After Jiang Xun's sincere explanation, the two reluctantly believed Jiang Xun's opinion, but Decarabian's strange look still made him a little uneasy.

Let Jiang learn from his mistakes: next time, don't bring people (dragons) home casually!

After accepting this setting, Decarabian once again grabbed Du Lin in his hand with lightning speed. The whole process was as fast as the wind. Before Du Lin could react, he was already in the hands of another person.

Facts have proved that Jiang Xun's explanation is not completely useless. At least after learning that Du Lin was a creature created by Jiang Xun, the whole person's attitude towards him seemed to have changed subtly.

It seems that there is a feeling of protecting his own child, and the whole picture looks very harmonious.

Jiang Xun ignored Du Lin's look for help and turned to look at Qiqi who had regained his calmness.

Judging from the situation just now, Qiqi's condition was what surprised Jiang Xun.

Because before, Qiqi had a sense of dependence on me, but it was not particularly strong. She just stayed by my side. But judging from her reaction just now, this sense of dependence seemed to have become stronger, and it seemed to be developing in a strange direction.

""Qiqi, are you okay?"

Jiang Xun looked at her with concern and asked softly.

Although he had not been with this sister for a long time, he still had feelings for her, not to mention that his"death" that year must have had a great impact on her.

It was impossible for Jiang Xun to have no attitude towards this matter.

Facing Jiang Xun's question, Qiqi did not simply nod in response as usual, but lowered her head, and the whole person looked a little unnatural. In Jiang Xun's eyes, this feeling was like having"popularity".

As an immortal, Qiqi has lived alone for hundreds of years, and her popularity has almost disappeared. When dealing with things, she should speak frankly like Master Liuyunjiefeng, and she will definitely not be so shy.

"Qiqi, did you remember something?"

Seeing that the other party had not replied, Jiang Xun suddenly had an idea and asked.

This time she did not lower her head and remain silent, but slowly raised her head, with complex emotions flashing in her ice-blue pupils.

"I feel like you are a very important person to me, but.....This is impossible!"

Qiqi bit her lip, and suddenly her expression seemed to be a little painful.

"Why, why can't I remember?!"

She held her head, her voice a little sad. She frantically recalled the figure, but there was always an invisible force blocking her. The closer she got, the stronger the blocking force became.

Qiqi's emotions were a little out of control at this time, and her strength could not stop leaking out.

The biting ice started from her feet and spread to the surroundings at a very fast speed. This scene naturally attracted the attention of a man and a dragon on the side. Just as they were about to take action, they were stopped by Jiang Xun.

""I'm sorry, you guys should leave first. This matter was caused by me, I'm afraid you can't help."

Jiang Xun's tone was very calm, but it gave people the feeling that it was unquestionable.

Although he was still very confused in his heart, Du Lin had no intention of disobeying. He had always obeyed Jiang Xun's words. Now that the other party asked him not to take action, he would naturally not do anything to make his father unhappy.

As for Diecarpian, although her mood at this time was similar to Du Lin's, she did not stay, but looked at Qiqi with a complicated expression.

This feeling, as expected, this female fairy who didn't get along with her also had an experience with Jiang Xun, and it seemed that the relationship was no worse than hers. As a"veteran", Diecarpian naturally understood what state the other party was in at this time, because she had also experienced this kind of out-of-control situation before.

"Be careful...."

Although she felt mixed emotions, she finally just told Jiang Xun to be careful and left.

After the two left, Jiang Xun used magic to create a barrier that covered the entire house, in order to prevent Qiqi's power from leaking out and causing great damage to Liyue Port.

After confirming the solidity of the barrier, Jiang Xun turned his gaze to Qiqi again. At this time, she looked a little painful, with a few drops of cold sweat on her delicate forehead, and her silver teeth were clenched, as if she was bearing great pain.

Seeing this, Jiang Xun sighed, and then ignored the biting cold around him, and slowly walked towards Qiqi. The ice and snow power that was enough to freeze dozens of miles of ocean fell on Jiang Xun like a drop in the ocean.

If the other party is compared to a thousand-year-old ice, then Jiang Xun's body is like a scorching sun. The powerful ice and snow power fell on him without leaving any water stains, and was evaporated in an instant.

The closer he got, the lower the temperature became, but it still did not affect Jiang Xun, and his steps did not stop.

At this time, Qiqi's soul was fighting with the mysterious power. Only the instinct of a living creature remained in her body. It seemed that she felt that a creature was constantly approaching her. Although she tried her best, she could not stop the other party's steps.

The next moment, Qiqi moved directly and attacked Jiang Xun. Facing the opponent's powerful attack, Jiang Xun's eyes were still calm. He turned his head slightly and dodged. After failing to hit, Qiqi did not choose to stop, but continued to use means to kill Jiang Xun. Each of her attacks contained the power to split mountains and cut off seas, but Jiang Xun dodged every time.

Jiang Xun was not angry about being attacked. He understood that this was not the opponent's active consciousness, but rather a passive defense. After all, his breath at the top level of the demon god was too conspicuous. At this time, Qiqi, who was left with only instinct, would naturally regard herself as a danger. The opponent also realized that the house was shrouded by the barrier and could not escape. Now he could only choose to strike first.

After an unknown amount of time, Qiqi once again changed her palm into a fist and attacked Jiang Xun's chest, but this time, Jiang Xun did not dodge.


A dull sound of blow rang out. This was the sound of a fist hitting the flesh, but Jiang Xun was not affected by this. He took the punch not because he could not dodge, but because he felt that the time was about right.

Since the opponent had fought with all his strength from the beginning, Qiqi was now both physically and mentally exhausted. Jiang Xun thought that there was no need to continue fighting at this time, otherwise Qiqi would most likely be injured due to excessive strain on her body.

Without waiting for Qiqi to pull her hand out, Jiang Xun grabbed her arm and pulled it towards him. The huge force caught Qiqi off guard, and the next second she was held in Jiang Xun's arms.

Just as she was about to struggle, her body suddenly felt at ease, and Qiqi, who was fighting with the mysterious force, also felt this familiar feeling, and sleepiness surged into her heart for a while.

"elder brother....."

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