"Honorary Knight Sister, is this brother your friend?"

Klee asked in a cute way.

"That’s right, the one holding the sword is a samurai from Inazuma, named Kaedehara Manye, and this one is from Liyue......of..."

Paimeng explained for Ying, but when she came to Jiang Xun, she didn't know how to introduce him. She wanted to introduce him as an immortal, but Xiao Keli might not understand what an immortal meant.

"Paimeng needs no introduction, Keli knows Jiang Xun."

Keli interrupted Paimeng and rescued him from his high-speed thinking state.

"Hey, do you know him?"

Paimeng was curious about this. She had never heard any information about Jiang Xun and Keli.

"Yes, brother Jiang Xun and brother Albedo came to play with me before!"

"Keli, long time no see.

Jiang Xun greeted

"Long time no see, brother Jiang Xun, you haven't played with Klee for a long time, by the way, do you want to play with the bouncing bombs this time?"

The last time Klee saw Jiang Xun was more than a year ago. At that time, he was very interested in his bombs. Klee also became familiar with Jiang Xun because someone was willing to play with bombs with her.

Jiang Xun took these bombs to ask Albedo to make a Dudu communicator with both offensive and defensive functions.

"No, I don't need it anymore."

Jiang Xun waved his hand.

Seeing that Jiang Xun didn't need it, Ke Li put on her mobile arsenal again.

"Well, I heard you guys are going to play, so I won't bother you anymore. Have fun."

After exchanging a few words with Klee, Jiang Xun planned to leave.

He was going to find the location of that guy Wendy.

He came to Mondstadt to find the devil's resentment or to see if he could trigger the mission. The latter was more casual, while the former required finding a guide.

However, the sudden appearance of a green figure made him give up the idea.

"Yo ho, everyone is here!"

"A street singer?!"

Jiang Xun stopped when he saw the person coming. He wanted to find someone, but he didn't expect that this guy seemed to know his thoughts in advance and came to him directly.

"Not bad, I didn't expect to have a new friend."

Wendy looked at Wan Ye who was standing beside him.

Wan Ye also greeted him. He felt that the man in front of him was a little hard to understand.

"Singer, do you want to go to the island with us?"

"No, no, no, I have something to do this time, so I won't go with you."

Wendy waved her hand and quickly refused, saying that she had something to do, but it was unknown whether it was a serious matter.

"However, I have someone here who is willing to go with you."

"Is that Mona and Fischl? They will be here soon.

Klee thought that Wendy was referring to Mona and Fischl, but that was not the case.

"Barbato......"Wendy, why did you call me here?"

A slightly dissatisfied female voice came from not far away, and Jiang Xun instantly knew who the person was.

"Jiang Xun? You came to Mondstadt so late, did you come to see me?"

Diekarapian's tone suddenly changed. After seeing Jiang Xun, his original dissatisfaction seemed to disappear instantly, and he was instead a little happy.


Seeing the other party's expectant look, Jiang Xun finally chose to follow her wishes. It would not affect the result anyway.

After getting the answer he wanted, Diekarapian began to think and began to guess Jiang Xun's inner psychological activities.

"He must be very happy to see me now, right? But why doesn't he show it? Should I show it?"

Just when Dekarapian was struggling, the remaining two people mentioned by Keli also arrived late.

"Hey, Keli, we are here!"

Mona greeted

"It is your supreme honor to have this princess personally accompany you to explore unknown secrets."

"The lady means that she is also looking forward to this trip with you."

""Hey, Oz!"

Fischl shouted in dissatisfaction, but most people present were used to the way this man and bird talked, and did not find it strange.

"Sister, do you want to go to the island with Keli?"

Seeing that everyone was there, Keli asked Dikarapian who was still struggling.

"ah....Ah, to the island?"

Diakarapian was interrupted and didn't react for a while, but he soon understood.

"OK, then, does Keli mind if her sister brings another person?"

Diekarapian half squatted down, pinched Keli's little face, and asked with a smile.

Keli had a good impression of this beautiful sister in front of her, and she also liked traveling with many people, so she naturally would not refuse.

Seeing this, Diekarapian smiled even more, touched Keli's little head, and then went directly to Jiang Xun and grabbed his clothes.

""Okay, let's go then?"

Jiang Xun, who was still watching the show, didn't expect that the fire would burn him now.

Jiang Xun looked at Wendy, wanting her to pull him away quickly, but this guy was actually laughing at this time, and then turned away, trying to cover the expression on his face, not knowing that his every move was seen by Jiang Xun.

"Forget it, just treat it as fulfilling my promise."

Jiang Xun has not forgotten his previous promise to Decarabian, so he calmed down. His time was not so tight, and going to the island would not waste much time.

"Great, Jiang Xun is coming to play with us, let's go! Everyone, follow Keli closely."

Keli then led everyone to a toy similar to a children's toy in the park. Jiang Xun could tell at first glance that this thing was not simple, and it seemed to lead to somewhere.

"This is what my mother made for me. You can just go in through this hole!"

Everyone was a little bit incredulous when they heard this. Wasn't this really just something that Klee said casually?

"Jiang Xun, is Keli kidding me?"

Paimeng asked in a low voice. Obviously, even though he knew that Keli was a good kid and would not play tricks on them, he still couldn't help but doubt the truth of what she said.

"Keli was not kidding, this hole is indeed connected to somewhere.

Jiang Xun's explanation dispelled Paimeng and Ying's doubts.

But he still couldn't help but complain.

"Are all the entrances to teleportation spells like this?......Is it weird?"

"That's not the case. After all, this is made by a mother for her daughter, so she naturally has to consider her daughter's preferences."

Jiang Xun didn't think it was strange, it was just human nature.

"As expected of Ms. Alice, she is still so amazing."

Mona was not surprised. As a witch, she knew Alice's character well, so she knew that she would most likely do such a thing.

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