the ground of the palace.

Because of the violent departure of qi and the surge of power, the realm set up by Keisha was broken without suspense.

‘Ahem~~~~! Burst~~~~! ’

A cough led to a sound of vomiting blood.

Bright red blood spurted out of Hexi’s mouth.

She struggled to grasp Dales’ thick and tough arms with both hands, unable to move.

He could only grit his teeth and stare at Dales with angry eyes.

She didn’t die, but her bones were shattered.

“Nice look. But alas, I said, if you move your finger again, you will fall!! I never joke. An evil smile appeared on Dales’ face, and the whispering sound like a demon made Hexi feel fear.

This is…… What monster?!

Countless angels were completely stunned when they saw this scene.

That’s Hexi, it’s Tianji King!!

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