After parting with his adopted daughter, Jiang Xun hurried to his post.

After all, one must finish what he has started. Since he has taken over this post from someone else, he must hand it over to the next shift in person.

Jiang Xun simply ignored the fact that it was not him who was standing guard. After all, it was about having a beginning and an end, but not about the middle. Jiang Xun quietly replaced his clone's position. Since everyone was a little tired at the moment and Jiang Xun did not make any sound, no one noticed Jiang Xun's actions.

"Thank you for your hard work, everyone. Let us take care of the rest."

When the sun rises above the treetops again, the next group of people arrives in front of the Liyue Bridge.

" Well, I'll leave it to you."

Everyone nodded to each other, and then completed the handover of positions.

After finishing the night's work, Jiang Xun now had some free time. He planned to find a quiet place to study the important news he had just received.

The news about the fragments of Sky Island made Jiang Xun a little uneasy.

What is Sky Island? It is the place where the First Throne once lived.

The legendary First Throne lived there. There are many legends in the world, but there is very little news about the First Throne.

Jiang Xun thought again of the terrifying feeling he had experienced in the Dragon Ridge Snow Mountain. Now think about it, that is very likely related to the First Throne.

Jiang Xun recalled that feeling again at this moment, and still had a sense of fear. He understood that even now he is probably not the opponent of the other party.

After all, as far as the legend is concerned, the First Throne created four shadows of life and death and time and space. This power has long exceeded the level of elemental power.

Jiang Xun now has only the Word of Truth to barely fight against it, and the rest of his abilities are probably not very useful.

"But, if He is so powerful, why did the Sky Island break apart?"

Jiang Xun looked at the still glittering fragments in his hand, frowning. According to the legend, no creature in Teyvat should be able to defeat the other.

But according to Dainsleb, there seemed to be a great war on the Sky Island.

The war was so powerful that even the sky was riddled with holes and the earth was cracked. The fragments of the Sky Island fell into Teyvat because of the war.

But the final winner of the war is still unknown, and even the one who fought against the First Throne is not clear.

Jiang Xun really wants to know what happened at this time. This is important information for him.

Although his current situation seems safe, he is a time traveler after all, and his existence has brought great changes to the original direction of Teyvat.

Even with the system, he cannot guarantee that the winner of the war, that is, the current throne, did not find anything strange.

If he can understand the specific details of the war, it will be a good thing for Jiang Xun, otherwise he will not even know who the opponent is or what skills he has when he fights. If the opponent has some bug-level abilities that are not known in advance, then there is no need to fight, just wait for gg to be done.

" It seems that I need to find some time to go to Xumi to see if there are any new discoveries."

Jiang Xun said secretly.

When he was chatting with Zhen, he heard the other party say that the gods of Xumi managed and controlled the world tree.

According to the other party, the world tree records the trajectory and events of all life in Teyvat, and there may be information about this aspect.

But this is just a way for him to find the truth. Jiang Xun will not put all his hopes on a tree. Even if that thing records all the information of Teyvat, for him, some knowledge is often not as useful as the memory of living beings.

The world tree is not really omniscient and omnipotent.

Since no useful information can be obtained for the time being, Jiang Xun will no longer fight to the death.

Putting the fragments into the opened space, he set out on the road to Hulao Mountain.

He did not forget to discuss with Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun how to teach his apprentice.

By the way, borrow the automatic rice cooker to play with.

In a few blinks of an eye, Jiang Xun came to this famous mountain with a legendary immortal cave.

Arriving at the top of the mountain and slowly descending with the help of the breeze, Jiang Xun discovered that Master Liuyun Jiefeng was standing on a rock, silently watching Shen He practicing beside him.

This time, Jiang Xun did not make his handsome (infernal) appearance like last night, so he was quickly noticed by the crane, which was sensitive to the wind element.

He turned his head with some confusion, and when he saw the person coming, he seemed to become a little embarrassed.

Jiang Xun didn't know why the other party would react like this when he saw him. Did he look so embarrassing?

Looking at the handsome face reflected on the pool of water, this idea was instantly thrown out of his mind.

How could I be so handsome that I could embarrass others?

Oh yes, after all, Master Liuyun is a bird, so it is understandable that his aesthetics are different from theirs.

Jiang Xun soon found the reason.

Master Liuyun Jiefeng felt a sense of malice for some reason, as if someone was privately criticizing her.

" Ahem, Mr. Jiang, how are you?"

Although there was still embarrassment on his face, he still greeted Jiang Xun

" Master Liuyun, how are you?"

Jiang Xun also smiled and nodded. Although the other party had different aesthetics from him, Jiang Xun's mind was still very open.

He would not discriminate against the other party because of this.

Liu Yun: You are not done yet, right? It seems that you really want to fight with me.

But before he could continue, a sudden look made him hesitate.

He glanced and found that Shen He had exited the state of cultivation at some point and stared at him straight.

Almost at the moment when the two looked at each other, Shen He stood up, and then bowed to Jiang Xun neatly.

"Thank you for saving my life last night!"

Jiang Xun:?

Seeing this, Liu Yun's face became more embarrassed, but in order to maintain his image in front of his apprentice, he pretended nothing happened.

Jiang Xun looked at the crane with a strange look in his eyes.

It seemed to be saying: Didn't we agree to keep it a secret? What's wrong with you?!

Facing Jiang Xun's gaze, Liu Yun chose to ignore it and still maintained his indifferent expression.

" Hehe, it's nothing. Master Liuyun and I hit it off right away. It just so happened that you were in trouble. It's just a small favor."

Seeing that the other party had said so, Jiang Xun knew that the matter could not be hidden any more, so he simply went along with what the other party said.

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