"Son of God, are you here to eat delicious food too?"

Paimon suddenly asked

"Oh, if you hadn't told me, I would have forgotten. Alas, I'm not as leisurely and elegant as you little ones. Recently, I've been in trouble."

Yae Shinko answered while pretending to have a headache. As for whether he really encountered trouble, I'm afraid only the person involved would know.

"Son of God, tell me what you think, maybe we can help you!"

Paimeng was very enthusiastic, and it can be seen that she was in a very good mood at the moment.

"Alas, this is what happened....."

Yae Shinko explained the so-called troubles in a somewhat distressed manner, and while she was speaking, she also performed vividly, describing everything she said extremely realistically.

It must be said that Yae Shinko is indeed very talented in acting. Her words and vivid performance really made Paimeng and Ying believe that she was indeed in trouble.

Jiang Xun, who was listening on the side, had to praise the pink fox's acting skills. If he hadn't keenly observed the fleeting smile on the other's face, he would probably have believed it.

"Oh, don't worry, Shenzi, Ying and I will definitely help you!"

After hearing this, Paimeng immediately showed that he would stick his neck out for his friend, and also pulled Ying aside.

But to her surprise, Ying didn't seem to care.

It was obvious that she still hadn't gotten over the sadness of her extremely shrunken wallet, and she was not in the mood to help. Seeing this,

Yae Shenzi added a sentence, and the result was immediate.

"There is a reward!"

When Ying heard the word reward, her originally absent-minded eyes instantly became lively, and then she nodded heavily to the Son of God.

Now that the Mora has been spent, it is useless to be sad. She didn't want to help, but since the other party said there is a reward, the nature is different.

Seeing Ying's transformation, the Son of God couldn't help but laugh, and found it very interesting.

"My friend from Liyue, if you have time, why not come along? I can also show you around Inazuma City along the way."

To the surprise of the two, the Son of God suddenly invited Jiang Xun.

This surprised the two who knew each other's personalities. In their impression, the Son of God was quite cold towards strangers. Even if some local Inazuma clan leaders came to see her, she would not give them a good look. Whether she would meet them or not all depended on her mood.

Why would she suddenly invite Jiang Xun at this time?

Jiang Xun was also a little surprised by the behavior of the Eightfold Son of God, but she was just a little surprised.

She felt that the other party was definitely not out of the reason of wanting to help him understand Inazuma......

Jiang Xun knew that the other party definitely didn't know his identity, because he had hardly dealt with the little fox Yae Shinko five hundred years ago.

This invitation was probably just out of curiosity.

""Then I'll have to trouble Miss Yae."

Jiang Xun nodded slightly. He also wanted to take this opportunity to see if he could find out where Lei Dian really was.

Jiang Xun could only confirm that Lei Dian was not dead, but he had no idea where she was now. Maybe this Yae Palace Master would know something.

As for why he didn't look for Ying.....Jiang Xun felt that if he appeared in front of her, he would probably be chopped.

Moreover, judging from what this fool had done over the years, it was highly likely that he didn't know that his sister was still alive. It seemed that he really hadn't gone to see her......

"Why do I feel like there's some secret between these two people?"

Paimeng whispered to Ying. It was obvious that she felt something was wrong with their conversation......Paimon doesn't know!

After paying the bill, the group headed towards Yaedo. Yaedo explained the situation in detail. The trouble she encountered was caused by the light novel.

Recently, a light novel called"True Detective Notes" has been circulating among Inazuma. The novel records a spell that can fulfill the reader's wishes.

"So Shenzi, do you want us to solve the problem of the novel?"

"No, I want you to solve the readers......"

The Eightfold God replied sinisterly.!!

This tone startled Paimeng and the others, and they subconsciously moved a lot further away from the pink fox in front of them.

Seeing that he had successfully fooled the two, the Eightfold God smiled happily.

Looking at the smiling fox, the two knew that they had been fooled. Ying put her hands on her hips and looked at the still laughing Eightfold God with dissatisfaction. Paimeng's reaction was similar.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I want you to help solve the readers' problems. Some of them became very strange after their wishes came true. Many of them either ran away from home or became a different person. Many of the readers' families came to me, but I don't have time to deal with these trivial matters."

Yae Shenzi said irresponsibly, without any awareness of the responsibility of being a palace priest.

"so......Son of God, the trouble you are talking about is actually not wanting to deal with these things, right!"

At this time, even Paimon understood the other party's intention and stared at Yae Son of God with a look of contempt.

"Paimon is really smart. After all, I am very busy as a priestess, so I can only trouble you and the little guy!"

Yae Shenzi was not embarrassed at all by her intention being exposed, but stated her purpose very frankly.

However, the two did not believe her lies that she was very busy. Compared with other priestesses, the daily life of Yae Shiji can be regarded as a paid vacation.

"So what are you talking about as compensation?....."

Ying couldn't help but ask

"Of course, I'll ask the families for it."

Jiang Xun, who was watching the show, had to say that he admired her. If this Yae Goddess were in today's society, she would definitely be a female capitalist.

Yae Goddess: Just a few words and I can make the traveler work for me for free!......

"But we don't know how to exorcise evil spirits."

Paimon asked worriedly

"That's easy. When you find someone, just bring him to me."

After thinking about it, it seems that this is the only feasible way. The two of them immediately took the information given by the Eightfold God to find the readers' families.

Jiang Xun did not go with them. His attention was focused on the pink fox at the moment. The other party obviously wanted to talk to him.

"Now that the little guys are gone, is it convenient for Mr. Jiang Xun to talk to me?"

Yaezhe Shenzi asked Jiang Xun with a smile, and his beautiful eyes kept scanning Jiang Xun, trying to see through him.

Du Lin felt the prying eyes of Yaezhe Shenzi, and the next moment his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

In his cognition, this kind of eyes are used by hunters to observe their prey. At this time, Jiang Xun was looked at by this fox with this kind of eyes, which made Du Lin very unhappy.

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