"Is that Mr. Jiang?"

A male voice with a hint of surprise came into Jiang Xun's ears, and it sounded familiar.

Jiang Xun turned around and saw Thomas standing behind him with a smile on his face, holding a large bag of vegetables in his hand.

"Oh, it's yellow hair.....No, it's Thomas.

Jiang Xun also greeted him.

Thomas heard this and continued

"I didn’t expect Mr. Jiang still remembered me. It’s such an honor!"

"My memory is not that bad."

Jiang Xun just regarded the other party's words as a courtesy.

However, he seemed to have misunderstood the housekeeper's intention. What he just said seemed not to be a courtesy, but a genuine happiness from the bottom of his heart that Jiang Xun could remember him.

"Mr. Jiang, are you waiting for someone?

Thomas saw Jiang Xun sitting alone on a chair with a toy dragon on his shoulder, and thought he was waiting for someone.

"Waiting for someone? You're right to say that, but the main thing is to wait for time."

Jiang Xun's words made Thomas a little confused, so he simply stopped thinking about it and asked directly:"Then, Mr. Jiang, do you have any plans for dinner?"

Jiang Xun waved his hand and was about to say that he had a big meal not long ago, but Thomas said first:"If you don't mind, Mr. Jiang, please come back to Mulou Teahouse with me. It's a good opportunity for you to taste my cooking skills. It can also be regarded as my small thanks for saving my life last time."

Jiang Xun wanted to refuse, but Thomas's enthusiasm made him feel embarrassed for a moment. He was not an immortal, and he still had a lot of human touch. Facing a person's kind invitation, he couldn't refuse decisively.

In the end, he agreed. Anyway, the agreed time was midnight, which was still early.

Seeing Jiang Xun agreed, Thomas decisively led the way, and Jiang Xun followed slowly behind him.

The Mulou Teahouse is located in Inazuma Castle, and it didn't take too much time for the two of them to walk.


After pushing open the door, there was a crisp sound of wind chimes, indicating that someone had come in.

Kamisato Ayaka usually chooses to go to the teahouse after finishing a day's work. I chose to take a break here. Dealing with people from those big families is very tiring. I need to pay attention to my image all the time.

But I can relax myself a little when I come back here. My tense nerves relax all of a sudden.

Kamisato Ayaka sat at the table casually, picked up the hot tea that had been on the table for a long time and sipped it slowly. This was prepared by Thomas in advance for her. As a retainer and housekeeper of the Kamisato family, this kind of thing can only be said to be a piece of cake.

But, why are there two cups of tea on the table?

Kamisato Ayaka raised her head in confusion. There seemed to be another person sitting in front of her. The most terrible thing was that she didn't realize it until now!

"Good evening, Miss Kamisato.

Jiang Xun greeted Kamisato Ayaka. He was usually casual and natural, so he didn't think there was anything wrong with the other party's series of actions just now.

However, for Kamisato Ayaka, it was another matter.

"River.....Mr. Jiang Xun?!"

Shen Li Ling Hua saw who was coming and immediately knelt up straight, changing her lazy attitude just now and said seriously

"Sorry, I let you see my bad side."

It was obvious that Miss Linghua attached great importance to her image in front of Jiang Xun. This was not emotional, but respect, just like her attitude towards General Lei Dian.

At this time, her face was a little red, as if she was ashamed of her behavior just now.

Jiang Xun did not think that there was anything wrong with her behavior just now, but her serious appearance made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"You don't have to be so respectful to me. I'm not General Lei Dian. We don't have any superior-subordinate relationship."

Jiang Xun said seriously.

Perhaps she sensed the seriousness in Jiang Xun's tone. After some consideration, Shen Li Ling Hua finally relaxed.

"Then, I'm being rude."

"Well, don't be so serious, I'm not used to that."

After emphasizing his attitude again, Jiang Xun stopped talking and drank tea quietly.

The tea has a light fragrance, it is very comfortable to drink, and it can effectively relieve people's fatigue.

It should be said that he is worthy of being a housekeeper, and he is really thoughtful.

""When did Mr. Jiang Xun come to Inazuma?"

After a while of silence, Kamisato Ayaka took the initiative to talk. Although she listened to Jiang Xun's words, the good family education she received since childhood prevented her from leaving the guests aside, so she began to look for topics.

After Jiang Xun took a sip of tea, he began to chat with the other party. When talking about the recent novel, Kamisato Ayaka frowned, obviously she had heard about it.

However, because there were many things on hand, and this matter seemed to be beyond the ability of the company, she did not spend much time on it.

But from Ayaka's point of view, it was obvious that she had spent a lot of time to understand this matter in private.

"You mean, this spell is real?"

Jiang Xun nodded.

The spell was of course real, but he just didn't understand it.

Seeing Jiang Xun nod, Shenli Linghua lowered her head and began to think, as if she was thinking about how to deal with this matter and whether she should report it to General Lei Dian.

"You don't have to worry too much, Yae God has already intervened in this matter"

"Yae Miyaji?....."

After hearing the name of Yae Shinko, Kamisato Ayaka felt relieved. Since the mysterious palace chief had already come forward to deal with it, it was naturally not her turn to worry. After all, even if she was worried, there was not much that the community official could do about this matter.......

"Mr. Jiang Xun, what do you think about this matter?"

"It's nothing more than some evil spirits causing trouble. The truth will be revealed tonight."

Jiang Xun answered casually.


Miss Shenli caught the key words and repeated them with some curiosity.

Jiang Xun simply told her about this matter, including the plan for tonight.

"Mr. Jiang Xun, I have a request"

"Well, if you have something to say, just tell me. You're welcome."

"Tonight's���Can't I join the movement?"

Shinri Ayaka asked firmly.

Jiang Xun was stunned for a moment, wondering why the eldest daughter of the Shinri family would be interested in this matter. Wouldn't it be fine if this matter was handed over to others?

But he was not Shinri Ayaka after all, and he didn't understand what was going on in her little head.

"If you want to come, I have no objection."

Jiang Xun replied.

Since Jiang Xun was willing to share this matter with her, there was no reason to stop her from wanting to know more.

And even if she disagreed, the White Egret Princess who cared about the people would probably find time to secretly investigate it herself. It would be better to take her along.

"I am grateful for your respect!"

Kamisato Ayaka did not refer to herself as"I" at this time, but as"I", which seemed to have made her position clear.

"So the eldest daughter of the Kamisato family is also curious about these mysterious things?"

Jiang Xun teased.

Miss Linghua looked a little embarrassed when she heard this, and wanted to explain, but in the end she said nothing. In the end, she could only lower her head slightly, looking a little embarrassed.

It seems that there is really some curiosity in it.

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