The round spaceship fell from the sky.

It caused a violent storm and blew dust all over the courtyard.

Just by looking at the appearance of the spaceship, you can see that it has suffered a lot of blows.

Fortunately, the landing device was not broken, otherwise it might really blow the courtyard and even Bulma's house to the ground.

Darles was a little annoyed.

Vegeta is really stupid!

You know, Bulma's house is not the same as before.

Now here, there is not only the future gravity room, but also the Senzu bean cultivation chamber.

Once all these are destroyed by the explosion of the spaceship, Darles swears that he will kill Vegeta!!

‘whispering sound~~~~~!!! Buzz~~~~~~!!!!’

With two muffled sounds, the cabin of the spaceship opened, and then an electric folding ladder slowly fell from the hatch of the spaceship and touched the ground.

Vegeta, with a proud face, appeared in front of his eyes.

Looking at his appearance and clothes, if someone didn't know, they would think that Vegeta had gone through something, that he had simply crawled back from a garbage dump. He didn't have many injuries, but his body was quite dirty.

The most important thing was that the extremely tough combat suit had holes everywhere and was rotten.


When their eyes met, Vegeta saw Darles sitting on the beach chair before he came down.

The inexplicable atmosphere made the courtyard extremely depressing.

He had just come back and saw the person he least wanted to see!

On Earth, besides Kakarot, who made him angry, there was another person who made him even more angry.

This person was none other than Darles.

"How come you are here!!" The first sentence that Vegeta said made Darles laugh.

"Why am I here? You can be here, why can't I?!"Dales stood up and said disdainfully.

Politeness is mutual.

Since he is not polite, why should he be polite?!

Vegeta is too arrogant.

Even if the later Vegeta is enough for him to admire, the current Vegeta is not worthy of Dales's attention. He has no ability and is still so arrogant. He deserves to be the runner-up for a thousand years.

"You!!!" Hearing Darius's answer, Vegeta gritted his teeth, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, and he jumped directly to the ground.

He clenched his fists, as if he was going to fight.

"What?! You want to compete with me? ? Do you think you are qualified? ? ? Vegeta." His eyes were full of contempt, and Darles snorted again.

Darles would not lose to Vegeta in arrogance or coldness.

Vegeta had his dignity, and would not allow others to infringe upon it.

But Darles also had his own pride, and would not allow anyone to be presumptuous to him!!

"What did you say?!! Do you think I am still the same person I was a month ago?!!" Vegeta was furious.

He had been holding a lot of anger in his belly and had not been able to vent it for a long time. This time he came back to take advantage of the Earth woman to rest and then continue his interstellar training. As a result, he ran into the damn guy Darius. Now, all the anger in his brain was about to burst out, overwhelm his reason, make him want to fight, want to beat Darius.

He was too confident in himself. He thought that his strength had improved a lot in a month, so he could challenge Darius.

In fact, his strength was really not that good.

He could not transform into a Super Saiyan, and he was always just an ant.

If he could transform, Darius might still look at him straight in the eye, after all, Darius's current normal state was only more than 220 million points.

If Vegeta could transform, then Vegeta's Super Saiyan would have a combat power of 300 million, which was enough to have a fierce battle with him

"Even if you are not the same person you were a month ago, so what?!"Feeling the fighting spirit and anger coming from Vegeta, Darles said disapprovingly.

How ridiculous!

With only 6 million combat power points, you dare to argue with him?

"You should defeat Kakarot first, and then come to duel with me. I can deal with a fellow like you with just one finger."The provocative words came out of his mouth again. Dales had no intention of taking him seriously from the beginning to the end.

"You!!! You... You actually!!! Unforgivable!!! I will make you pay!!!" Rage took over his mind, and Vegeta's rage went completely wild. A thick white aura rose from the soles of his feet, stirring up a violent wind and dust.

Although it was only 6 million points of combat power, it had to be said that it was also very strong.

At least in this era, this strength was enough to go wild on any planet, and no one could stop him from walking sideways.

"Hum?!! Do you still have the courage to really do it? ? Don't blame me for not warning you. If you die, I won't be responsible!!"With pity in his eyes, Darles said mercilessly.

This kind of look sometimes makes people feel scared, because they can feel that Darles is unfathomable through his eyes.

But most of the time, it will make people furious.

For example, now, Vegeta is so angry that he almost loses his mind.

He did not hesitate, and rushed over with a burst of energy, and the momentum he brought destroyed the surrounding lawns and trees.

The burst of momentum made the whole sky covered with dark clouds, not to mention the small animals around, which had already found a place to hide.

""Go to hell!!!"

Vegeta punched down hard, using all his strength.

This blow was enough to split the mountains and crack the earth.

But unfortunately, Dales just raised a finger and easily resisted it.

The huge force was like a stone sinking into the sea. After Vegeta's blow, crazy continuous attacks broke out.

The prince's fighting method was fully displayed, only attacking and not defending.

Faced with this kind of attack like a rainstorm, ordinary people naturally can't deal with it.

But Dales can!

Although the attack speed is as fast as lightning, and the power is so great that it can destroy everything.���But this level of speed and strength is too insignificant.

Vegeta may be invincible in his level, but he can never challenge and win against a higher level.

Otherwise, he would have defeated Sun Wukong long ago.

"Too slow, too weak! Vegeta, is this the result of your one month of training? Are you kidding me?!!"Maintaining the resistance of one finger, Dales suddenly attacked.

His finger instantly touched Vegeta's forehead.

This sudden attack made Vegeta stop the attack, and his whole body froze in place, and cold sweat broke out involuntarily.

One finger actually broke his full-strength attack...

One finger forced him into a desperate situation...

One finger scared him so much that cold sweats ran down his body...

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