This is totally different from what he thought!

Normally, shouldn't he get along well with the other person and then change her mind imperceptibly?

Since when did the enlightenment teacher have to be a part-time cook?

Is it necessary to give the ingredients some psychological counseling so that they can cook themselves better?

Although the result is a bit far-fetched.

But if you think about it carefully, this doesn't seem to be a bad thing. At least this king has begun to rely on him in life.

Even if I can't make her change her mind at this moment, at least I have the qualifications to make suggestions.......

\"Wendy, why hasn't Mr. Jiang Xun come these days?"

The young man sat in his home and said with some melancholy

\"I don't know, but I think he must have his reasons.\"

Wendy then expressed his own ideas.

During the several times when Jiang Xun came to guide their actions, he had been impressed by his insights and ideas. He was very clear about both management and personnel management. No matter what the situation was, he could always find the problem at the first time and provide the best solution.

Although sometimes he didn't quite understand what tactics like the counter-attack meant, he always felt that he could catch the opponent by surprise.

And most importantly, the other party often treated him to drinks!

For Wendy, people who treated him to drinks were generally not bad people.

\"Oh, I understand. Mr. Jiang Xun doesn't want me to be too dependent on him. I need to learn to solve problems on my own.\"

The boy's mind was opened up at this moment, and he felt that he understood what Jiang Xun meant.

Jiang Xun: Huh? (Da Li Ge was puzzled)

\"What you said seems to make sense.\"

Wendy also started to think after hearing this, and he felt that it did make sense.

\"Without further ado, I have to go and solve the problem in the team. I can't let Mr. Jiang Xun down!"

After the boy finished speaking, he stood up and left the room.

Wendy followed closely.

One man and one elf went to a hidden place. After opening the door, they found that there were already several people behind the door.

The boy nodded at them. These people were all capable people he found. Each of them had his own abilities.

\"Everyone, how are things going recently? \"

The young man was the first to ask

\"We have been expanding our scale secretly, and I believe we will have a complete team soon. Then I will trouble you to train them, Mr. Knight.\"

The female archer named Amos said to the red-haired knight beside her.

The red-haired knight nodded expressionlessly.

\"Very good, we must be careful and must not be discovered by the tyrant and his subordinates\"

\"Subordinates? You mean the one called Jiang Xun?"

Amos asked.

\"Forehead.....Anyway, it's good that you know\"

The young man laughed and ignored the topic.

Only he and Wendy knew that Jiang Xun was actually a traitor. The reason why they didn't tell others was because the people's hearts had just stabilized.

If this matter was spread, it would inevitably cause some trouble.

He planned to explain this matter to everyone after overthrowing the tyrant.

Next, several people began to discuss the next plan, and everyone present gave their opinions......

\"Jiang Aiqing, do you have any other stories? Tell me another one.\"

Diecarpian's big azure eyes looked straight at Jiang Xun, with a hint of expectation on his beautiful face.

Jiang Xun was a little puzzled when he heard that. He didn't expect that this demon god who had lived for who knows how many years would be interested in those fairy tales? He originally wanted to use something new to arouse the other party's interest and promote mutual trust, but now that trust is there, the stories can't seem to stop.

The most outrageous thing is that this demon god even chose bedtime to let him tell the stories.

Why haven't I seen you call me dad even though you did this?

Jiang Xun thought, looking at Diecarpian who was already lying on the bed with a helpless look on his face.

\"Okay, today I will tell you the story of the ugly duckling.\"

\"Once upon a time there was a newborn duck, it was very ugly.......Finally, sprinkle with cumin and chili powder, the iron pot stewed goose is really delicious! \"

After Jiang Xun finished telling the fairy tale of An Tusheng today, he felt that the demon god should go to sleep.

Although he didn't know why the demon god needed to sleep, he couldn't control it. It might be a habit formed by years of boredom.

\"Hey, Jiang Xun, you are teasing me on purpose, right?!"

Diakarapian looked at Jiang Xun angrily.

It was obvious that the king was not satisfied with the ending of the story.

This made Jiang Xun a little strange, because it was really delicious.

\"What kind of stories are you telling? I want to hear stories with happy endings, not recipes!\"

\"Wang, you said it was delicious yesterday.....\"

\"I don't care! Hurry up and change it for me! \"

Looking at the Fierce Wind Demon God staring at him with wide eyes, Jiang Xun didn't feel scared, but instead thought that the other party's expression was quite cute.

This King of the Tower is really getting more and more wrong.

Then Jiang Xun also changed the story

\"Once upon a time there was a king who was very powerful and loved his people, but......Finally the king died, and her people got the freedom they wanted.\"

Jiang Xun carefully glanced at the other person's face after he finished speaking, and found that he was not glaring at him, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

\"Humph, just barely.\"

Diekarapian said.

He looked quite satisfied.

\"King, don't you want to know how the king in the story died?"

Jiang Xun asked tentatively.

\"I don't care how she died. Since she was attacked by the people, it means she didn't do what she should have done.\"

Diecarpian snorted coldly, disdaining the details of the matter.

In her opinion, a king who was not loved by the people was not worthy of her knowing the cause of his death.

\"Okay, I'm going to sleep, you go first\"

Dicaprian immediately drove Jiang Xun away.

Jiang Xun also left after hearing this.

However, this time he did not choose to go back to his room to sleep, but left the castle.

These days, he has been busy trying to instill the correct ideas into the King of the Tower. He almost forgot about the teenagers and the people who rebelled.

I wonder how they are doing?

Jiang Xun said to himself.

After disguising himself, he came to the bar and met the teenager again.

At this time, his brows were furrowed, as if he was thinking about some difficult problem.

\"Good evening, both of you.\"

Jiang Xun's voice interrupted the boy's thoughts. Oh, there is another wind elf holding wine.

\"You are, Mr. Jiang Xun, you are here! \"

The boy hesitated for a while before reacting.

Seeing that the other party had wrapped himself tightly, the boy's face showed a hint of apology.

\"Sorry, Mr. Jiang Xun, you only did this because you fulfilled my wish.....\"

\"Needless to say, this is also my wish. Since there must be a revolution, there must be sacrifices. Why can't it be me? \"

Seeing Jiang Xun still smiling, the boy's guilt deepened.

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