In Fairy Tail with Djinn Equipment
2 Chapter 2 "The Truth"
Akashi can not remember how many times he almost died electrocuted.
When he saw the sword on the throne, Akashi did not doubt it much, while he tried to pull it out using all his strength.
And the next thing he remembered was wake up with great pain as his whole body was paralyzed.
After that event, a week passed.
Being trapped left very few to be done.
So during this time, Akashi finally managed to have a proper conversation with the owner of this tomb.
Although he introduced himself as the great Sinbad, Akashi had no reaction, he only had the memories of the former owner of his body, so Akashi did not give much importance.
This seemed to have made Sinbad angry, because after that, he began to tell his great deeds to Akashi.
The beginning was quiet, a young man who goes on an adventure was not much, but when the story went on, Akashi could not help but believe that everything was an invented story.
But when he remembered that sword, Akashi remained silent until the end of his story.
Sinbad's life was quite hard, and after many failures that lead almost to madness (read manga Sinbad), Achievement to create a kingdom that lasted for thousands of years. (When he grew up, since his kingdom was destroyed when he was young)
Sinbad explained the strength of ancient times, as well as that the highest powers were those who owned metal containers.
Sinbad did not want to explain everything so he summed it up so he could understand.
A long time ago there were 72 towers that would test who entered , and only the winners who received the approval of the Djinns , that will be granted that equipment.
Akashi had doubts about those Djinns, but Sinbad told him that he would understand if he could draw the sword.
Akashi understood practically everything, but the story was so incredible that it was hard to believe.
Sinbad also told him about King Solomon, as well as his plan.
There is a place called the Sacred Palace, where Sinbad planned to rewrite the principles of the Rukh to make a perfect world, but this would paralyze the world, destroying the future, but somehow it would bring peace and happiness to the souls of the whole world.
Sinbad laughed when he remembered those times.
Above all when Sinbad told him that he had practically ascended to the level of a god becoming one with the universe , and if it were not for some very good friends, Sinbad could have destroyed the world as they knew him. ( This is a hypothetical situation where Sinbad does not take everything to the extreme, and stops after a confrontation with Alibaba and Aladdin) ( Spoiler)
Sinbad had changed his mentality, so he decided to bet on the future, so he destroyed the sacred palace, and the Rukh functioned with the people, so that everyone would have the opportunity to change their destiny with their own efforts.
Finally, Sinbad told him that to achieve this, the support of almost all the Djinns was necessary, so that currently the amount of metallic containers available is only 5 worldwide.
After that Sinbad rebuilds his mortal body to have a normal life, but the problem was that once a soul obtains a great level of divinity, some sequels could happen.
Like the fact that part of what was Sinbad is still alive.
After millions of years, people forgot the Rukh, since their bodies began to produce magic by themselves.
Akashi asked, if those metal containers were so strong, because no one is currently using them.
Sinbad's response surprised him, currently no human in the world has the requirements to use them. Since the use of magoi is indispensable.
Sinbad explained the difference between ancient magic and modern day magic.
Currently the magicians of this world, use magic to create a property, be it the creation of fire or ice.
But the manipulation of the magoi was different, using the magoi was modified to the elements to control them.
Akashi had heard about many powerful wizards when he was still living in his village, so this did not surprise him very much.
Akashi asked if he could teach him to use the magoi, since Sinbad told him that his soul could manipulate the magoi, and for that reason Sinbad could give him the challenge of controlling his metal container.
But Sinbad told him that he had no talent, so he only focused on drawing the sword.
That did not discourage Akashi, but he still knew that drawing that sword would not be easy.
The worst thing was that Sinbad gave him a time limit, this worries Akashi but when he heard that he gave him 3 years to achieve it, he did not know whether to be happy or depressed.
So the first thing Akashi thought was to strengthen his body, so he spent time training after regaining his mobility.
The food was run by Sinbad, this reassured Akashi, but it only lasted a while when he saw a greenish fruit that had a foul smell.
As it seemed that this would be his only food, Akashi trained as much as he could to help his hunger.
But even so, Akashi had to fight not to vomit.
But, although he knew terrible, Akashi's energy was recovering quickly.
When the week ended, Akashi again tried to take the sword, although he did not have much hope , Sinbad told him that if he did not try at least once a week, he would stop bringing food.
Akashi gritted his teeth and took the sword again with all his might.
But this time Akashi managed to see for a brief moment a blue thunder that enveloped all his vision before returning to faint.
