"Okay, but don't regret it.\"

\"of course not\"

Jiang Xun then followed Wendy to the lonely king's city.

At first glance, there was a wind barrier that soared into the sky, with the power to crush rocks into powder.

It directly isolated the interior from the outside world.

\"I will wrap your body with wind in a moment, don't resist, and then you will slowly pass through the barrier.\"

Wendy turned around and said to Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun nodded and relaxed his body.

Wendy also released a wisp of her own wind to cover Jiang Xun's body.

\"Let's go\"

Jiang Xun then followed the other party's footsteps and entered the barrier step by step.

The wind of the Fierce Wind Demon God is really not blowing.

If Jiang Xun had not been wrapped in a layer of wind element, he would have been injured by the violent storm even if he released his body.

But fortunately, he was safe in the end.

Jiang Xun was a little unbelievable.

As if sensing Jiang Xun's surprise, Wendy explained

\"My wind is gentle and calm, so it will not be considered hostile by the barrier.\"

\"Okay, now that you're in, let's just leave.\"

Wendy then floated away in one direction.

I always feel that the current Wendy is a little different from the drunkard in the future.

Maybe it's because there is no bond.

After leaving Wendy, Jiang Xun began to wander around the city alone.

Although it is called Mond, it is completely opposite to the free wind of the future.

The whole city is full of a sense of oppression.

No one can see hope for the future on their faces, and they perform their tasks mechanically like robots with expressionless faces.

There is nothing else on the street except the sound of work.

Things like music are even more impossible.

Because the eccentric monarch hates music and thinks it represents resistance.

Jiang Xun looked up and saw the intact tower standing in the center of the city.

Does the monarch see the true feelings of the people?

The answer is no.

Jiang Xun remembered that the mission was to let him save the other party, so should he start by changing his mind?

But how should he approach the tyrant?

Without any ideas for a while, Jiang Xun decided to lurk first and then plan.

After finding a job and ensuring his own accommodation, Jiang Xun started to wander around after finishing a day's mission.

There were very few people wandering around here, either working or chatting.

Suddenly Jiang Xun saw a sign saying"recruitment".

Jiang Xun took a closer look and found that it was a recruitment notice.

Due to the defection of the Gunhild family, the king decided to create a new department to replace them. Those who are interested can come to the royal city to report.

Jiang Xun's eyes lit up, he felt that he had found an opportunity.

He immediately walked towards the direction of the castle.

\"Stop, who are you?

Jiang Xun was stopped at the castle gate.

\"Hey, big brother, I came here after seeing the announcement. I wonder if you are still recruiting?\"

\"That's it. Please come in.\"

The guard's expression changed, and he politely let Jiang Xun in.

When he arrived at the King's City Hall, Jiang Xun thought there would be many people waiting here

, but surprisingly, there were only a few people.

Suddenly, a person who looked like an interviewer asked

\"Are you here to report?\"

\"That's right!"

When someone asked, Jiang Xun nodded and answered

\"Very good, you can serve my king from today\"

Then he threw a manual to Jiang Xun and left.

This operation made Jiang a bit stunned.

I thought he was going to have an interview, but he didn't expect that he would just have to come over.

It seems that this lonely king is really unpopular, and not many people are willing to work for a stable job.

Jiang Xun didn't care about him, and opened the manual and read it carefully.

The manual described the work he needed to be responsible for and complete every day.

For him who had the wisdom of the Age of Gods, these tasks were instantly clear to him.

In the next period of time, Jiang Xun went to the database of the royal city to read books in addition to completing his work.

He needed to learn how to persuade the Fierce Wind Demon God to change his lover.

But under the confinement of the lonely king, people's thinking was also confined, and this era was destined not to be an era suitable for creation.

So there were few books to study.

But at least there were some, and Jiang Xun relied on his wisdom at the top of the demon gods to constantly ponder, evolve, and create.

It really made him research something.

Because Jiang Xun's work was completed very well every time, he also received corresponding attention.

As the saying goes, those who are capable will work harder, so a lot of work fell on Jiang Xun.

But he himself didn't care about this, it was nothing more than taking up more time.

Jiang Xun's ability to complete so many tasks perfectly made him famous.

Not only did it spread among his subordinates, but it also reached the ears of the public.

Jiang Xun also became one of the topics they discussed before and after meals.

But Jiang Xun seemed to be hated in their eyes.

\"Do you know that Jiang Xun?\"

\"I know that I have strong listening and speaking skills and can complete many tasks smoothly.\"

\"Tsk, what does it matter if he does well? Isn't he just helping the tyrant to oppress us? I think he is just a dog of the tyrant.\"

\"Shhh, don't say that......\"

The few people stopped talking about the topic in time, but the content of their conversation had already reached the ears of a young man.

\"Wendy, I think Jiang Xun is awesome.\"

The wind elf hid his body and replied:"Jiang Xun, I should know him.\".....

\"Really? \"

The young man with the harp was a little surprised to hear this.

\"Yes, before I.....\"

Wendy then told the boy about the events that happened when she met Jiang Xun outside the city.

\"Wendy, it sounds like Jiang Xun is not as bad as they say.\"

\"Wendy, I want to meet him.\"

The boy said to the wind elf with a smile


\"I think he can help me\".....

\"OK, I'll accompany you\"

Wendy was silent for a while and then said

\"Well, but wait a minute, I have something to prepare recently.\"

\"Let the melody of freedom brew for a while! \"

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