A second after the demon fell, a black mist slowly rose from its body.

It was the resentment of the demon god, and it was this thing that made Fanan serious.

It was not that he could not defeat it, but that he could not destroy it.

The demon god was immortal, not that they would not die, but that their resentment could not be destroyed.

This was the tricky part. After all, you could not make it disappear completely, which would inevitably be a big trouble.

Even the Rock King Emperor could only seal these resentments instead of destroying them.

Fanan naturally knew this and had been prepared for it. The moment the black mist appeared, he activated the immortal method to seal it in a space.

But this resentment was very cunning. It was very obedient at first, but then someone suddenly concentrated all his strength to interrupt the sealing process. The seal was destroyed during the sealing process, so the seal naturally became invalid, and the part that was originally imprisoned regained its freedom.

Then he planned to escape. Fanan gritted his teeth, secretly thinking that he was cunning while continuing to activate the immortal method, but the mistake just now made him miss the best opportunity.

It is too late to remedy the situation now.

Just when this resentment was about to escape, it found itself imprisoned. Not only that, it was constantly being erased, as if it was being chewed (confirmed) by the world. In the blink of an eye, it returned to nothingness.

Seeing this, Fanan blinked her big, watery eyes in disbelief. The demon resentment that made her helpless just disappeared?

What on earth happened?

Fanan concluded that someone must have made a move in secret, and then looked around, just in time to see a familiar face.

Jiang Xun!!

Fanan's eyes suddenly lit up, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily. Just as he was about to say hello to the other party, he heard the other party's voice directly appear in his mind.

" Ahem, good evening, but let's not rush to say hello, I'm just a small resident"

Jiang Xun used the sound transmission technique to directly transmit his meaning to the other party's mind without using his mouth.

After hearing Jiang Xun's words, Fa Nan also reacted. Now Jiang Xun and the Emperor are both ordinary people. If he took the initiative to greet him, wouldn't he be exposed? He immediately adjusted his mood.

As for the doubts just now, there is now an answer. It must be Jiang Xun who handled it in secret.

The other party has the ability to devour karma, so it is natural to solve the resentment of the demon god.

"Thank you for saving my life, Immortal!"

It was now real. Chongyun and Hutao also came over and expressed their gratitude to Fanan.

Fanan felt guilty towards the two of them. After all, the evil spirit was able to escape injured just now because of him. He almost killed someone. Facing their thanks, Fanan did not put on airs. Instead , he expressed his apologies to them. It is true that she is an immortal, but not all immortals are arrogant towards mortals. Now that she has made a mistake, she naturally has to apologize.

The two were surprised by Fanan's action and quickly waved their hands to indicate that it was okay.

" No matter what, I still thank the immortal for saving my life"

Jiang Xun no longer hid at this time, and walked up to him and said.

Fa Nan looked at Jiang Xun with a strange look in his eyes. It felt strange to hear these words coming from him.

" Well, I'm glad you're alright. I have something important to do, so I won't stay any longer."

Fanan was not used to talking to unfamiliar people. After dealing with the corpses of the evil spirits here, he immediately planned to leave.

But before leaving, he glanced at Jiang Xun. For some reason, his eyes seemed a little resentful.

Mr. Jiang:?

What's wrong with Fanan? Why are you looking at me like that?

Jiang Xun thought about what he had just said, and after searching again and again, he found that he had not said anything offensive!


He suddenly felt that the other party's eyes were exactly the same as when he met Guizhong not long ago.

Then he had a guess.

" Ahem, what a pity. I plan to meet up with an old friend next time. I wonder if it’s convenient for you."

Jiang Xun used the Thousand Miles Voice Transmission to speak to Fanan again.

Unexpectedly, he got a reply from the other party soon:"Really? I don't know about them, but if it's me, it's okay!"

From the other party's tone, he seemed very happy.

However.....Why do we need to emphasize Fushe and the others?......

On the way back, Fa Nan kept thinking about one thing.

"How can I get my elder brother and the others away? Especially Yingda, she must not be present at that time!"

Fanan secretly made up his mind. There were already enough opponents in the open. When he didn't know if there were any potential opponents, he would reduce one as much as possible!......

"Today is really exciting!"

After Fa Nan left, Hu Tao said with a smile, without any sense of relief for surviving the disaster. It was more like watching a horror movie that was not scary. After watching it, she felt nothing.

Jiang Xun felt that this was the true indifference to life and death. If you don't agree, just fight.

Looking at this girl, it seems that she can't wait to do it again.

"Alas, I thought that with my pure Yang body, it would not be challenging to deal with demons, but now I know that I still have too little experience. Maybe I should try to accept this physique?"

Chongyun reflected on what happened tonight.

In the past, no matter what demon he encountered, he basically didn't need to take action. He just had to sit on the spot, and soon all the demons around him would leave.

But just now he encountered a big demon that he couldn't deal with, especially the scene that the other party was not only not afraid of him, but also regarded him as a tonic, which shocked him.

He found that this world is still dangerous. Thinking of this, he no longer hates his pure Yang body so much.

Jiang Xun didn't know what Chongyun was thinking. If he knew, he would definitely think that his sudden"like" might disappear soon.���

Because it is rare to encounter a demon of this level as the one tonight. After all, the Yakshas are not fools, how can they make mistakes every time?

"Okay, Chongyun, I still have things to do, so I won't stay any longer. Goodbye!"

After this matter was settled, Hu Tao's restless temper started to play tricks again. Most people who have experienced this would have wanted to go home a long time ago.

But this girl was still full of energy.

" Well, be careful along the way"

Chongyun looked at Jiang Xun and Hu Tao who were leaving, nodded and replied.

But he suddenly remembered something.

" Wait, I haven’t asked that Yaksha what he thinks about the Taoist exorcist...."

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