When Akashi came back up, some small golden birds that danced on his body, according to Sinbad that was called Rukh.
But currently no one is able to perceive the Rukh, this seemed like a good thing for Akashi, but Sinbad told him that if he goes back up, he can not learn any magic since his body does not have the requirements to learn that magic system.
Sinbad told him a little about the world above, so Akashi knows that power is everything, so when he knew he could not learn any magic, he intensified his training to get that sword out.
"This time it was 10 seconds before you went flying" ( Sinbad)
After spending so much time, it was inevitable that Akashi would become a friend of Sinbad, especially when Sinbad has such a carefree attitude.
Two years passed very quickly, Akashi is already 11 years old, and currently wears clothes very similar to Sinbad's.
The tunics that Sinbad had were of excellent quality, so they were very good for this hellish training class.
"How much time do I have to endure to get that sword ?" ( Akashi)
"I do not know, until Baal thinks you're worthy, so cheer up" ( Sinbad)
All the Djinns had names, so the name of the Djinn within the sword was called Baal.
At least Akashi does not faint after trying to draw the sword.
He just hates to recover while he took a bite of that stale fruit.
The taste was no longer bad for Akashi, and that bothered him, he had practically lost his taste.
"There was not something uglier" Akashi said in his anger.
"In other worlds there are fruits with the worst flavor of all, I think they are called devil's fruits, although the taste is compensated since they can give you amazing powers" ( Sinbad)
This was the first time Akashi had heard Sinbad speak of other worlds.
"How do you know about those world ?" ( Akashi)
"Mmmm, I'm currently an empty being , I'm everything and nothing at the same time, it's complicated, so do not ask , think that I'm just a shadow of what I was , that's why the world rules do not apply to me , that's why I can send my conscience and see different worlds without much problem "( Sinbad)
Akashi was amazed how Sinbad talked so casually about other worlds, but since he had that strength, he did not say more.
"In any of those worlds will there be anything that can train to make me stronger ?" ( Akashi)
Sinbad closed his eyes and began to think, he had seen innumerable worlds, but in most it was necessary to master a certain energy, or some artifact, but remembering the fruits of the devil, Sinbad remembered something that would be perfect for Akashi.
"I have something, but it takes several years to be able to master it, not to mention that you still need to strengthen your body a lot more, do you want me to tell you ?" ( Sinbad)
Akashi does not hesitate when he accept.
"Then give me one day, I'll write you a book, so be patient" ( Sinbad)
Sinbad did not know when he would disappear , since he began to interact with the world again , so he enjoyed this kind of thing, he was always curious because the magis selected someone to be a king, but now he understand a little.
"AHHHHH" Akashi had several bruises on his body from the stones that Sinbad was throwing.
A month ago, Sinbad gave Akashi a book about Haki.
And after reading it Akashi realized the potential of that technique.
But it would not be easy.
Sinbad told him about two kinds of Hakis, observation and armor. (I'll think if I use the names in Japanese)
He also told him there was a third, but this could not be trained, and only people with ambitions like heaven can unlock that Haki.
Sinbad said that Akashi's body was still too immature to train the armor Haki, so he started with the observation one.
That was the reason why Sinbad was lacing Akashi with stones.
But the results were minuscule, Akashi could only fine-tune his senses, but he did not give up, so the training continued.
Day after day, Akashi trained to faint, and once a week he tried to withdraw the sword, but without success.
And so the time passed, until the 3 year term was met.
Akashi had the confidence to go solo climbing, but he knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
During these years Akashi tried to find out what he needed to draw the sword, and his answer was only one.
He had to challenge that sword by putting his life at stake, although Akashi was not sure of his idea, it was the best he could think of.
So this time Akashi Take out that sword, or it will die.
Sinbad did not say anything, this time his attitude was very serious, since he knew what Akashi would try to do, so he just looked at him in silence.
Seeing the sword, Akashi reassured his breathing as he held his hands.
Akashi's senses played a bad joke on him, since for a moment he could see his death.
But Akashi would not give up, so he gritted his teeth and took the sword with all his might.
As always, a blue ray would begin to run through Akashi's body, but Akashi only bit his tongue to regain consciousness.
Akashi could smell as his flesh began to carbonize, but did not care, teeth gnashing Akashi started by force was doing, he began to bleed from the eyes and ears.
Without knowing how much time passed, Akashi's consciousness was only maintained by willpower.
Having some lucidity, Akashi tried to draw the sword, and for the first time, felt the sword move a bit, this encouraged Akashi a little, but the situation was more complicated than he thought.
