The young man wielded a large sword that did not fit his body shape, and moved freely among the monsters.

Every time he swung the sword, the ice element on the blade would be released.

He smashed the sword to the ground, and Jiang Xun felt that the ice element in a certain range was growing wildly.

Countless ice crystals emerged in it.

The ice element gathered on the sword, giving each attack an additional effect.

However.....Why did this kid do this?

Jiang Xun showed a trace of confusion on his face. It was not because the other party's exorcism method was problematic, but because this guy clearly had a simpler method but didn't use it. Is this how the Pure Yang Body is used? The

Pure Yang Body is naturally endowed with extremely strong Yang energy, and has a natural restraining effect on many demons and evil spirits.

But this young man seemed to be deliberately suppressing his own physique at this time.

The ice element is not only used to kill the enemy, but also to suppress the vigorous Yang energy in the body.

This made Jiang Xun incomprehensible, but it was just incomprehensible. After all, the other party must have his own reasons for doing so.

According to the current situation, even if the power of the Pure Yang Body is suppressed, the other party's combat experience and swordsmanship are quite good among mortals.

These evil spirits were quickly eliminated.

" Chongyun, good evening, are you okay?"

When Hu Tao arrived, the other party had already wiped out the evil spirit, so naturally she had no chance to fight. She simply greeted him.

Chongyun was a little surprised by Hu Tao's arrival, but thinking of the girl's specialness, he didn't ask any more questions.

"Well, good evening, are you guys here to play?"

Chongyun asked when he saw Jiang Xun behind Hu Tao. Although he had never seen the latter, he thought that Hu Tao had called him.

" Hey, we came here to work, and we also had some fun"

Hu Tao did not hide the purpose of his visit.

After all, the work of the exorcists and their Wangshengtang is similar in a sense.

It's just that the latter is responsible for salvation, while the former is responsible for physical salvation.

" Well, be safe"

Chongyun doesn't seem to be very good at socializing, or he can't let go except in front of Xingqiu, and he only said this in the end.

However, Hu Tao didn't seem to be affected by it, and was still full of energy.

"Speaking of which, Chongyun, did you come here specifically to exorcise demons?";

" Well, actually, it was Xingqiu who told me that there were big demons here at night, but when I came here, I only encountered these small demons who didn't have time to escape. Alas, it was a wasted trip again."

Chongyun seemed a little frustrated when he said this.

After all, he had never encountered any of the big demons that Xingqiu had mentioned in the past, and he usually came up empty-handed.

Now it seems that this time his efforts were in vain.

This made him wonder if he was really unlucky, otherwise how could he come up empty-handed so many times in a row?

Chongyun attributed everything to his bad luck, and he never doubted whether the news was true or false......

" Maybe, your trip this time was not in vain"

Just when Chongyun was disappointed, Jiang Xun suddenly spoke, attracting the attention of the two.

Chongyun's face showed surprise, but it was soon replaced by doubt.

"This....Sir, how did you know that?"

Hu Tao nodded upon seeing this. She also wanted to know what Jiang Xun's basis was.

Jiang Xun did not explain after hearing this, because there was no need to. As soon as Chongyun finished speaking, the evil aura around him increased exponentially. It was so dense that it almost condensed into substance.

Chongyun did not bother to ask Jiang Xun the reason, but picked up the sword and prepared the talisman with a serious face. This surprise seemed to come a little too suddenly. He didn't know if he could handle it.

Hu Tao rarely stopped smiling at this time, and took out her weapons to wait seriously.

And those ghosts had already hidden far away because they were afraid of Chongyun's pure yang body. Seeing the situation at this moment, they immediately ran away and disappeared. In an instant, only two serious-looking people and the calm Jiang were left on the scene.

" An injured demon is running here, where did it come from?"

Jiang Xun has seen through the true nature of this sudden evil spirit, a wounded big demon.

Preliminary analysis shows that this guy still has some demon god's aura in his body, and he should be another fish that slipped through the net.

But now he is injured for some reason, and judging from the direction of the other party, it seems to be coming in his direction.

The big demon is very fast, and it appeared in front of the three people in just a moment.

As soon as it appeared, a fishy wind blew over, which made Jiang Xun disgusted.

Has this thing taken a bath? It feels so sour?

However, the other two people did not have time to pay attention to the smell on the other side at this time. They were looking at the huge monster that suddenly appeared in front of them with serious faces.

It panted, looking at the three people in front of it with greed in its eyes.

Its eyes were particularly focused on the direction of Chongyun.

"Pure....Pure Yang...Body, big...."Great tonic"

The big demon seemed to be completely unaffected by Chongyun's physique, but instead became greedy.

Chongyun's heart sank when he saw this. It was true that the pure yang physique could restrain the demons in the world, but this was only because its yang energy was too strong. It was stronger than the aura of those demons, so it could restrain them.

But if the aura of the demons was greater than the yang energy of the pure yang body, then this physique would be a great tonic for them.

After all, yin and yang are combined, one replenishes the other, and the two can devour each other.

Although Chongyun didn't know the origin of the demon in front of him, if he was not afraid of his physique, then it would definitely be quite Difficult to deal with.

What surprised him even more was that the evil spirit seemed to be still injured and still not afraid of him, so its combat power in its prime must have been quite strong.

Seeing this, Chongyun planned to take the initiative.

He raised the greatsword in his hand, and his figure appeared above the monster's head in the next second.

Chongyun pinched the seal in the air, and the ice element around the evil spirit instantly became dense.

Spirit Blade. Clouds open and stars fall!

Several huge frost swords condensed in an instant.

Then pierced through the evil spirit, and when I was fixed, Chongyun swung the greatsword again.

From top to bottom, one after another, streaks of ice scattered in all directions, with a very huge momentum.

"Wow, you did a great job, Chongyun!"

Hu Tao praised him immediately after seeing such power. Chongyun was a little out of breath at this time. It was obvious that the burst just now consumed a lot of his energy.

But he still scratched his head embarrassedly.

Obviously, he also thought that the opponent should not be able to withstand his small combo.

But it was obviously due to lack of experience.

Jiang Xun looked calm.

" This thing is not so easy to solve."

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