Facing the provocation of these creatures, Jiang Xun ignored them. He could make them disappear completely with just a thought.

Inaction was only because he didn't care, but if they hindered his actions, then the only outcome would be complete disappearance.

Under the impact of powerful perception, Jiang Xun soon discovered something special.

That thing exuded an energy different from the surroundings. It was not elemental force, but a kind of energy that Jiang Xun had never seen before.

It seemed more mysterious than elemental force.

Jiang Xun's attention was involuntarily attracted to it. Upon closer inspection, he found that it was a huge stone nail.

The stone nail was bound by ropes, and it exuded energy fluctuations. The energy did not surge out together, but spread to the surroundings in the form of light.

It illuminated the originally dim cave.

What surprised Jiang Xun was that the black mud, like a maggot attached to the bone, did not appear near the nail.

It is better to say that it was that force that was constantly consuming the black mud, and whenever the black mud appeared, it was destroyed by this force.

This created the illusion that there was no black mud.

"But what are those devices around?"

Jiang Xun found that there were many strange devices around him. What puzzled Jiang Xun was that there was a lot of black mud near those devices.

These black muds were not dissolved by the power of the huge stone nail, but were still growing. Jiang Xun guessed that these devices could block the power of the stone nail.

However, whether the facts are as guessed, you need to see it yourself to know.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Xun's figure disappeared from the spot, and after a few breaths, he appeared where the stone nail was.

Suspended in front of the stone nail, Jiang Xun's eyes kept looking at the stone nail. No matter how he looked at it, he still couldn't tell what this thing in front of him was.

In the end, he could only choose to knock off a piece of debris from the stone nail, ready to take it back to ask Zhongli, presumably he knew the origin of this stone nail.

Boom boom

The surrounding stone walls began to tremble constantly, countless broken stones fell, and the stone pillars were also shaking.

Jiang Xun looked up and saw that the source of the sound was the upside-down ruins on the top.

When Jiang Xun found the nails, he also noticed the ruins hanging upside down in the sky, but he was always attracted by the stone nails and temporarily ignored the ruins above.

Now you can go and see what the ruins are hiding. As for why you can't use your spiritual sense, it's because the ruins have the ability to isolate and detect.

Boom boom

Another violent noise came from the ruins, more intense and frequent than before.

"Is there a fight going on?"

Jiang Xun did not delay and flew straight towards the ruins.

However, he was soon blocked outside by an invisible membrane. Jiang Xun frowned. This membrane was not a magic.

This thing reminded him of the technology of Kanreya. Kanreya used this kind of defense device to resist many attacks.

But the problem came again. This ruins did not seem to be a building of Kanreya. At least he did not find a similar building in that war.

" Is this relic from an earlier civilization?";

"Yes, that's true"

A cold and calm voice appeared behind Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun glanced slightly and saw a yellow-haired man in black clothes and half a mask appearing on the cliff behind him.

" This ruins was just taken by the Abyss Scroll Cult first"

Dainsleb continued.

He didn't seem to care about Jiang Xun's existence, but explained to himself

"You seem to be very familiar with the Abyss Cult?"

Jiang Xun's figure slowly descended until he reached a height as high as that of Dainsleib.

" This is my business, no comment"

"Okay, then do you have a way to remove this shield?"

Jiang Xun saw that the other party was unwilling to explain, and then changed the subject.

"Yes, but what can you give me?"

Dainsleb expressed his attitude frankly. After all, he was alone and did not need to worry about other people's feelings. He only needed to consider how to achieve his goal more efficiently.

"What do you want?";

" Your identity....And a favor"

Jiang Xun narrowed his eyes and said meaningfully:"Do you think I will agree to this request?";

" I think you will need my help"

Dai Yin did not respond directly, but instead stated his own value.

While he was speaking, his eyes were always on Jiang Xun, as if he was expecting something.

" I need it, but it is not necessary"

Jiang Xun didn't intend to waste any more words with the other party after hearing this. Then, under Dai Yin's gaze, he turned around and snapped his fingers. The sound of glass breaking came one after another. Spider- web -like cracks appeared in the void, as if the space was shattered, but in fact, it was not the space that was shattered, but the"membrane" that resisted the attack.


" The"membrane" turned into countless crystal light spots and fell down. Jiang Xun did not pay attention to Dai Yin's meaningful expression behind him, but went in directly.

Because at the moment the"membrane" shattered, he sensed Jiang Ruoli's breath.

At this time, the other party's breath was as turbulent as the sea, as if he was fighting with someone.

" Immortal of Liyue, there are only two paths before you now, either die or join us"

The Abyss Apostle who spoke looked at his accomplices around him and said with full confidence.

It seemed as if he had already defeated the other party, but the fact was indeed so, because this place had been occupied by them a long time ago. They had also deployed many means here a long time ago, in order to prevent someone from breaking in and destroying their plans.

Jiang Ruoli did not respond, and her beautiful eyes just glanced coldly at the members of the Abyss Cult who surrounded her.

At this time, her breath was a little disordered, as if she had not recovered yet. You know, she is an immortal body, and if she can feel tired, it must be after a long and hard battle.

Frost covered the pretty little face of Chuchen. Jiang Ruoli did not speak, but the spear tightly held in her hand had already expressed her meaning.

" No wonder Zhongli hasn't seen this girl for a long time, it seems she is trapped here"

Jiang Xun shook his head. This girl was too careless. She was trapped here. She was too naive.

Why didn't he take this into consideration when he used alchemy to create her?

Jiang Xun felt that he must teach her how to play tricks on others when he had the chance, otherwise she would be fooled.

But now, he should help her solve the problem first.

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