After getting Jiang Xun's affirmation, Hu Tao took the ghosts behind him to another place.

It seemed that they were going to prepare for the ceremony.

They even greeted many ghosts along the way.

Jiang Xun's goal of this trip was to see where these souls would go, but before the ceremony began.

He could look around the environment here.

It should be said that this place is worthy of being the closest border to death. Ghosts can be seen everywhere, as if they have become the feature of this place.

After touring around, Jiang Xun also lost interest in this place.

After all, ghosts, earth veins, elemental forces, these factors are not new to him. After watching them for a while, he soon lost interest.

"The ceremony should be ready"

Jiang Xun calculated the time and then rushed to the place where the ceremony was held.

When Jiang Xun arrived, the ceremony seemed to be coming to an end. The next moment, a mantra was recited.

A door slowly appeared and then slowly opened.

Seeing this, the ghosts behind him consciously walked there without any hesitation.

Most of them were lost ghosts. Because they couldn't find the way to the border, they stayed in Wuwangpo, the place with the heaviest yin energy. They themselves had no obsession with the human world.

At this moment, they could go to another world, of course, without hesitation.

After Jiang Xun saw the door, he knew that it was the passage to another world.

Since Hu Tao was still there, Jiang Xun did not go forward to touch it, but used his soul to get close to the door.

The closer he got, the more mysterious aura emanated from the other side of the door.

Jiang Xun's soul concealed his figure and ranked last in the team. When the figures of the ghosts in front disappeared behind the door,

Jiang Xun took a step forward.

Everything went well in the front, but when it was his turn, an accident happened.

The closer he got, the more the door trembled, and a repulsive force faintly emanated from it.

As if rejecting Jiang Xun's arrival, Jiang Xun felt the resistance on his body, and his soul trembled. He approached the door under this pressure.

The moment his hand touched the door, the door suddenly burst into a strong white light.

This sudden situation made Hu Tao behind him a little stunned.

What's going on?

Questions kept arising in her mind, but no one was destined to answer her.

After a flash of white light, the door disappeared in an instant, and everyone present was confused.

At this time, they all leaned over here, except Jiang Xun who was still leaning in place.

But he didn't know when he closed his eyes.

As the door disappeared, Jiang Xun slowly opened his eyes.

His expression revealed a hint of weirdness, but he soon returned to normal.

" It's really strange. The gate never disappears like this before."

Hu Tao was still circling the place where the gate had just appeared, constantly looking for the reason.

But in the end, he returned empty-handed.

" Oops, something unexpected happened just now, are you okay?"

Seeing that he couldn't find the cause, Hu Tao had to give up.

" It’s okay, I just kept my eyes closed"

Jiang Xun shook his head and replied

"That's good, let's go back first"

Seeing that Jiang Xun was indeed normal, Hu Tao finally felt relieved.

"What happened tonight? There are surprises everywhere?"

Hu Tao couldn't help but complain about what happened tonight. First, he caught a big evil spirit while catching ghosts, and then he encountered what happened just now.

Is it not suitable to go out today?

"Since everything is ok, let's go first"

Jiang Xun nodded when he heard this.

This time, he had gained something, so it wasn't a wasted trip.

The two of them walked back along a different road from the way they came.

Soon they arrived at the cave entrance.

"Okay, tonight's mission is successfully completed. I am going back to sleep. Do you want to go with me?";

" No, I'm not sleepy yet"

Jiang Xun shook his head and rejected the other party's kindness.

Hu Tao thought Jiang Xun was still immersed in the accident and had not recovered.

"Okay, I'll go back first. If you have any questions, please come to the Hall of Rebirth to find me!"

Hu Tao said without staying any longer, turned around and left.

When he was the only one left here, Jiang Xun tried to recall the scene just now.

The light gate was indeed rejecting him, but the reason was unclear. Jiang Xun guessed that it might be because he was not a dead person.

Although the door disappeared quickly, he still saw some fragments.

But.....Those clips didn't seem beautiful.

Jiang Xun didn't see the world behind the door, but the clips he saw were all broken walls and ruins.

Desolation was Jiang Xun's first impression of that clip.

"Where exactly is that place in the clip? And why is it in ruins? Could it be the legendary Hades?"

A series of questions appeared in Jiang Xun's mind.

He couldn't help but ponder deeply.

Finally, he came up with a guess: It is possible that the original Hades has been destroyed, or that it is not the Hades, but another ruin that has been destroyed.

Jiang Xun intended to go back to the border to take a look, but after thinking about it, he decided not to.

That door was obviously wrong, and if he went there again, he might not get any answers.

" Forget it, let’s go back"

After looking at the sky, Jiang Xun decided to go back directly.

Now that things have been figured out, he can continue to study in this direction.

There is no need to rush. For now, his situation is still very safe.......

Soon after Jiang Xun left, a figure appeared at the entrance of the border.

"Why is there such a reaction within the border?"

Pinching his chin, Zhongli was a little puzzled, and then decided to go down and take a look.

Arriving at the border with ease, Zhongli first looked around, and then found a soul to ask about the situation.......

" This is what I saw".....

" Okay, I understand. It's troublesome."

He nodded politely to express his gratitude and fell into thought again.

""Master, there is another young man?"

Zhongli muttered to himself.

But he soon had a guess.

" Could it be Jiang Xiaoyou?"

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