Sure enough, a blush had already appeared on Zhen's face, adding a touch of laziness to her originally pure temperament.

Jiang Xun couldn't help but wonder how this thing was brewed. After drinking a glass, even a demon god was drunk. But even so, this degree had almost no effect on Jiang Xun.

His body was too strong now. Even if he didn't deliberately try to dissolve the alcohol, his body would automatically decompose it. After just a while, the original trace of drunkenness disappeared.

Jiang Xun didn't care about this, and then began to talk about some of his experiences.

He knew that the other party liked to listen to some small stories, so he simply picked a lot of them to tell. During the period, Lei Dianzhen also poured wine into their respective cups from time to time.

And every time Jiang Xun drank once, she also drank the wine in her cup, but she was not Jiang Xun, who had such a strong physical fitness. After only drinking five cups, she was already drunk.

Jiang Xun saw Zhen lying on the table and shook her head. It was obvious that the other party could not drink, but she insisted on drinking. As a result, she fell asleep before she finished telling the story.

Seeing this, Jiang Xun also stopped telling the story and began to drink alone. The cup was very small, so not much wine could be poured at a time. Now there was still a lot of wine left.

Jiang Xun smelled it carefully and could faintly smell a little cherry blossom fragrance. It seemed that the raw materials might have cherry blossoms in it, but the aftereffect was so strong. Could it be that Zhen was plucked from the sacred cherry?

At this time, she noticed that Zhen suddenly moved. She saw her loosen her kimono. It seemed that she was a little hot due to the alcohol. Zhen pulled it so that the originally fitted kimono became loose.

The snow-white shoulders were vaguely exposed to the air, and under the moonlight, it was a little dazzling.

But she seemed to still feel a little hot, and she still did not stop the action of her hands, exposing more skin to the air.

Seeing this, Jiang Xun stood up and walked towards her, stretched out his hand to grab the kimono, and then......He put it back on the other person, thus covering up the part of the spring light that had already been exposed.

After doing all this, he returned to his seat alone and continued drinking.......

"Hmm, is it my illusion?"

Jiang Xun took a sip and found that Zhen's face seemed to be redder, much redder than before. However, after careful observation, he found that there was no other abnormality in the other party, so he no longer paid attention to it.

Could it be that he saw it wrong?

But unlike the calm Jiang Xun, Zhen's heart was in turmoil at this time. Yes, she had been pretending to sleep. Those seemingly subconscious behaviors just now were actually intentional.

And all this was planned in advance by her. At some point, she found that her feelings for this guy who had walked into her life had changed. She no longer wanted to be limited to simple friends, but to go a step further.

It was thought that Jiang Xun had fallen in the Kanreya War five hundred years ago, but just a while ago on the sea... The aura emitted from the battle gave her renewed hope that Jiang Xun was not dead yet!

This is how the so-called old friends met for a drink.

Perhaps it was because of the alcohol that made her so cowardly. Under normal circumstances, she would never be able to do that kind of behavior, but under the stimulation of the wine, she still did it.

But she didn't expect that Jiang Xun would just cover up her exposed skin with great difficulty in the face of her behavior. Is he not interested in me? Or is he not drunk at all?

Zhen quietly opened her eyes and glanced at Jiang Xun, and found that he was still drinking the bottle of wine she brought, just like drinking water, one glass at a time.

Even so, his face was only slightly ruddy, and he was not drunk at all.

"How could this happen?!"

Zhen finally understood that Jiang Xun was not drunk at all. The strong alcohol for him seemed to be just water with a little taste.

Thinking of this, Zhen blamed himself for being too impatient. He didn't know Jiang Xun's physical condition at all and rushed to make him drink. As a result, he didn't get drunk at all, but he got drunk first. If he had known, he wouldn't have drunk with him........

Zhen was blaming herself in her heart when she suddenly felt her cheek being poked.

She subconsciously opened her eyes and found that it was Jiang Xun who was poking her face with his finger.

"So you weren't asleep, so what? Do you want to continue listening?"

Jiang Xun saw that the other party opened her eyes and knew that she was probably pretending to sleep.

"I....In fact, I was already asleep, but you woke me up!"

Zhen quickly defended himself when he saw this, and threw the blame on Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun smiled and drank, and did not expose the other party's little thoughts.

"I see. I apologize. But your wine is really good. It tastes good."......".....

"Do you want to go back?"

Jiang Xun looked at the silent Zhen and asked

"Where to go?"

"Since you don't want to go to see the shadow drunk, I'll take you back to Naruto Taisha Shrine and let Yaejinko take care of you."

"All right...."

After hearing what Zhen said, she really didn’t want to go to see Ying like this, otherwise the other party would definitely think too much.

It was just a pity that she had prepared the plan for so long, but she didn’t expect Jiang Xun to not be able to get drunk. She originally thought that their relationship could be closer, but suddenly she felt it was a pity.

Zhen stood up shakily, and Jiang Xun stepped forward to support her, so that she wouldn’t fall down if she couldn’t walk steadily.

Jiang Xun frowned, it was still a question whether the other party could return to Mingshen Taisha in this condition.

Zhen just felt weak all over. If it weren’t for Jiang Xun’s support, she might fall down after taking two steps.

She was always perceptive and noticed Jiang Xun’s expression. She thought that she had caused trouble for the other party and felt a little guilty.

"Sorry, if you find it troublesome, you don't have to worry about me, I can go back by myself"

"Trouble? No, it's just......"

Jiang Xun said some inexplicable words that made Zhen a little confused. Suddenly, she felt that she was out of control. A pair of hands passed through her legs and picked her up. When she came to her senses, she found that she was already in Jiang Xun's arms.

"This way, faster."

Zhen was still a little stunned at this time, leaning on the other person, holding her chest tightly with her two small hands, looking at Jiang Xun's chin, until Jiang Xun left, she came back to her senses. Her originally rosy cheeks became even more rosy because of shyness, but she didn't say anything, just relaxed her body and let the other person hold her in his arms.

In this way, it doesn't seem to be a failure.....

Jiang Xun didn't think too much about it. He was a little nervous at first, thinking that the other party would mind, but now it seems that he really doesn't mind it.

Maybe it's because he is drunk, and he doesn't know if the other party will mind it after he sobers up.......I hope Miss Zhen can understand me. After all, I want her to come back and rest as soon as possible.

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