Just as Jiang Xun was about to kill the monster, he suddenly stopped.

An expression of disbelief appeared on his face.

"No way, can this be hit?"

The next second, there was a crisp sound of footsteps behind him. Jiang Xun could only retract his fingers and then suddenly shouted,"Ah, help, there is a monster here!"

The sudden movement scared the monster lying on the ground. He looked at the"panicked" Jiang Xun with disbelief, thinking that this devil was not going to let him go, but what was going on?

Hearing Jiang Xun's voice, the originally light footsteps behind him suddenly became hurried, and it was obvious that they were coming in his direction. The monster's heart sank instantly when he heard it. Good guy, it's not enough to torture me alone, and now you're looking for another one, right?

Soon, a white figure appeared behind him. It was the Fox Palace who had separated from Jiang Xun not long ago.

"Where are the monsters?......Hey, why are you here?"

Just when Kitsuzai was about to ask about the whereabouts of the monster, he saw the storyteller he met in Inazuma Castle.

"I was on my way home when I was suddenly attacked by a large group of monsters. I ran here in a hurry, and then I saw a monster lying on the ground."

Jiang Xun himself felt that there were many loopholes in this statement, but he did not expect the other party to believe it. Jiang Xun suddenly remembered that he still had the ability of"peaceful appearance". He thought it was useless, but now it seems that he can make up a lie.

Hu Zhaigong also noticed the dying monster on the ground at this time. It was obvious that the other party had experienced a lot of torture.

She walked forward slowly, then squatted down and asked the monster:"Where are you from, who is the mastermind behind this disaster, and did you fight with anyone just now?"

The voice of Kitsuzhai Palace was soft and gentle, which made the monster that had just experienced the sufferings of the world feel that not all Inazuma in the world are as devilish as Jiang Xun. Not only did he torture people, but he also pretended that he had done nothing.

It was about to expose Jiang Xun's true face, but it found that its mouth seemed to be sealed by something, and it could not move at all. It could only make a whimpering sound. At this time, it was horrified to find that Jiang Xun behind Kitsuzhai Palace was looking at it with a smug look on his face.

Little guy, can I fall over here with you?

Kitsuzhai Palace was a little surprised to see that the other party couldn't speak for a long time. He looked in the direction of its horrified gaze, but found nothing, and there was only Jiang Xun with a"scared face" behind him.

In the end, it could only be concluded that the monster was too seriously injured and had no ability to speak.

However, Kitsuzhai Palace could not rescue her enemy, because she knew nothing about the monster in front of her, and didn't know what abilities the other party had. If the other party ran away after her inattention after treatment, it would be a big trouble.

"Forget it, in that case, I'd just ask you to disappear!"

Kitsunayamiya stood up, and then cast a spell to completely destroy the monster.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Kitsunayamiya didn't see any fear on the other's face. Instead, he observed a hint of relief. What on earth did it go through?

Doubts appeared in her little head in an instant, and the big ears on her head trembled slightly from time to time, indicating that its owner was concentrating on thinking about something.

But soon, the originally upright ears suddenly softened, indicating that the result of this brainstorming ended in failure.

At this time, Kitsunayamiya also realized that there was a"frightened" Jiang Xun behind him, and said apologetically:"I'm sorry, I was too absorbed in thinking about things. It's a bit dangerous for you to go alone. Why don't you come back to Mingjin Taisha with me."

Jiang Xun felt a little annoyed after hearing this. He wanted to refuse. In his plan, he and Kitsai Palace should not have too many intersections. He was responsible for finding the source of Inazuma's disaster before her, and then secretly killing her. This mission would be completed.

It's not that he didn't think about showing his cards directly, but if he did so, the other party would definitely doubt his intentions. When Ying and Zhen were not in Inazuma, his existence would inevitably be suspected by many monsters, and it would cause a lot of trouble to do things at that time.

"I.....Well, thank you for your generous help.

Jiang Xun had no choice but to agree. In this situation, he seemed to have no reason to refuse the other party's invitation. He could only find an opportunity to act again.

"You don't seem to be from Inazuma, don't call me sir, my name is Kitsusai-guni, the current chief priest of Narugami Taisha Shrine"

"I understand, Fox Palace"......

On the way to Mingjin Taisha, Kitsusaigumi seemed to have opened up a chat box and kept chatting with Jiang Xun.

"Jiang Xun, are there any beautiful scenery where you are?"

"Jiang Xun, have you been to any other places?"

"Jiang Xun, where did you hear those stories from? Did you create them yourself, or did you adapt them from books in other places?"

Kushaigong asked a series of questions, mostly about Liyue. It seemed that she was very curious about places other than Inazuma.

Jiang Xun also patiently answered her questions. Anyway, he couldn't do anything for the time being, so he just took it as a way to relieve his boredom.

Jiang Xun also found something interesting from this chat. The current palace chief seemed to be very lively and optimistic. Even though Inazuma was facing internal and external troubles, it was difficult to hide his naughty and lively nature.

"Wow, hearing you say that makes me want to go and see it......"

After Jiang Xun answered the other party's question, Hu Zhaigong's curiosity about other countries was instantly magnified.

"I have decided. When this disaster is over, I....."

Seeing that the other party was about to set a flag, Jiang Xun immediately interrupted

"Well, are we almost there?"

"Well~, we're almost there. Are you tired? Do you need a rest?"

Jiang Xun shook his head when he heard that. Seeing that the other party did not continue to set the flag, Jiang Xun breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Kitsune Saeki did not insist on what he said just now. They chatted all the way. The two of them did not have a smooth journey. Because he had to take care of Jiang Xun, an"ordinary person", Kitsune Saeki did not use magic to hurry up. This would certainly slow down the journey a lot, but the advantage was that during this period, they encountered many monsters and wandering samurai attacks and robberies, which could be easily dealt with.

It can be regarded as a slight relief for the current severe situation.

Fortunately, the journey to Narukami Taisha is not far. It only took one day for the two to arrive at Narukami Taisha.

""Master, you are back."

As soon as I returned to the shrine, the shrine maiden came forward to greet me.

"Well, please inform all the witches that I plan to set up barriers in various places to protect the safety of the people. I hope you can also participate."

"Yes, Lord Palace Master."

After receiving the order from the Fox Palace, the witch left.

The other party did not even look at Jiang Xun from beginning to end, and acted vigorously.

""Sorry, I have to go take care of some things. Someone will arrange your accommodation and food later, but there is one thing you must pay attention to: please do not leave Mingshen Taisha."

After saying this, Kitsusaigong left, presumably to prepare the barrier.

This was exactly what Jiang Xun wanted.

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