When Akashi raised the sword a little, it fell again as if it weighed several tons, Akashi tried again, but this time the sword did not move any inch.
Akashi thought about letting go, but shook his head as he held on to his sword.
Akashi was already at his limit, so he no longer had the strength to draw the sword.
It did not matter how much strength Akashi had, since he was at his limit, and no matter how much will he had, his conscience disappeared little by little without being able to do anything.
Akashi did not know if he was dead or alive, but a great pain brought him back.
When he can open my eyes , Akashi tones that through his mouth was vomiting a lot of black blood.
Only after a few seconds, Akashi realized that he was still standing while holding the sword.
But now he could see a golden-tipped eight-pointed star on the handle of the sword.
"I recognize you as my king" ( ???)
A piercing voice made Akashi look up, but what he saw was enough to forget all the pain in his body.
A giant being of blue color with similarities to a dragon looked at Akashi.
A face with penetrating eyes and huge horns, which had bat wings and scaly body.
If it were not that Akashi's body was paralyzed , it was very likely that he would fall for the impression.
It was the first time that Baal woke up in millennia, never expected that there was a person who could awaken him.
And although Akashi's appearance was only that of a child, Baal would not return his words, since that child had passed the test that Baal had left on that sword millennia ago.
Baal's gaze remained on Akashi, until he noticed another person in the room.
Since Sinbad died, Baal has been sleeping peacefully, so he do not expect the other person in the room to be their king.
Baal's eyes opened immediately, but soon he recovered his usual image, noting that this was not his king, but a small shadow. (Sinbad hides his true strength from everything)
"After a while Baal" Sinbad was casual as always.
This brought good memories to Baal, so he bowed his head to his king in respectful displays.
"I think you already realized what I am, so do not think too much, now that you have a new king, I hope your name resounds throughout the world" ( Sinbad)
Baal was calm, he knew that Sinbad did not have any remorse at the time of his death, so he went to Akashi.
"Let me make you the greatest king in this world" with that Baal returned to the sword, causing the entire grave to return to its usual silence.
Sinbad wanted to congratulate Akashi for his achievement, but when Sinbad goes to his side, he noticed that he fainted again for all his injuries.
Sinbad just started to laugh, remembering that when he got Baal, he was also one step away from death.
When he saw the sword on the throne, Akashi did not doubt it much, while he tried to pull it out using all his strength.
And the next thing he remembered was wake up with great pain as his whole body was paralyzed.
After that event, a week passed.
Being trapped left very few to be done.
So during this time, Akashi finally managed to have a proper conversation with the owner of this tomb.
Although he introduced himself as the great Sinbad, Akashi had no reaction, he only had the memories of the former owner of his body, so Akashi did not give much importance.
This seemed to have made Sinbad angry, because after that, he began to tell his great deeds to Akashi.
The beginning was quiet, a young man who goes on an adventure was not much, but when the story went on, Akashi could not help but believe that everything was an invented story.
But when he remembered that sword, Akashi remained silent until the end of his story.
Sinbad's life was quite hard, and after many failures that lead almost to madness (read manga Sinbad), Achievement to create a kingdom that lasted for thousands of years. (When he grew up, since his kingdom was destroyed when he was young)
Sinbad explained the strength of ancient times, as well as that the highest powers were those who owned metal containers.
Sinbad did not want to explain everything so he summed it up so he could understand.
A long time ago there were 72 towers that would test who entered , and only the winners who received the approval of the Djinns , that will be granted that equipment.
Akashi had doubts about those Djinns, but Sinbad told him that he would understand if he could draw the sword.
Akashi understood practically everything, but the story was so incredible that it was hard to believe.
Sinbad also told him about King Solomon, as well as his plan.
There is a place called the Sacred Palace, where Sinbad planned to rewrite the principles of the Rukh to make a perfect world, but this would paralyze the world, destroying the future, but somehow it would bring peace and happiness to the souls of the whole world.
Sinbad laughed when he remembered those times.
Above all when Sinbad told him that he had practically ascended to the level of a god becoming one with the universe , and if it were not for some very good friends, Sinbad could have destroyed the world as they knew him. ( This is a hypothetical situation where Sinbad does not take everything to the extreme, and stops after a confrontation with Alibaba and Aladdin) ( Spoiler)
Sinbad had changed his mentality, so he decided to bet on the future, so he destroyed the sacred palace, and the Rukh functioned with the people, so that everyone would have the opportunity to change their destiny with their own efforts.
