Jiang Xun once again set foot on Guiliji.

He remembered that the last time he came here was the same as last time, but the environment has not changed at all.

It is still the familiar glazed lily, the familiar wooden house, and.....Gui Zhong cooking and Jiang Ruoli who has no desire to live?

Jiang Xun was still immersed in the peaceful life in the past, and seeing this scene instantly brought him back to reality.

He was very sure that he had never seen Gui Zhong cooking. If he didn't know that he was awake, he would have thought he was really dreaming.

" Ruoli, how is it, how does this dish taste?"

Gui Zhong seemed not to notice the resistance on Jiang Ruoli's face, and still asked expectantly.

His big eyes were fixed on the equally beautiful woman in front of him, and he seemed to be looking forward to her evaluation.

Jiang Ruoli forced a grin. The strong protest from her taste buds made her want to tell the truth, but she didn't want to disappoint the other party.

After all, Gui Zhong finally got interested in something other than mechanical engineering, although she didn't know why it was cooking.

But as a daughter, she felt that she couldn't undermine her mother's self-confidence.

" I think....."

Not bad, before she could even utter the word, she caught a glimpse of Jiang Xun, who was hiding and peeking at her from the side.

An idea instantly came to her mind.

Seeing this, Jiang had a bad feeling in his heart, and it turned out that his feeling was not wrong.

"Mom, I think my evaluation is too one-sided. A guest is coming, why don't you invite him to try it together?"

Jiang Ruoli emphasized the word"guest" and Gui Zhong caught it easily.

Oh no, this damn girl.

Jiang Xun thought it was not good, and just wanted to hide, but he found that Gui Zhong's eyes were already looking at him.

His eyes and hers happened to intertwine, and for a moment, the expression on Jiang Xun's face froze.

After seeing Jiang Xun, Gui Zhong's eyes showed joy, but it was quickly covered up by her dissatisfied attitude.......

" Humph, you finally came to see me, I thought you had forgotten me?!"

Holding her arms across her chest, with her big sleeves folded together, the glass-like girl said angrily.

She used words to vent her dissatisfaction.

Stared at by a pair of big watery eyes, Jiang Xun instantly felt like a sinner. He actually made such a cute and gentle girl angry, and this inexplicable emotion shocked his heart.

Damn, this damn cuteness, how could it mess up my mind?

" Ahem, I know I was wrong, I will definitely come here often in the future"

Jiang Xun shook his head and said awkwardly.

Although he had just been influenced by a creature called the author, Jiang Xun also realized his own problem.

Since he was wrong, he should honestly admit it. Jiang Xun resolutely admitted his mistake.

" Humph, forget it, I forgive you, but if you leave me alone for so long in the future, I will....."

Seeing Jiang Xun admit his mistake, Gui, who couldn't bear to blame him, finally lost.

But she waved her fists covered by her sleeves while talking, with a fierce look on her face.

She seemed to want to make a threatening look, but her appearance did not make people feel scared at all.

Instead, she looked even cuter.

" Return to You..."


"Hey, sister, why are you learning to cook?"

Jiang Xun finally changed his address under the threat of the other party's eyes.

The girl was very proud when she heard it, as if she was swearing her victory, and immediately replied:"I have studied mechanical engineering for so many years, and I also want to try a different direction."

Although he said so on the surface, it is unclear whether it was because of his own interest or for someone else.

Jiang Xun did not think much after hearing this, or rather, he did not doubt it at all, after all, interest is something that is hard to grasp. Do you dare to believe that the always aloof Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun likes to chat while liking mechanical arts?

" Oh, by the way, since you are here, please help me try the taste. Ruoli has already tried it. Now I want to hear your opinion."

Suddenly, Gui Zhong grabbed Jiang Xun's hand, raised his head and said excitedly.

His big eyes blinked, making it difficult for Jiang Xun to say no.

Looking at the"dishes" on the table and Jiang Ruoli who was trying not to laugh, Jiang Xun nodded stiffly. Helpless and furious, he could only glare at the girl fiercely.

I didn't expect that I, Jiang, would be tricked today. I will get back at you someday!

Jiang Xun felt aggrieved.

" Although it doesn’t look good, Ruoli said it’s pretty good"

Gui Zhong put the dishes in front of Jiang Xun while talking.

At this point, Jiang Xun didn't plan to escape. He picked up the chopsticks and picked up the black dish on the plate, closing his eyes and eating it.

As soon as he put it in his mouth, he felt an explosion of taste.

The various flavors were reflected to him through his taste buds, and the various flavors in the dish made his mouth twitch slightly.

Not daring to chew, Jiang Xun swallowed it in one gulp, then smiled:"It tastes good, but there is still room for improvement.""

" Hey, it's similar to Ruoli's evaluation. Well, it seems that it really needs improvement. Let me try it."

Gui Zhong then picked up the chopsticks and prepared to put it in his mouth, but was"snatched away" by someone halfway.

Jiang Xun lowered his head and ate the food on the other person's chopsticks in one bite, and then swallowed it again with gritted teeth.

Gui Zhong was frightened by the other person's action, but then his face became visibly red.

The reason was simple, just because they were too close now, so close that she could easily smell the scent on Jiang Xun's body, and from Jiang Ruoli's perspective, this posture was more like a kiss.

She was a little shy at the moment, but wanted to continue watching.

However, unlike these two women, Jiang Xun still felt uncomfortable at this time. The feeling of setting off firecrackers in his mouth was not pleasant.

Fortunately, he was very adaptable. Although the taste was still explosive, it was not as"amazing" as the first time.

The reason why he did this was similar to Jiang Ruoli's, and he didn't want to undermine the other person's self-confidence.

If Gui Zhong ate the food he cooked, it would be very likely that he would doubt his talent in this area. Jiang Xun didn't want the girl to give up the hobby she had finally found. As for what to do next, he had already thought of a way

" Ahem, there is a rule in the mortal world that chefs cannot eat dishes that diners have already eaten, so you'd better not try this dish."

Jiang Xun began to make up a fictitious rule, after all, in the end, it was highly likely that he would not know it.

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