"You are Mr. Zhongli's friend, um, Mr. Jiang Xun, right?"

As expected of someone who often memorizes scripts, his memory is indeed good. He has only met the other person a few times, and he really didn't expect Yun Jin to remember his name.

" I didn't expect Mr. Yun to still remember a small person like me. I am really flattered."

Jiang Xun was still speaking politely.

He was not particularly close to the other party, so he could not speak as casually as he did with Zhongli.

"Mr. Jiang is joking. Are you here for fun?"

Yun Jin thought about it and finally thought that the other party was here for fun. After all, although there was no one around here, the scenery was pretty good. I just don't know why he was holding such a precious food as Xian Tiao Qiang in his hand.

" Well, I guess so"

Jiang Xun nodded when he heard this. From the perspective of departure, he did want to enjoy the scenery while eating.

It just happened that there was Yun Jin's opera to listen to.

"By the way, would you like one, Mr. Yun?"

Jiang Xun said as he handed over the Xian Tiao Qiang in his hand.

" No, no, I'm not hungry yet"

Yun Jin refused subconsciously, but her stomach betrayed her. After all, she had performed a play, and with the delicious food in front of her, it was normal for her body to react.

Seeing that her stomach was not doing well, Yun Jin's face turned rosy, and she patted her stomach gently with her little hand, as if blaming it for not doing well.

" Don't worry, there is no poison in it. I have never eaten the bowl in my hand."

Jiang Xun then explained with a smile

" No, no, that's not what I meant"

Yun Jin's face turned even redder when she heard this. After all, her refusal just now would indeed be misunderstood.

However, Jiang Xun did not care about it, but thought it was normal.

After all, it was normal to refuse food from someone you had only met a few times.

" I know Mr. Zhongli well, and I believe that his friends will not persecute me."

Yun Jin finally took the bowl and drank it in small sips.

At first, she ate like a hamster, but then she gradually lost her reserve.

Although she had tasted Xian Tiao Qiang before, the bowl in her hand was completely different from what she had eaten before.

There seemed to be a magical power in it, which not only filled her stomach but also had other effects.

She instantly felt that the parts of her body that were injured due to practice had improved a lot, and some even recovered as before.

This magical effect is hard to refuse.

In no time, she finished a bowl of Xian Tiao Qiang, and she licked her lips with some satisfaction.

But she immediately realized that there were others standing next to her, and then thought about how she looked when she was eating before.

A sense of shame surged in her heart.

She slowly lowered her head, her face flushed, and she was a little afraid to look at Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun also found it very interesting to see the other party like this. He didn't expect that Mr. Yun had such a lovely side in private.

Zhongli should just watch the show.

Hey, I won this time, Zhongli!

"Would you like another bowl?"

However, Jiang Xun did not mean to tease her. Although the other party was indeed cute, Jiang still did not do so.

After all, if he really wanted to find Guizhong, he would not be able to tease these acquaintances......Ahem, wouldn't it be better to just joke around?

"Is it okay?"

Yun Jin hesitated for a while after hearing this, but finally did not refuse.

The feeling just now was too wonderful, and her intuition told her that if she didn't drink more now, she might not have another chance in the future.

" Of course, there are many more, follow me"

Jiang Xun said with a smile.

He had no intention of keeping the pot of Xian Tiao Qiang to himself.

After all, this thing was precious to others but not to him. As long as he wanted, it was just a matter of thought to make as many pots as he wanted......I don't know if Liuyun's machine has a durability setting.

Jiang Xun led the way and soon arrived at the place where the automatic rice cooker was placed.

The fairy family's mechanical skills are magical. This thing seems to have a heat preservation function. Jiang Xun left for a while but the temperature did not change at all.

"Please, it's my treat today"

Jiang Xun pointed at the cooking machine and said to Yun Jin.

Yun Jin looked at the strange machine on the table. Although she didn't understand it, she could see that the machine in front of her was extraordinary.

It should be a very precious thing.

"Mr. Zhongli's friends are really amazing!"

Yun Jin exclaimed in her heart.

Then she didn't hesitate to fill a bowl and continued to eat.

It was not until the third bowl that Yun Jin put down the bowl, touched her flat belly, and looked satisfied.

She has always had a small appetite, after all, she needs to control her figure, otherwise she will not be able to wear her costumes and it will be embarrassing. She has tried her best to eat this Xian Tiao Qiang meal today, but due to physical reasons, she can't eat anymore.

" Are you full?"

Jiang Xun asked doubtfully, having almost eaten a lot of Xian Tiao Qiang.

Are you full after eating this little? Jiang Xun said he couldn't understand.

Even before the system came, this little bit of food was not enough to fill his teeth.

Although the other party ate three bowls, the portion of the bowl was not large. Three bowls seemed like a lot, but in fact it was not much.

"Thank you Mr. Jiang Xun, but I am really full"

In order to prevent Jiang Xun from misunderstanding, Miss Yun Jin explained in a very serious tone

" Well, in that case, I won't force you. During the break, can you tell me the name of the play just now?";

" I thought it was pretty good, why did you stop singing halfway through?";

"Hey, did Mr. Jiang Xun hear my practice just now?"

Yun Jin heard that the other party probably came earlier than him, so he immediately replied:"It's like this, the Lantern Festival is coming, and I plan to perform a play, but now I always feel like something is missing."

" Because my opera involves immortals, I want to sing out the feeling of immortals, but I have never come into contact with immortals and I don’t know where to learn about them, so....."

Jiang Xun also understood what the other party meant.

It turned out that he couldn't find the feeling of being a fairy.

In this case, it's not surprising. After all, the fairies in Liyue rarely show up in front of mortals.

So the only way for ordinary people to get in touch with fairies is through those stories that have been passed down.

" I do know something about immortals. Are you interested in learning more, Mr. Yun?";

"Mr. Jiang Xun actually knows about immortals?!"

Yun Jin looked incredulous, but she did not doubt it. After all, the fact that he had just arrived at this unique fairy jump wall showed that Jiang Xun in front of him was not ordinary.

Maybe he really knew about immortals.

" But before that, Mr. Yun, could you please tell me the name of the opera so that I can find a venue?"

" Of course, the song is called"The Goddess Splits the View"》"

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