Finally, Sinbad told him that to achieve this, the support of almost all the Djinns was necessary, so that currently the amount of metallic containers available is only 5 worldwide.
After that Sinbad rebuilds his mortal body to have a normal life, but the problem was that once a soul obtains a great level of divinity, some sequels could happen.
Like the fact that part of what was Sinbad is still alive.
After millions of years, people forgot the Rukh, since their bodies began to produce magic by themselves.
Akashi asked, if those metal containers were so strong, because no one is currently using them.
Sinbad's response surprised him, currently no human in the world has the requirements to use them. Since the use of magoi is indispensable.
Sinbad explained the difference between ancient magic and modern day magic.
Currently the magicians of this world, use magic to create a property, be it the creation of fire or ice.
But the manipulation of the magoi was different, using the magoi was modified to the elements to control them.
Akashi had heard about many powerful wizards when he was still living in his village, so this did not surprise him very much.
Akashi asked if he could teach him to use the magoi, since Sinbad told him that his soul could manipulate the magoi, and for that reason Sinbad could give him the challenge of controlling his metal container.
But Sinbad told him that he had no talent, so he only focused on drawing the sword.
That did not discourage Akashi, but he still knew that drawing that sword would not be easy.
The worst thing was that Sinbad gave him a time limit, this worries Akashi but when he heard that he gave him 3 years to achieve it, he did not know whether to be happy or depressed.
So the first thing Akashi thought was to strengthen his body, so he spent time training after regaining his mobility.
The food was run by Sinbad, this reassured Akashi, but it only lasted a while when he saw a greenish fruit that had a foul smell.
As it seemed that this would be his only food, Akashi trained as much as he could to help his hunger.
But even so, Akashi had to fight not to vomit.
But, although he knew terrible, Akashi's energy was recovering quickly.
When the week ended, Akashi again tried to take the sword, although he did not have much hope , Sinbad told him that if he did not try at least once a week, he would stop bringing food.
Akashi gritted his teeth and took the sword again with all his might.
But this time Akashi managed to see for a brief moment a blue thunder that enveloped all his vision before returning to faint.
When Akashi came back up, some small golden birds that danced on his body, according to Sinbad that was called Rukh.
But currently no one is able to perceive the Rukh, this seemed like a good thing for Akashi, but Sinbad told him that if he goes back up, he can not learn any magic since his body does not have the requirements to learn that magic system.
Sinbad told him a little about the world above, so Akashi knows that power is everything, so when he knew he could not learn any magic, he intensified his training to get that sword out.
"This time it was 10 seconds before you went flying" ( Sinbad)
After spending so much time, it was inevitable that Akashi would become a friend of Sinbad, especially when Sinbad has such a carefree attitude.
Two years passed very quickly, Akashi is already 11 years old, and currently wears clothes very similar to Sinbad's.
The tunics that Sinbad had were of excellent quality, so they were very good for this hellish training class.
"How much time do I have to endure to get that sword ?" ( Akashi)
"I do not know, until Baal thinks you're worthy, so cheer up" ( Sinbad)
All the Djinns had names, so the name of the Djinn within the sword was called Baal.
At least Akashi does not faint after trying to draw the sword.
He just hates to recover while he took a bite of that stale fruit.
The taste was no longer bad for Akashi, and that bothered him, he had practically lost his taste.
"There was not something uglier" Akashi said in his anger.
"In other worlds there are fruits with the worst flavor of all, I think they are called devil's fruits, although the taste is compensated since they can give you amazing powers" ( Sinbad)
This was the first time Akashi had heard Sinbad speak of other worlds.
"How do you know about those world ?" ( Akashi)
"Mmmm, I'm currently an empty being , I'm everything and nothing at the same time, it's complicated, so do not ask , think that I'm just a shadow of what I was , that's why the world rules do not apply to me , that's why I can send my conscience and see different worlds without much problem "( Sinbad)
Akashi was amazed how Sinbad talked so casually about other worlds, but since he had that strength, he did not say more.
"In any of those worlds will there be anything that can train to make me stronger ?" ( Akashi)
Sinbad closed his eyes and began to think, he had seen innumerable worlds, but in most it was necessary to master a certain energy, or some artifact, but remembering the fruits of the devil, Sinbad remembered something that would be perfect for Akashi.
"I have something, but it takes several years to be able to master it, not to mention that you still need to strengthen your body a lot more, do you want me to tell you ?" ( Sinbad)
Akashi does not hesitate when he accept.
