At this moment, Frieza witnessed Future Trunks transforming into a Super Saiyan.

His body couldn't stop trembling, and his eyes revealed absolute fear.

"That...those eyes...that, that look……"Frieza took two steps back while hesitating.

He couldn't have seen it wrong, nor could he have sensed it wrong.

Those were definitely the eyes and expression of a Super Saiyan.

Even if this person wasn't the wild monkey called Son Goku, he was also a Saiyan, and a Super Saiyan at that!

"Frieza! Is this the Super Saiyan? ?"King Kurd asked cautiously.

His heart was full of waves, but he didn't show it.

Frieza was still the main player, and he was just a supporting role.

This is what he has always thought since he came to Earth.

How could he know that once he came to Earth, he would not expect to leave. He schemed and schemed, and finally included himself in the scheme.

The three cosmic emperors of the Frozen Demon Clan are typical of each other, and they are torn apart in the end because of mutual suspicion and calculation. Even in times of crisis, they would not help. As a result, they were defeated one by one, and none of them had a good end.

Hearing his father's words, Frieza no longer had the mind to answer.

His collapsed spirit was like a huge wave in the sea that could not be calmed down.

"Doshita?! Frieza, we haven't started fighting yet, are you already scared?!!"Future Trunks looked at Frieza and King Cold with disdain, and sneered coldly.

In the future, he was bullied by Androids 17 and 18.

Now he has come to this era, facing the universe emperor Frieza and King Cold, he has regained a little sense of existence.

This is, pretending to be cool, right?

It's like there is no sense of accomplishment and no sense of existence in the original circle. When you get to the next circle, you have a sense of superiority.

In the original work, Future Trunks is a good person with a good temper, a good mentality, and he is steady and considerate of others.

In fact, at the very beginning, he, like Vegeta, had an inexplicable sense of self-righteousness.

""Damn you brat! You're looking for death!!" Blinded by anger, Frieza's rage exploded and he launched a powerful energy bombardment.

This kind of attack was nothing to Future Trunks.

After all, 220 million points of combat power is not just for show. Even if the combat power of Mecha Frieza explodes to the extreme, it is only 150 to 160 million points.

The difference is not even on the same level! This is the difference between the upper and lower dimensions.

""Go to hell!! Frieza!!!"Breaking through the thick smoke and fire, Future Trunks was shining with golden light.

In Super Saiyan form, he shouted and swung the Brave Sword in his hand, approached Frieza, and chopped him down.

This sudden attack made Frieza unable to react in time and was terrified.

The King of Cold on the side was even more panicked and had no time to help resist.

Just when the sword was about to pierce Frieza from head to toe


With a crisp sound.

Not only King Frieza was shocked, but even Future Trunks widened his eyes in disbelief.

He saw who blocked his attack, and he was shocked by the sharpness of the Brave Sword, which could even cut Frieza into pieces.

However, he was easily caught by the"Son Goku" in front of him.

Can a flesh and blood body do this? ? ?


In the distance, Vegeta, Piccolo and other Z Warriors saw Dales' actions and gasped.

It was because just a moment ago, Frieza was about to be killed by the unknown Super Saiyan boy, but this Dales disappeared and appeared out of thin air, catching the sword of the Super Saiyan boy.

They were in a heavy mood.

Because it was even more difficult to judge from here, what exactly Dales was going to do? ?

Was he not here to deal with Frieza and King Cold? But to help them? ?


If that was the case, then why did Frieza fight with Dales before, and the two sides had a conflict? ? Dales even kicked Frieza away without mercy? ?

There was an inside story that they could not understand.


"Why...why? Why did you help Frieza block this sword?……"Future Trunks was puzzled.

He stared at the"Son Goku" in front of him, his mood was confused and anxious.

Darius hadn't answered yet.

Behind him, Frieza looked at his back with strange eyes, and King Cold was even more at a loss.

Shouldn't it be... the enemy? ?

Even they themselves found it incredible

"Put away your sword, Trunks. Frieza and King Cold are my prey." With an evil smile, Darles released the Sword of the Brave.

The power caused Future Trunks to stagger and almost lose his balance.

Identity... discovered?

Future Trunks opened his mouth and stared at Darles with horror:"Who are you? ? You are not Mr. Son Goku!!"With an accurate judgment in his mind, Future Trunks gritted his teeth and glared at Darles.

"You really have a dull sense. We will solve the problem later! Now is not the time to talk nonsense with you."With that, Darius turned around and looked at Frieza without paying any attention to his existence.

"What? Do you feel weird? Are you wondering why I saved you? ?"Dalis's mouth curled up like a devil, making Frieza's face full of anger.

He was definitely unhappy!

As the emperor of the universe, he was being played like a monkey.

""Tsk! Do you think you can kill me with that sword? Wild monkey, you're in the way!" Veins on his forehead were exposed as Frieza threw a punch. His speed and strength had reached a certain limit, but in Darius's eyes, it was too slow and too weak.

‘Pounds!!!!!!!! '

Without dodging, Darles took the punch head on.

His body didn't shake at all, not even his head.

It was just so casual.

"How, how is it possible?" Shocked, Frieza quickly retracted his fist and stepped back a few meters.

The Kurdish king realized that the situation was not good and immediately left the center of the battle.

"You!!! What kind of ability is this?!!!" Frieza questioned Darius's dark face.

His fist was like hitting an extremely hard metal, and the intense pain affected his brain.

"Hehehe...your fist is really painless." Without answering Frieza's question, Darles continued to taunt him.

How could he tell him that this was an ability from another world, the power of Armament Haki.

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