"Then give me one day, I'll write you a book, so be patient" ( Sinbad)
Sinbad did not know when he would disappear , since he began to interact with the world again , so he enjoyed this kind of thing, he was always curious because the magis selected someone to be a king, but now he understand a little.
"AHHHHH" Akashi had several bruises on his body from the stones that Sinbad was throwing.
A month ago, Sinbad gave Akashi a book about Haki.
And after reading it Akashi realized the potential of that technique.
But it would not be easy.
Sinbad told him about two kinds of Hakis, observation and armor. (I'll think if I use the names in Japanese)
He also told him there was a third, but this could not be trained, and only people with ambitions like heaven can unlock that Haki.
Sinbad said that Akashi's body was still too immature to train the armor Haki, so he started with the observation one.
That was the reason why Sinbad was lacing Akashi with stones.
But the results were minuscule, Akashi could only fine-tune his senses, but he did not give up, so the training continued.
Day after day, Akashi trained to faint, and once a week he tried to withdraw the sword, but without success.
And so the time passed, until the 3 year term was met.
Akashi had the confidence to go solo climbing, but he knew that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
During these years Akashi tried to find out what he needed to draw the sword, and his answer was only one.
He had to challenge that sword by putting his life at stake, although Akashi was not sure of his idea, it was the best he could think of.
So this time Akashi Take out that sword, or it will die.
Sinbad did not say anything, this time his attitude was very serious, since he knew what Akashi would try to do, so he just looked at him in silence.
Seeing the sword, Akashi reassured his breathing as he held his hands.
Akashi's senses played a bad joke on him, since for a moment he could see his death.
But Akashi would not give up, so he gritted his teeth and took the sword with all his might.
As always, a blue ray would begin to run through Akashi's body, but Akashi only bit his tongue to regain consciousness.
Akashi could smell as his flesh began to carbonize, but did not care, teeth gnashing Akashi started by force was doing, he began to bleed from the eyes and ears.
Without knowing how much time passed, Akashi's consciousness was only maintained by willpower.
Having some lucidity, Akashi tried to draw the sword, and for the first time, felt the sword move a bit, this encouraged Akashi a little, but the situation was more complicated than he thought.
When Akashi raised the sword a little, it fell again as if it weighed several tons, Akashi tried again, but this time the sword did not move any inch.
Akashi thought about letting go, but shook his head as he held on to his sword.
Akashi was already at his limit, so he no longer had the strength to draw the sword.
It did not matter how much strength Akashi had, since he was at his limit, and no matter how much will he had, his conscience disappeared little by little without being able to do anything.
Akashi did not know if he was dead or alive, but a great pain brought him back.
When he can open my eyes , Akashi tones that through his mouth was vomiting a lot of black blood.
Only after a few seconds, Akashi realized that he was still standing while holding the sword.
But now he could see a golden-tipped eight-pointed star on the handle of the sword.
"I recognize you as my king" ( ???)
A piercing voice made Akashi look up, but what he saw was enough to forget all the pain in his body.
A giant being of blue color with similarities to a dragon looked at Akashi.
A face with penetrating eyes and huge horns, which had bat wings and scaly body.
If it were not that Akashi's body was paralyzed , it was very likely that he would fall for the impression.
It was the first time that Baal woke up in millennia, never expected that there was a person who could awaken him.
And although Akashi's appearance was only that of a child, Baal would not return his words, since that child had passed the test that Baal had left on that sword millennia ago.
Baal's gaze remained on Akashi, until he noticed another person in the room.
Since Sinbad died, Baal has been sleeping peacefully, so he do not expect the other person in the room to be their king.
Baal's eyes opened immediately, but soon he recovered his usual image, noting that this was not his king, but a small shadow. (Sinbad hides his true strength from everything)
"After a while Baal" Sinbad was casual as always.
This brought good memories to Baal, so he bowed his head to his king in respectful displays.
"I think you already realized what I am, so do not think too much, now that you have a new king, I hope your name resounds throughout the world" ( Sinbad)
Baal was calm, he knew that Sinbad did not have any remorse at the time of his death, so he went to Akashi.
"Let me make you the greatest king in this world" with that Baal returned to the sword, causing the entire grave to return to its usual silence.
Sinbad wanted to congratulate Akashi for his achievement, but when Sinbad goes to his side, he noticed that he fainted again for all his injuries.
Sinbad just started to laugh, remembering that when he got Baal, he was also one step away from death.
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